City of Torrington )
County of Goshen )
State of Wyoming )
The Torrington City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, June 2, 2020 in the City Council Chambers at 436 East 22nd Ave. at 7:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Adams, Council Members Hill, Kinney and Law. Also Present: Clerk/Treasurer Strecker, Attorney Eddington, Director of Public Works Harkins, Interim Chief of Police Matthews and Deputy City Clerk Anaya.
Mayor Adams called the meeting to order. He announced that the Council meeting is being broadcasted live by KGOS/KERM.
Clerk/Treasurer Strecker led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Adams led the session with informational announcements on the following items: 1. Resuming normal meetings; 2. Asking for continued support for all businesses; 3. Thanking all City employees that assisted in getting the cemetery ready for Memorial Day; 4. Community assistance in property clean-up/beautification efforts; 5. Progress on projects within the City; 6. July 4th Fireworks Display; 7. Park restroom closure/baseball program updates; 8. Swimming pool update; 9. Information regarding Wyoming Business Council grants for businesses harmed by the economic shut-down and 10. Update pertaining to the two open City Council seats.
Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to approve the consent agenda which includes the minutes from the 05-05-20 Council meeting as amended, and the minutes from the 05-19-20 Council meeting as published and all actions therein be ratified. Motion carried unanimously.
Councilman Law moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Betty Dungan addressed the Mayor and Council. She asked them to reconsider the contract with Diversified Services, Inc. for cleaning services at the Torrington Police Department for the upcoming Fiscal Year that will commence on 07-01-20. Ms. Dungan stated that she is the legal guardian of the individual that currently provides those cleaning services and indicated that he was really affected by the news that the contract will be terminated as of 06-30-20. Mayor Adams commented that the contract was terminated due to budget cuts and stated that finalizing the budget for the upcoming Fiscal Year has been an incredibly difficult task. Ms. Dungan indicated that compensation is not the issue; the self-worth that is achieved by providing those cleaning services is what matters. Councilwoman Hill stated that she did not want to see this particular contract cut from the upcoming budget and offered to forego her Councilperson compensation to make it possible for the contract to continue in the upcoming Fiscal Year. Mayor Adams commented that the City will look into every option available regarding the continuation of the contract and indicated that he will follow-up with Ms. Dungan accordingly.
Mayor Adams stated that Jeniffer Murphy and Grant Jones with the Torrington Tiger Legion Baseball Program requested that the City officially name the Legion Baseball Field at the Sports Complex Bullock Field or Dean Bullock Field. He indicated that the request is unclear as to which of the two names is going to be utilized. Mayor Adams commented that Ms. Murphy and Mr. Jones would like the field to be officially named so that the support and contribution of the Bullock family to the baseball community is publicly recognized. Councilwoman Hill inquired if the approval of the request needs to specify which of the two field names will be used. Attorney Eddington responded that the Mayor and Council can approve the request subject to one of the two options previously listed being utilized and ratify the final decision at the 06-16-20 Council meeting. Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to approve the official naming of the Legion Baseball Field at the Sports Complex Bullock Field or Dean Bullock Field as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Clerk/Treasurer Strecker presented for consideration the reinstatement of late payment fees that were previously suspended with the approval of Resolution No. 2020-6. She indicated that the resolution authorized the temporary suspension of late payment fees until further notice. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker commented that late payment fees provide revenue to the City totaling approximately $6, 000.00 per month and stated that the City will continue to lose that revenue until those fees are reinstated. She indicated that she wanted to present the reinstatement of the fees for discussion and consideration as the reinstatement of those fees is strictly up to the discretion of the Mayor and Council. Councilwoman Hill inquired how many total customers receive late payment fees per month. Deputy City Clerk Anaya responded that the total number of customers ranges anywhere from 300-400 per month. Councilman Law asked about the collection ratio of the late payment fees and in specific if City staff is successful in recovering the payment of those fees imposed. Deputy City Clerk Anaya replied that month end procedures which include the discontinuation of utilities for non-payment ensures a high collection rate. Councilman Kinney inquired if utility bills are being paid by the individual or if individuals are receiving assistance. Deputy City Clerk Anaya responded that there have been some payments made by churches and anonymous donors, but that for the most part, the individuals themselves have been making the payments. She stated that Kyle Borger with Goshen HELP also recently inquired what the City’s situation was in regards to delinquent customers because his office was not receiving many requests for assistance. Councilman Law commented that he is concerned about the individuals that are struggling, but that at the same time, the City is struggling with its budget as well, therefore the City needs to maintain the best feasible position possible. Councilman Law moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to approve the reinstatement of late payment fees as presented. Voting aye Adams, Kinney and Law, nay Hill, motion carried.
