Public Notice No. 9191



Tuesday, December 3, 2024

The Board of County Commissioners of Goshen County, Wyoming met in regular session on the above date at 9:00 am at the Goshen County Courthouse in the Commissioners’ Chambers with the following members present; Chairman Michael McNamee, Vice Chairman Justin Burkart, Commissioner Aaron Walsh, and Mary Feagler, County Clerk and Clerk of the Board.
The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Walsh moved to approve the agenda and the minutes from the November 19th meeting, seconded and passed.
Clerk of Court Brandi Correa presented her November earnings report in the amount of $3,009.00 Commissioner Burkart moved to accept her earnings report, seconded and passed.
County Grant Writer, Hannah Fullmer presented her monthly report Commissioner Burkart moved to accept the Grant Writer report, seconded and passed.
County Road and Bridge Superintendent Chris Stoddard, County Surveyor Bob Taylor and County Planner Michael Tietjen presented the Road and Bridge report. Commissioner McNamee asked if Goshen Solar has applied for a permit. The answer was no. Bob Taylor presented his report and asked if he could bring a subdivision map for approval to the December 17th meeting. County Planner Michael Tietjen reported the planning commission has been reviewing the current wind regulations and recommends updating them. He updated the commissioners on feedlots in the area who are in the process of acquiring permits. The next planning commission meeting will be December 18th. Commissioner Walsh moved to accept the Road and Bridge Report, seconded and passed.
County Clerk Mary Feagler presented the earnings report, the warrant report, and the payroll report. The earnings for the month of September were $11,018.00. Commissioner Walsh moved to accept the reports, seconded and passed. The following warrants were presented for payment: Employee Payroll + Bonus 312582.88; Election Judge Payroll 12753.47; Wy Retirement System 63336.53; County Clerk FTD Payroll Liability 81483.64; Great West Trust Retirement 1515.00; County Clerk FTD Payroll Liability 8652.16; Wy NCPERS Life Ins 32.00; Wy Child Support Garnish 150.00; County Clerk FTD Payroll Liability 45.62; County Clerk Health Ins Acct 95931.78; Absolute Solutions Radio Repair 751.15; Action Comm ShopTools 250.00; ATLAS CPAs & Advisors PLLC Audit 27000.00; B Alexander Supplies 272.52; Barnes Law Crt Appt Atty 4138.00; Benchmark Retainer 150.00; Benchmark-CRF Survey&Engineer 6670.50; Benchmark-GIS Mapping Contract Labor 445.04; Black Hills Energy Utility 1394.50; Bloedorn Lumber Repair/Maint 411.99; Bluffs Facility Sol Janitorial 1091.24; Bomgaars Equip/Repair 158.30; B Simmons Repair/Maint 677.81; Capital Business Sys Supplies 866.45; Cash-Wa Dietary 14415.96; Caterpillar Financial ShopTools 3058.19; Century Business Products Equip 1013.62; Century Lumber Repair/Maint 122.79; CenturyLink Internet 284.79; C Sylvester Gravel 1489.50; C Kenyon Repair/Maint 485.48; C Wright Grant Exp 69.01; City of Torrington Utility 7509.07; City of Torrington Grant Exp 75.00; CNA Surety Bonds&Ins 200.00; CNH Industrial Repair/Maint 685.46; Control Solutions Grant Exp 177.00; Connecting Point Supplies 430.01; Coulson Law Crt Appt Atty 348.00; Creative Info Sys Annual Maint/Warr 4161.00; Culligan Water Supplies 208.15; Dell Equip 6180.68; Dooley Oil Fuel 17859.50; EGI - Wy State Auditor Health Ins 1468.62; E Boyer Atty Fees 597.40; Fastenal ShopTools 359.42; Frank Parts Repair/Maint 1924.17; Galls Uniforms 697.52; Geographic Innovations Mapping 4000.00; GoCo Clerk Grant Exp 719.97; GoCo Road & Bridge Supplies 200.00; GoCo Treasurer Grant Exp 380.13; Great American Fin Equip/Repair 340.00; Hawk Springs Fire Dist FD ST/FED 11263.74; Heartland Embroidery Uniform 52.98; H Dittmer Travel/Mileage 34.17; Herbert Doby 4000.00; High Country Workplace Tech Maint/Warr 14912.80; Hometown Auto Vehicle Repair 1184.00; IAAO Dues 240.00; Ideal Linen Janitorial 661.33; Inland Truck Repair/Maint 1675.62; JD Power Supplies 450.00; K Palfy Grant Exp 806.13; K Brown Atty Fees 355.00; KERM-FM Publishing 400.00; K Flock Repair/Maint 822.08; Legacy Coop Supplies 286.49; L Saucedo Grant Exp 100.73; Maid It Clean Maint Svcs 2876.00; M Strong Grant Exp 32.83; Matthew Bender Supplies 212.10; Medico-Mart Med/Supplies 14279.02; Norma Cantu MD HCS 616.25; Oreilly Repair/Maint 56.93; Office Ally Med/Supplies 39.95; Palen Law Offices Crt Appt Atty 5148.00; Panhandle Auto Repair/Maint 818.27; Pitney Bowes Global Equip/Repair 446.25; Prism Painting Building Maint 300.00; Public Defenders Office Public Def 300.00; Quadient Fin Postage 800.00; Roc Doc Repair/Maint 50.00; S Coxbill Travel/Mileage 76.38; Smith Psychological Svcs Staff Counsel 400.00; Stericycle Grat Exp 252.37; Sun Ridge Tech/Software 1800.00; TDS Utility 194.00; The Practice After School Program Grant Exp 399.95; T Bozeman Equip/Repair 55.76; Torr Ambulance HCS 500.00; Torr Office Supply Supplies 721.55; Torr Telegram Publishing 664.68; Transwest Ford Repair/Maint 20.10; US Postmaster Box Fees 562.00; Valley Motor Repair/Maint 186.65; Vandel Drug HCS 426.24; Verizon Telephone 1715.71; Viaero Grant Exp 108.94; Visa 02 Judge Meal 183.00; Visa 11 Supplies 232.11; Visa 14 Fuel 874.23; Visa 17 Supplies 49.16; Visa Chase Ink Grant Exp 2242.95; Visa EM Grant Exp 7122.86; Visa IT Supplies 2853.67; Visa Sheriff HCS 867.26; Vistabeam Internet 95.90; Vyve Telephone 2412.89; West Hwy Water Sewer Dist Utility 88.00; Wy Behavioral Inst Placement Svcs 1508.00; WY DOT Equip/Repair 10.00; Wy Machinery Repair/Maint 984.68; Wy Public Health Lab Med/Supplies 158.00; Wy State Fire Advisory Board Dues 500.00; X Lazy H Rent 425.00; Yoder Fire Dist FD ST/FED 341320.49; ZoHo Corp Maint/Warr 8140.00; y Dept of Employment-Workforce Svcs 9310.19; IAAO Dues 240.00; Specialized Pathology Autopsy 1360.00; Total Warrants $1,142,504.41
Thom Bozeman, Emergency Manager and Fire Warden, presented his report. The Fire ban remains in place. He presented the EMPG Grant in the amount of $43,656.00 for approval. This covers salary expenses only. Commissioner Walsh moved to accept the EM/Fire Warden report, seconded and passed.
Maintenance Supervisor Kevin Flock reported the price of the requested snow plow had increased by $600. The commissioners agreed to go ahead with the approved purchase at the increased amount. Commissioner Walsh moved to accept the report, seconded and passed.

