Public Notice No. 9225



Tuesday, January 7, 2025

The Board of County Commissioners of Goshen County, Wyoming met in regular session on the above date at 9:00 am at the Goshen County Courthouse in the Commissioners’ Chambers with the following members present; Chairman Michael McNamee, Vice Chairman Justin Burkart, Commissioner Aaron Walsh, and Mary Feagler, County Clerk and Clerk of the Board.
The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Walsh moved to approve the agenda and the minutes from the December 17th meeting, seconded and passed.
Judge Hibben performed the swearing in of Commissioner Justin Burkart for his second term. Goshen County is fortunate to have his service for another term.
Commissioner Burkart nominated Michael McNamee to remain the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, seconded and passed.

Clerk of Court Brandi Correa presented her December earnings report in the amount of $3,619.50 Commissioner Burkart moved to accept her earnings report, seconded and passed.
County Grant Writer, Hannah Fullmer presented her monthly report and two Grant Resolutions 2025-01 ($5,000.00) for shelving at the library and 2025-02 ($4,961.36) for outdoor lighting, hand dryers and chairs at fairgrounds. Commissioner Burkart moved to adopt the Resolutions, seconded and passed. Commissioner Walsh moved to accept the Grant Writer report, seconded and passed.
County Road and Bridge Superintendent Chris Stoddard, County Surveyor Bob Taylor and County Planner Michael Tietjen presented the Road and Bridge report. Mr. Stoddard reported the small amount of snow received has not added much moisture to the roads and has not required snow clearing. County Planner Michael Tietjen reported that the Planning Commission has approved the two Subdivision Plats that are being presented today. County Surveyor Bob Taylor presented the Subdivision maps for approval. They were the Summer Sky View Subdivision and Westfield 2nd Filing. Commissioner Walsh moved to approve the two subdivisions. Commissioner Walsh moved to accept the Road and Bridge Report, seconded and passed.
County Clerk Mary Feagler presented the earnings report, the warrant report, the employee payroll report and the bond for the County Coroner. The earnings for the month of December were $14,251.00. Commissioner Walsh moved to approve the earnings report, warrant report, employee earnings report, the bond for County Coroner Darin Yates seconded and passed. The following warrants were presented for approval: Employee Payroll 258952.25; The Cincinnati Ins 64899.00; Great West Trust Retirement 1515.00; Oklahoma Centralized Support Registry Garnish 472.23; Wy Child Support Garnish 150.00; Wy NCPERS Life Insurance 32.00; County Clerk Health Ins 98406.68; County Clerk FTD Payroll Liability 73313.82; Wy Dept of Employment-Workforce Svcs 7489.20; Wy Retirement System 58927.67; 911 Supply Uniforms 199.15; AccuScreen Training 350.00; Aircraft Bluebook Supplies 217.57; Barnes Law Crt Appt Atty 2786.60; Benchmark Retain 150.00; Benchmark-CRF Rd Proj 4856.75; Benchmark-GIS Contractor 514.71; Black Hills Energy Utilities 2625.21; Bloedorn LumberRepair/Maint 68.80; Bluffs Facility Sol Janitorial 1652.34; Bomgaars ShopTools/Supplies 1679.80; Capital Business Sys Equip/Repair 629.12; Cash-Wa Dist Dietary 13012.51; CCAW Dues 500.00; Century Business Products Repair 1649.93; Century Lumber Repair/Maint 73.95; CenturyLink Internet 284.79; Charles Sylvester Rd Proj 1760.50; C Wright Grant Exp 69.01; City of Torrington Utility 7243.61; City of Torrington Rd Proj 4906.16; CivicPlus CompProgram 9500.00; Clarke Plumbing Repair/Maint 120.00; CNA Surety Bonds 496.90; Collins Comm Maint/Warr 167.00; Community Hospital HCS 8107.40; Connecting Point Equip/Repair 174.57; Coulson Law Crt Appt Atty 406.50; Culligan Water Supplies 238.35; Deepnet Maint/Warr 2350.00; EGI - Wy State Auditor Health Ins 1401.57; E Boyer Supplies 230.40; Ferguson Signs Grant Exp 12053.50; Flock Restoration Grant Exp 258.00; Frank Parts Repair/Maint 851.77; Galls Uniform 222.99; Max Masters Mapping Contract 4000.00; Go Co Clerk