Local couple lends hand in North Carolina

Amber Wolfington
Posted 1/24/25

TORRINGTON – Shawn and Mary Ragan of Torrington recently returned from a two-month trip to North Carolina, where they worked with Baptists on Mission to build homes for residents who lost …

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Local couple lends hand in North Carolina


TORRINGTON – Shawn and Mary Ragan of Torrington recently returned from a two-month trip to North Carolina, where they worked with Baptists on Mission to build homes for residents who lost theirs in hurricanes and other devastating storms. They joined a rotating group of up to ten other volunteers to complete new construction projects, with Shawn focusing on construction work and Mary preparing meals for the volunteers. This was a return trip for the Ragans, who have participated in similar disaster relief efforts in North Carolina over the past few years.

North Carolina Baptists on Mission have been deploying teams across the state to the hardest-hit areas, utilizing state-allocated funds. With the involvement of state emergency response offices, high-priority needs were identified, enabling Baptists on Mission groups to focus on repairs and new construction where they were most needed. On this trip, the Ragans contributed to new construction efforts.

When asked what motivated them to travel to North Carolina and take on the difficult task of building houses, Shawn said, “What drives me is that I enjoy doing it. It’s the heart of who we are. If you want to serve, you serve.” The Ragans are no strangers to service. In Torrington, they are active members of Lifeway Church, helping in its food pantry and assisting with practical needs in the community. They have also participated in disaster relief efforts in Texas, Mexico, Haiti, and other locations through Baptists on Mission and Samaritan’s Purse. On a recent trip, they worked with a Methodist disaster relief group. As Shawn explained, “Missions are here, down the road, and wherever you are. There are so many hurting people.”

Mary shared one of the most fulfilling aspects of their work is building relationships with other volunteers and, when possible, with the residents of the areas where they serve. “When you work toward a common goal, you become so close with the other volunteers. We’re like family,” she said. The Ragans also noted many of the people they meet have experienced losses beyond property. “You hear their stories,” Shawn said, “and you become a counselor.”

The Ragans emphasized their faith both motivates and sustains them in their efforts to help others. “Jesus was a carpenter, but 1 Peter also describes Jesus as the Chief Cornerstone. As I build a house, I see how the foundation must be laid correctly so that it can support the whole building. For us, Jesus is that foundation we build our lives on,” Shawn said.