December 6 – 10 emergency services log

Posted 1/3/25

04:00 – Hazard – traffic, ped, etc. – Occurred on US Highway 85, three horses out on the highway, one on east side and two on west side. Driver almost hit them going northbound. …

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December 6 – 10 emergency services log


04:00 – Hazard – traffic, ped, etc. – Occurred on US Highway 85, three horses out on the highway, one on east side and two on west side. Driver almost hit them going northbound.  Disposition: completed. 

08:06 – Motor vehicle accident – Occurred on E Merriam St. truck vs. SUV/westbound land/one occupant stuck in vehicle. Disposition: completed.

08:08 – Welfare check – Occurred on Hillcrest Dr. employee has not shown up to work in a couple of days, RP cannot get ahold of employee they have tried calling and emailing employee no answer. Call RP and let RP know. Disposition: completed.

08:40 – Traffic complaints – speed, reckless etc., – Occurred at State Highway 92/HWY 85, truck passed in no passing zone. Westbound/ Nebraska plates turning southbound US HWY 85. Disposition: completed.

08:46 – Animal call – Occurred on Main St. kitten has been trying to get into RPs house/has a collar on but no tags/collar is too small/calico type cat, white with reddish type patch on it. Disposition: animals impounded/disposed of. 

10:20 – Scam calls, monetary / computer fraud – Occurred on E J St. RP states that RP ripped off $11,000 for a boiler/would like file a report and talk to someone. 

10:34 – Suspicious circumstances – Occurred on Lupine Dr. please give a PX/Missing three packages/delivered last Thursday/doorbell camera caught delivery, but packages are gone and doorbell did not pick up the theft/RP advised second delivery was made two hours later that date but the first packages were already gone/RP advised none of the neighbors saw anything. Disposition: report required.

11:22 – Any civil problem – Occurred on US Highway 26-85, RP is in the lobby and would like to speak with a deputy reference setting up a civil standby to be vehicle. Disposition: completed.

12:48 – Assist the public – Occurred on E 22nd Ave. wanting to speak to arresting office from DV arrest/has questions regarding both parties fighting. Disposition: completed.

13:07 – Welfare check – Occurred on Hope Rd. has not heard from parent for the six days, phone goes straight to voicemail. RP would like a call back. Disposition: completed.

13:07 – Suspicious circumstances – Officer initiated activity at E 3rd St, Lingle. Student told another that if student doesn’t do what they want they will release photos of them. Disposition: completed.

13:09 – Suspicious circumstances – Occurred on N Lawton Ave. several people wearing black coats with company name on the back, going door to door. Disposition: completed.

15:42 – Suspicious circumstances – Occurred on Main St. gas drive off $25.01/dark blue Jeep renegade Colorado plates/eastbound to Torrington.  Disposition: completed.

16:00 – Assist the public – Occurred on E 17th Ave. would like information on restraining order against sibling/RP states that sibling has sent strange individuals to house before and RP is worried that individual will have people trying to break in/rambling on about sibling being a drug addict and having strange individuals over. Disposition: completed.

17:01 – Hit confirmation NCIC / Wyoming warrants etc. – Occurred on E B St. send hit confirmation to Cambell County. Disposition: completed.

17:04 – Suspicious circumstances – Occurred on Laramie St. RP states that RP believes they have a nurse that is giving residents medications to sedate them during shift. Disposition: report required. 

17:26 – Any type of death call – Occurred on E G St. individual wasn’t answering and is deceased in the bathroom. Disposition: report required. 

17:59 – Motorist assist – Occurred on US Highway 85. 2008 dark blue Chevy Malibu / lost power to vehicle / 911 call disconnected / cannot ping phone. Disposition: completed. 

18:18 – Lost animal calls – Occurred on Loma Vista Rd. missing black lab and a black and white Pyrenees, black dog is wearing purple collar other dog is not wearing a collar. Disposition: completed.

18:21 – Reddi – Occurred on Wyoming State Highway 151. RP states car is swerving/Subaru Outback grayish green/pulled over now/were going SB. Disposition: completed.

19:07 – Officers court papers other than warrants – Occurred on E B St. RP said that deputies have been trying to serve papers but PR is in Cheyenne, wants to know if RP can pick up the papers in Cheyenne at their SO. Disposition: completed.

20:44 – Medical aid – Occurred on E F St. in pain and can’t breathe very well. Disposition: completed.