Director of Public Works (DPW) Harkins presented for approval Amendment No. 8 to the Agreement for Professional Services with Inberg-Miller Engineers (IME) for the Landfill #2 New Cell Design & Permit Renewal Project. He stated that the purpose of the amendment is for IME to continue to provide the required well monitoring, testing and state reporting to the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WYDEQ), and engineering and testing services in support of closure activities of Cell #13. The proposed amendment will extend the agreement to 06-30-21. DPW Harkins indicated that the permit for Cell #13 will expire at the end of August and commented that landfill placement into Cell #14 will begin at that time. He stated that once the placement is complete, City staff will begin to work on the preliminary cap of Cell #13 followed by the installation of the water balance cover for that cell. DPW Harkins commented that all of the previously listed work will require engineering and testing services provided by IME to make sure that WYDEQ accepts the final product. Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Law seconded to approve Amendment No. 8 to the Agreement for Professional Services with Inberg-Miller Engineers (IME) as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Director of Public Works (DPW) Harkins presented the bid results for the West C Street – Highway 26 to 50’ s/o 26th Avenue Project. He stated staff recommended awarding the bid to STC Construction of Cheyenne, Wyoming in the amount of $409, 637.00 and reserve $40, 363.00 (9.85%) for contingency for a project total of $450, 000.00. DPW Harkins commented that the bid award will be contingent on the review of the bids and agreement with the award recommendation by the Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT). He indicated that WYDOT staff advised the City that they have to go to the next Transportation Commission meeting for official approval. That meeting is scheduled to be held on 06-18-20. DPW Harkins stated that there is already a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between WYDOT and the City in place for the reconstruction of West C Street, therefore both WYDOT staff and City staff are anticipating favorable results from the Transportation Commission meeting. He commented that the project consists of reconstructing the full width of West C Street from Highway 26 to 50’ south of 26th Avenue with 4 inches of asphalt on 6 inches of crushed base material. DPW Harkins indicated that a bid opening was held on 05-27-20 for the project and four contractors submitted bids in conformance with the bidding requirements. The low bid from STC Construction was $174, 132.80 (29.8%) under the engineer’s estimate of $583, 769.80. DPW Harkins stated that the project must be substantially complete on or before 08-21-20. Councilman Law moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to award the bid to STC Construction of Cheyenne, Wyoming in the amount of $409, 637.00 and reserve $40, 363.00 (9.85%) for contingency for a project total of $450, 000.00 as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Eddington read by title AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPROPRIATION OF MONEY BY THE CITY OF TORRINGTON, WYOMING, TO MEET ITS GENERAL FUND REQUIREMENTS AND OBLIGATIONS, TO MEET ITS ENTERPRISE FUND REQUIREMENTS AND OBLIGATIONS, FOR THE 2021 FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING JULY 1, 2020 AND FIXING THE SUM TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker stated that this has been a very challenging budget year. She reviewed the budget balances as of 05-29-20. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker indicated that at that time, the general fund balance after transfers was -$214, 000.00. She commented that in continuing to work with department heads, the budget was cut even further and indicated that as of 06-02-20, the general fund balance after transfers has reduced to -$7, 600.00. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker stated that the budget is getting really close to where it needs to be and commented that more discussion will take place at the budget work session that will be held on 06-10-20. She indicated that she was recently informed that the Property and Casualty Insurance premium is going to increase by 23% and commented that she has a meeting scheduled with the City’s account executive to discuss options to minimize the increase. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker stated that the administrative fee allocation will be updated when the budget is balanced and indicated that other pending items include a final decision on the swimming pool and a possible budget reduction from the Goshen County Information Technology Department. She commented that if the swimming pool is going to open this season, an additional $30, 000.00 needs to be added back into the budget. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker stated that balancing the budget to zero means that there will be no reserve in the general fund. She indicated that she would like to have a positive balance in the general fund just in case something were to happen unexpectedly, therefore it needs to be decided what amount will be carried over. Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to approve the FY 21 budget on second reading as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
The bills from 05-20-20 to 06-02-20 were presented for payment. Councilman Law moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to approve the bills for payment as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Adams asked for public comments, questions or concerns.
