EWC staff address maintenance issues

Amber Wolfington
Posted 1/17/25

By Amber Wolfington

Contributing Writer

TORRINGTON – The Eastern Wyoming College (EWC) Board of Trustees met on Tuesday, January 14, for a work session followed by the regular monthly …

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EWC staff address maintenance issues


TORRINGTON – The Eastern Wyoming College (EWC) Board of Trustees met on Tuesday, January 14, for a work session followed by the regular monthly board meeting. Present at the meeting were chairman Jackie Van Mark and board members Rick Vonburg, Katherine Patrick, Randy Adams, Robert Baumgartner, Doug Mercer, Kurt Sittner, and Jim Willox. Chairman Van Mark called the meeting to order, and the board approved the meeting agenda.

After the minutes and agenda were approved, Dr. Jeffery Hawes presented his president’s report. He informed the trustees the college was preparing to respond to reporting requirements regarding “Gainful employment and transparency.” 

Hawes summarized the initiative as ensuring “we are helping students track the value of education.” Specifically, for students borrowing federal funds, the Department of Education mandates counseling on student loan costs and realistic income projections for various degrees. Hawes emphasized the importance of offering valuable degree programs which enable graduates to earn more than they could without a degree. He also informed the board the college was re-announcing the human resources director position, noting it has historically been challenging to fill.

Vice president Patrick Korell and facilities maintenance director Tom Popilek then provided updates on maintenance projects, emphasizing both current needs and preventative maintenance. 

Korell reported he had recently addressed requests for information on facility square footage, detailing the proportions used for educational purposes versus leased spaces. He also mentioned the maintenance department was evaluating the need for a new generator, potentially funded partially by a grant.

Director Popilek reviewed completed projects, including adding carpet in compliance with ADA requirements and replacing outdated lighting with energy-efficient LED lights across campus, including the fitness center and parking lot. He also discussed efforts to obtain and centralize necessary certifications. Additionally, he presented photographs highlighting unresolved issues, such as outdated HVAC units, deteriorating boiler joints, and pipe blockages. He urged the board to prioritize restoring or replacing these units to shift the maintenance focus from urgent repairs to preventative measures.

Chief financial officer, Kwin Wilkes then delivered a financial report, reviewing income and expenses for the first half of the fiscal year. He noted expenditures aligned with budget projections. Wilkes also highlighted the Sodexo food service contract as an area of active monitoring following recent negotiations.

The board passed the consent agenda, which included the approval of the December expenditure report, the approval of the previous meeting minutes, the ratification of Kasey Powell as the permanent director of nursing, the ratification of Chanel Barr as medical assistant instructor/coordinator, the ratification of Ryan Harris as CNA instructor, and the ratification of an amendment to the management agreement with Sodexo, allowing for greater flexibility for EWC.

For action items, the board approved the purchase of practice livestock for the rodeo team. They also approved the deletion of the Rangeland Ecology and Watershed Management Program, which currently has one enrolled student who will be able to complete the program. Additionally, the board approved the final reading of board policy 2.3 on communicable diseases and policy 5.1 on financial aid and scholarships. 

Lastly, the board discussed a lease agreement for the Wyoming Public Radio tower on the EWC campus. Mercer motioned to approve the 10-year renewable lease agreement, Vonburg seconded, and the motion passed.

During the time designated for trustee topics, Korell was asked to summarize the employee benefits package. He explained benefits are provided through the State of Wyoming, with the college covering a portion of retirement and healthcare costs. Korell was also asked about the availability of dormitories and food service for international students during the winter break. He clarified no students had requested to stay in the dormitories, but the facilities would have remained open if needed. He also mentioned shuttles were available to Denver International Airport for international students traveling home.

The meeting then adjourned.