20:47 – Suspicious circumstances – Occurred on W C St. smells marijuana throughout building heavily would like officers to come check it out. Disposition: completed.

01:22 – Suspicious circumstances – Occurred on Ridge Rd, old individual looks lost walking north bound. RP believes individual calling out of help, subject on foot wearing unknown color shirt and pants. Disposition: completed.

04:51 – Lost animal calls – Occurred on Loma Vista Rd. black lab and white and black Pyrenes dogs out again. Disposition: completed.

05:42 – Traffic stops – Officer initiated activity at E D St, Torrington. Disposition: warning for any traffic or other.

09:46 – Suspicious circumstances – Occurred on E 22nd Ave. RP has concerns about as has received some concerning text from/call the and the is not there. Disposition: completed.

10:14 – Welfare check – Officer initiated activity at E F St, Torrington. has not seen or heard from since last Wednesday. Disposition: completed.

12:31 – Traffic stops – Officer initiated activity at Main St/Valley Rd, Torrington. Train stopped at intersection. Disposition: completed.

12:57 – Follow-up on incident or case – Officer initiated activity at E 20th Ave, Torrington. Case. Disposition: completed.

12:58 – Follow-up on incident or case – Officer initiated activity at W 20TH Ave, Torrington. Disposition: completed.

13:18 – Assist the public – Officer initiated activity at W C St, Torrington. Cat adoption. Disposition: completed.

14:35 – Follow-up on incident or case – Officer initiated activity at W C St, Torrington. Case. Disposition: report required. 

14:47 – Traffic stops – Officer initiated activity at W C St, Torrington. Disposition: warning for any traffic or other. 

14:51 – Follow-up on incident or case – Officer initiated activity at Platte River Schools, W C St, Torrington. Disposition: completed.

15:08 – Suspicious circumstances – Occurred on W C St. Rp said someone got into house and took drills. Disposition: report required.

15:41– Assist other agency – Occurred on Road 55 F. in possession of and needs it picked up/call before going so they have someone able to get it/has packet as well but can email if needed. Disposition: completed.

16:42 – Suspicious circumstances – Occurred on E 22nd Ave. RP received a phone call from someone pretending to be/would like to talk to an officer about it. Disposition: completed.

16:49 – Found property report – Occurred on E 22nd Ave. someone dropped off a wallet with in our mailbox/has debit card with a name of on it. 

17:00 – Welfare check – Occurred on E H St. RP woke up from a nap and is gone/will be driving a bal unk/thinks may have went grocery shopping but it is unlike to just leave without telling. Disposition: completed.

17:08 – Lost property – Occurred on E 22nd Ave. Found property. Disposition: report required.

17:12 – Traffic stops – Officer initiated activity at E 21ST Ave/E B St, Torrington. Disposition: completed.

17:14 – Structure fire – Occurred at Cobblestone Hotel on Main St. fire system is alarming company.  Disposition: completed.

19:00 – Extra patrol – Occurred at Platte River Schools on W C St. has been lurking around when cleaning crew is there/would like expat for the safety of the cleaning crew as well. Disposition: completed.

19:18 – 911 call (abandoned, open line, etc.) – Occurred on E 22nd Ave. hang up call, tried calling back comes back to a fax machine. Disposition: completed.

21:38 – Disturbance – Occurred on Campbell Dr. becoming combative in. Disposition: completed.

23:32 – 911 call (abandoned, open line, etc.) – Occurred on E K St. RP stated phone told to call this number, 911. Disposition: completed.

01:09 – Suspicious circumstances – Occurred on Main St. someone banging on RP’s door. Disposition: completed.

05:41 – Traffic stops – Officer initiated activity at E G St, Torrington. Disposition: warning for any traffic or other. 

06:19 – Animal call –Occurred on Main St. cow out on highway/six of them. Disposition: completed.

06:28 – Motor vehicle accident – Occurred on Wyoming State Highway 156. Driver hit cow. Disposition: completed.

07:47 – Traffic stops – Officer initiated activity at E M St, Torrington. Disposition: warning for any traffic or other. 

08:10 – Log Information – Occurred on W C St. radio channel is being used for training/so if you hear any strange coming through, disregard. 

09:26 – Scam calls, monetary / computer fraud – Occurred on Alta Vista Rd. RP has information about identity theft that happened/would like to speak to an officer. Disposition: completed.