Councilman Kinney stated that he was asked by a patron why the City is publishing the minutes of Council meetings in their entirety rather than only publishing Mayor and Council action. He indicated that he was not able to answer the question posed by the individual and asked Attorney Eddington to comment on the matter. Attorney Eddington replied that state statute requires the minutes of the meetings to be published. Historically, publishing the minutes of the meetings in their entirety which includes the action item, discussion and the vote is the format that has been followed. He commented that minutes are not defined in the statute and stated that he and City staff can research the topic further and look into the possibility of slimming the minutes down. Attorney Eddington stated that what is really needed in this regard is for the legislature to change that law and allow the minutes to be posted on the internet. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker indicated that in the past, the City was scrutinized for not including enough detail in the minutes. She commented that the bills that are approved for payment at the meetings are required to be included in the minutes, and stated that the format that is followed for the actual minutes themselves is up to the discretion of the Clerk/Treasurer and the governing body. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker indicated that if the Mayor and Council want City staff to change the way the minutes are being recorded, that can definitely be done. Attorney Eddington stated that because minutes are not defined in the statute, the format that is followed is a process that is defined internally. He reiterated that complaints received in the past stating that not enough detail was being included in the minutes changed the internal process which explains why the minutes are now being recorded in a more elaborate manner. Councilman Kinney commented that he understands that the City wants to keep the public informed, but that the cost of doing that is becoming extremely expensive, therefore additional options need to be pursued. He indicated that he would like City staff to begin exploring options as to how to compact the meeting minutes and save money after 07-01-20.
Councilwoman Hill reminded everyone that graduation ceremonies for Goshen County will be held on 06-13-20.
Councilwoman Hill thanked all law enforcement, fire department and ambulance crews for doing all that they do to continue to keep the community safe.
Councilman Kinney moved and Councilwoman Hill seconded that there being no further business to come before the Mayor and Council to adjourn at 8:03 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
The following bills were approved for payment: 68502 NCPERS GROUP LIFE INS payroll withholding 160.00;68503 CITY OF TORRINGTON payroll withholding 491.22;68504 DENT, DAVID A. Golf Pro Payable 990.10;68505 FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY payroll withholding 235.97;68506 GOSHEN CO DISTRICT COURT CLERK payroll withholding 100.00;68507 GREAT-WEST TRUST CO LLC payroll withholding 2536.00;68508 NEW YORK LIFE payroll withholding 369.37;68509 SOUTH TORRINGTON WATER & SEWER DISTRICT museum-water/sewer 88.13;68510 STANDARD INSURANCE CO premium-long term disability 2102.30;68511 TORRINGTON EMPLOYEES INSURANCE select flex contributions 2584.62;68512 WASHINGTON NATIONAL INSURANCE CO payroll withholding 32.70;68513 WY CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT payroll withholding 262.61;68514 WY DEPT OF REVENUE sales tax 17240.51; 68515 TORRINGTON TIGERS BASEBALL 2020 Gold Sponsorship 250.00;68516 CENTURY 21 BELL REAL ESTATE deposit refund 216.89;68517 ARROW ELECTRIC OF TORRINGTON outlet, in-use cover, electrical work 1568.00;68518 ALLEN, JAMES R. repairs 606.00;68519 AMERICAN SEWER PARTS AND CLEANING INC. extension pole, catcher 424.87;68520 ATCO INTERNATIONAL gallon pails, deodorizer 691.50;68521 AXON ENTERPRISE INC. usb kit, cartridges 324.50;68522 BACKFLOW PREVENTION SUPPLY INC. backflow prevention kits/repair parts, dc assy/back flow 604.34;68523 BENCHMARK OF TORRINGTON P.C. reconstruction-Frontage