The Commissioners had a Zoom meeting with Craig Hall of Nextlink about a wireless internet project his company is bringing to Goshen County. He asked for a letter of support from the County Commissioners as they move forward with the project.
The Budget Amendment hearing had the following Amendments:
Department: Expense Income Purpose
County Clerk $925 $925 unanticipated grant
Road & Bridge $3000 $3000 telephone omitted in budget
Road & Bridge projects $50000 $50000 unanticipated income/expense
Emergency Manager $40643 $40643 unanticipated grant
Emergency Manager $34360 $34360 unanticipated grant
Emergency Manager $12231 $12231 unanticipated grant
Emergency Manager $23151 $23151 unanticipated grant
Emergency Manager $5424 $5424 unanticipated grant
Emergency Manager $8121 $8121 unanticipated grant
Emergency Manager $2400 $2400 Equip/Repair
Emergency Manager $4572 $4572 unanticipated grant
Commissioner Burkart moved to approve the budget amendments, seconded and passed.
The regular meeting adjourned at 10:47 am. The next meeting will be Tuesday, December 17th, 2024 at 9:00 am. Per Wyo. Stat. §18-3-516(f), access to the county information can be obtained at or by calling the Clerk’s office (307)532-4051.(approved for publication)

Attest: _______________________________

Mary B. Feagler Goshen County Clerk


Michael McNamee Chairman Goshen County Commission

Public Notice No. 9191 published in The Torrington Telegram on December 13, 2024.