Regional Sisters in Christ gathering focuses on trust

Lisa Phelps
Posted 12/4/24

WHEATLAND – A few years ago, a gathering of a group believers to encourage and pray for one another has turned into a traditional Sisters in Christ event, drawing over a hundred women from …

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Regional Sisters in Christ gathering focuses on trust


WHEATLAND – A few years ago, a gathering of a group believers to encourage and pray for one another has turned into a traditional Sisters in Christ event, drawing over a hundred women from around the region. The event, held on Nov. 23 in Wheatland, focused on trusting God.

Intermixing fellowship, breakfast, worship, prayer and “flower power” icebreaker discussions, speakers Carolyn Lewis of Torrington, Katie Knez of Wheatland, and Peggy DesEnfants of Yoder shared their testimonies of trusting God.

Lewis shared how her experience of a parachuting adventure at the age of 80, gave her a new perspective on trusting God. “He’s got my back,” she said, adding, things go much smoother in her life when she lets go of the strings of control and trusts God to guide situations in her life. “Some of the things we do in our life as an adventure really brings us closer to Him,” she said.

Knez shared how she is continually learning how to trust God even while life takes its twists and turns she never expected. She shared how those heartbreaking changes have helped her and her husband learn to trust God and grow in their faith. “Change is hard, but stay in your word. Change can be painful, but you can look forward, trusting God.”

DesEnfants, in her lighthearted way, shared humorous stories from her life’s experience of how she has found that trust takes time, and it takes effort. “It takes time to learn the character of who God is….and if something is important, we make the time for it. You can serve him in your work, at a ballgame, or wherever you are.”

“I am thankful God loved me enough to let me struggle through [some hard things because I learned how to trust Him more,” she added.

The theme for the day was based on Proverbs 3:5 “trust in the Lord with all your heart…” and Psalm 133:1 “Dwell together in unity.”

The stated mission of Sisters in Christ is to “encourage women from all walks of life, regardless of church affiliation, who are willing to seek and know Jesus as Lord and Savior, to come together to honor and glorify God.”
Anyone interested in participating next year can keep an eye on advertisements in early November, or on their Facebook page.