Road water line 2564.76;68524 BLACKBURN MANUFACTURING CO electrical locate flags 97.63;68525 BLOEDORN LUMBER CO-TORRINGTON union/plugs, lawn spreader, free weed/ feed, sander, tank sprayer, cedar, cut off risers, paint, FIP tee, paint pails, container lids, clamps, wall louver, insulation, blade knife, elbows, couplings, bushing, connectors, chain 726.35;68526 BOMGAARS SUPPLY INC. generator, pet toy, mouse trap, ant bait, cat litter, fuel nozzle, sprayer, trowels, seat covers, chain, oil, pto pins, bushing, spray bottles, funnel 1128.52;68527 BORDER STATES INDUSTRIES INC. fire resistant clothing, meter bases/hub, caps, ground rods 2094.89;68528 CITYSERVICEVALCON LLC jet fuel 1901.79; 68529 CITY OF TORRINGTON refund 47.62;68530 ABSOLUTE SOLUTIONS programming/verification, remote mic 537.00;68531 CONTRACTORS MATERIALS INC. paint, marking wand 146.75;68532 CRONK, MORRIS D. check/repair AC 250.00;68533 CUMMINS INC. repl vent lines, thermostat, coolant, repairs 747.28;68534 DECKER, STEVE oil, barrier, weed killer, prem, amino, fertilizer, growth regulators, insecticide, mound clay 12195.00;68535 DENT, DAVID A. membership dues reimb 495.00;68536 DURR UNIVERSAL INC. air filters 816.96;68537 ELECTRO-TEST & MAINT INC. transformer/recloser field services 8870.00; 68538 EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUCTS INC. thermometers 219.98;68539 FASTENAL CO tape, shirts 59.53;68540 G & L CONCRETE concrete 942.50;68541 GREAT GARDENS INC. tee box beautification 67.86;68542 GUARDIAN SAFETY & SUPPLY LLC gloves 81.61;68543 HACH CO dispenser plus powder, colorimeters 1641.00;68544 HICKEY & EVANS LLP PCA factor filing 27.00;68545 INBERG-MILLER ENGINEERS cell design/permit renewal 3589.24;68546 J - BUILT HOMES INC. Pro Shop Golf Cart Parking Project 23408.00;68547 L I E A P - STATE OF WY credit refund 397.32;68548 L N CURTIS & SONS TVFD custom jackets/pants 5190.00;68549 MANUFACTURERS EDGE INC. motor, pump tube 1062.71;68550 MASID CHEVROLET CO repl air bag coil in steering column 419.81;68551 MOOREHOUSE INC. couplers, primer, glue, mulch, pvc pipe 330.00;68552 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS INC. radios w/ add-ons 4229.83; 68553 NORTHWEST PIPE FITTINGS INC. curb stops/boxes, restraint gland packs, adapters, couplings, freight 5453.32;68554 ENVIRO SERVICES INC. lab analysis 30.00;68555 THE L L JOHNSON DIST CO quick shut/service assys, seal kits, flag key/tool, angled blade, spacers, caps 2678.84;68556 PETERBILT OF WY repairs 2005.01;68557 PRINT EXPRESS INC. COVID-19 floor decals, ups 194.61;68558 QUADIENT FINANCE USA INC. postage 730.80;68559 QUADIENT LEASING USA INC. postage machine lease contract 406.50; 68560 VALLEY MOTOR SUPPLY clamps, batteries, air/fuel/oil filters, lube, regulator, hyd/washer fluid, terminal wp, solenoid, air cleaners, adapter, belts, toggle switch, truck flaps, threaded rod, u-joint 1228.99; 68561 QUILL LLC canned air, febreze, highlighters, flags, datastick, usb drive 158.60;68562 TEAM LABORATORY CHEMICAL LLC weed killer 453.00;68563 SOUTHWESTERN EQUIPMENT CO garbage truck rollers 255.00;68564 TORRINGTON FIRE DEPT professional services 800.00;68565 TORRINGTON OFFICE SUPPLY hole punches, notary stamp, envelopes, mop refills, cartridge, cd-r discs, file folders w/ fasteners, labels, marker, highlighters, copy paper 317.31;68566 TRIHYDRO CORP WWTP Project 14028.74;68567 CENTURYLINK TVFD phone, data lines 2877.20;68568 VALLEY COLLISION repl bumper end cap 424.50; 68569 VERIZON WIRELESS cell phones, data-tablets/laptops, cameras 1502.62;68570 DIAMOND VOGEL PAINTS paint machine lubricant 7.10;68571 WY RETIREMENT SYSTEMS Torr Vol EMT Pension 45.00; 68572 WY RETIREMENT SYSTEMS retirement 60814.44;68573 WY DEPT OF WORKFORCE SERVICES workers compensation 16023.35;68574 YAMAHA MOTOR CORPORATION USA lease agreement 9900.00; 68575 ZIPLOCAL phone book ad 190.80;68576 WOOD, JONATHAN M. deposit refund 160.37;68577 SURBER, PAM room rental fee refund 75.00;68578 VEENSTRA, ERIKA J. deposit refund 52.33;68579 LOUTH, WESTON deposit refund 31.41;68580 WEIMER, MELISSA room rental fee refund 200.00
Public Notice No. 7439 published in the Torrington Telegram June 12, 2020.