Grant Exp 709.80; Go Co Sheriff Postage 200.00; Go Co Treasurer Postage 38.88; Go Co Treasurer Grant Exp 359.93; Great American Financial Equip/Repair 340.00; Lonnie Luke FD ST/FED 3593.42; H Dittmer Grant Exp 148.15; Herbert Doby PubDef GAL 4000.00; Ideal Linen Janitorial 768.00; James Church Retainer 200.00; K Palfy Grant Exp 563.45; KERM-FM Grant Exp 400.00; Kevin Flock Repair/Maint 169.21; Laramie Co Juvenile Svcs Ctr Placement Svcs 6630.00; Long Building Tech Grant Exp 4003.50; Maid It Clean Maint Svcs 3140.00; M Strong Grant Exp 122.88; Medico-Mart Med/Supplies 7473.49; M Johnson Grant Exp 112.64; Metal Shop ShopTools/Supplies 170.00; Michael Todd Ind Repair/Maint 311.10; NMS Labs Autopsy 246.00; Norma Cantu HCS 1196.25; O'Reilly Repair/Maint 14.99; Office Ally Med/Supplies 39.95; Olson Tire Repair/Maint 6841.37; P&W Grant Exp 8110.00; Print Express Supplies 586.93; Public Defenders Office PubDef 300.00; Quadient Finance Postage 1300.00; Quadient Leasing Equip/Repair 419.80; Russell Business Svcs 8917.13; S Coxbill Travel/Mileage 115.70; SCL Forensics WitnessFee 4450.00; Simply Clean Janitorial 249.06; Skaggs Uniform 432.85; Smith Psychological Svcs Staff Counseling 400.00; Stericycle HCS 64.83; Summit Fire Maintenance 3696.20; TDS Utility 194.00; The Practice After School Program Grant Exp 399.95; T Bozeman FD ST/FED Admin 839.84; Torr Fire Dist FD ST/FED 13203.45; Torr Office Supply Supplies 1297.86; Torr Telegram Publishing 3129.93; Transwest Ford Repair/Maint 54.96; Valley Mercantile Vehicle Repair 1669.70; Valley Motor Repair/Maint 60.50; Vandel Drug HCS 537.72; Verizon Telephone 1715.79; Viaero Grant Exp 108.94; Visa 02 Dues 264.00; Visa 03 Supplies 10.70; Visa 14 ShopTools 632.26; Visa Chase Ink Grant Exp 3746.79; Visa EM Equip/Repair 1353.83; Visa IT Maint/Warr 6535.16; Visa Sheriff Equip/Repair 1816.09; Vistabeam Internet 95.90; Vyve Telephone 2139.23; West Hwy Water Sewer Dist Utility 88.00; WY Bearing & Supply Repair/Maint 120.23; Wy Behavioral Inst Placement Svcs 5278.00; WY DOT Vehicle Repair 560.00; WLEA Training 1831.60; Wy Machinery Repair/Maint 1406.26; Wy Public Health Lab Med/Supplies 83.00; Wy Taxpayers Assn Dues 195.00; X Lazy H Rent 425.00; Yoder Fire Dist FD ST/FED 359539.89; Hometown Auto Vehicle Repair 289.00; MARC Building Maint 393.73; Total Warrants $890,512.63.
Thom Bozeman, Emergency Manager and Fire Warden, presented his report. He recommended the Fire ban be lifted. He did mention that caution should be followed when burning. Commissioner Walsh moved to temporarily lift the fire ban, seconded and passed. Mr. Bozeman presented Resolution 2025-03 for adoption. The grant is from the Wyoming State Forestry Division. It is a match grant for purchasing fire protection equipment and clothing, a Starlink Communications System, and IT equipment ($9,867.66) with a 50% match of funds. Commissioner Burkart moved to adopt Resolution 2025-03, seconded and passed. Commissioner Walsh moved to accept the EM/Fire Warden report, seconded and passed.
The Extension and 4-H, and Ag and Natural Resources Coordinator, Amy Smith and Crystal Zerbe with Centsible Nutrition presented their monthly reports. Commissioner Burkart moved to accept the report, seconded and passed.
Public Health Nurse Kara Palfy presented the Public Health report. Commissioner Walsh moved to accept the report, seconded and passed.
Maintenance Supervisor Kevin Flock presented his report. Commissioner Walsh moved to accept the report, seconded and passed.
The regular meeting adjourned at 10:35 am and interviews for county boards were held after. Those selected will be announced at the next meeting. The next meeting will be Tuesday, January 21st, 2025 at 9:00 am. Per Wyo. Stat. §18-3-516(f), access to the county information can be obtained at or by calling the Clerk’s office (307)532-4051.(approved for publication)

Attest: _______________________________
Mary B. Feagler                              Michael McNamee Chairman
Goshen County Clerk              Goshen County Commission

Public Notice No. 9225 published in The Torrington Telegram on January 22, 2025.