I’ve been asked, “Joyce, how do you live the Christian life?” My answer surprises a lot of people. I tell them, “You can’t live the Christian life.” I then say, …
My car was noisy with much chatter. My two buddies and I were headed to Lusk to help with Bible Adventure Days. When I have these guys around, there is never a dull moment and tonight was no …
My name is Peggy. I am a true Peggy, not a Margaret. I am the youngest of four. Two biological sisters, and a brother that came to us another route. I refer to myself as a blessed …
If someone asked you if you love your life, what would you say? It seems most people would say they don’t love their life. But as believers in Christ, we can learn to love the life we have. …
How do you feel about your life? Would you say you love it? Or do you just get through each day, enduring the things you don’t want to do, putting up with the things that frustrate you, wishing …
After I became a Christian, there were many years when I had no victory in my everyday life. I was miserable because I still had wounds in my soul from the past that made me insecure, angry, …
My mind is blank. Lord, I don’t know what you want me to say. I don’t have a story or a memory. I have prayed about what you would have me to say, and it seems as if you today, that you …
Have you noticed that some Christians are never happy or satisfied? They always have a long face and they’re constantly talking about their problems and circumstances. They have a lifeless, …
I have been going to physical therapy. If you have ever been before, you just sighed and shook your head. If you haven’t been before, you have no idea what that means! On my first …
Are you fighting a battle right now? I believe we all have battles to fight at different times in life. But I want to encourage you. Whatever you may be facing today know that, in Christ, you are …
We just “went through” our first major winter calving storm as retired ranchers. Loved all the comments about us not having to care or worry anymore! I kind of chuckled as folks mentioned …
Peace is an amazing gift God offers us. I know what it’s like to live without peace—upset most of the time, anxious, fearful, and worried. It’s miserable! Since I’ve …
For many years my mom made banana bread. I would love to know how many loaves went through her oven and out her door into the hands of folks that needed a little “pick me up.” Baking was …
Worrying is a natural response in many situations, and I’ve wasted many days getting caught up in it. I thought that was a normal way to live. But through the years, God has helped me end my …
Some of you would disagree when I say there are good things about social media. I agree that it has its positive and negative aspects, but one thing that I love about Facebook is the memory section. …
The Bible talks about bearing good fruit and how that is God’s purpose for our lives. For example, in John 15:5, Jesus says, “I am the Vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in …
A sad day at our house today. I took our stadium seats out of the car which means one thing, basketball season is over. We have left the seats in the car since school started as we travelled to …
Over the years, I’ve spoken with a lot of people who have gotten stuck in their place of pain. Whether they were abused as a child or suffered from other disappointments in life, they allowed …
hree years ago I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. After months and months of testing and testing, the day finally came when we had an answer. It wasn’t a good answer, but it was an answer. I started meds and the adventure began.
Whether you realize it or not, your thoughts, words, and attitudes have a tremendous impact on your relationships.