TORRINGTON – The Library Foundation’s January Used Book Sale will be held January 18 –25, 2025 at the Library Activity Center. This is a $10 bag sale for one week only. …
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TORRINGTON – The Library Foundation’s January Used Book Sale will be held January 18 –25, 2025 at the Library Activity Center. This is a $10 bag sale for one week only. Hours are Mon. – Fri. 9:00 –5:00, Sat. 10:00 – 1:00. Friends of the Library members receive 9:00 a.m. early access on the first day of the sale. New items will be added to the shelves as donations arrive.
TORRINGTON – Goshen County Right to Life is holding their Annual Pro –Life Candle Light Vigil, January 17, 2025 @ 4:30 –5:30 PM on the corner of Hwy. 26/85. This is in memory of all the lives taken from un –born children by Planned Parenthood & Abortion. We hope and pray, one day, abortion will be “Unthinkable”. Come join us & Be A Voice for the Voiceless. For more info Call Jan Long 307 –575 –2069.
TORRINGTON – Hearing Loss Association of America. Join us on Saturday, January 18th at 10:00 am at Platte Valley Bank Community Room for an informative meeting on hearing loss. Our speaker will be a local Audiologist, Dr. Samantha Yung. Additional speaker: Sgt. Davis, Torrington Police Department. Join us and learn more about HLAA. Bring your spouse, partner, family member or someone you know that has hearing loss. Visit the website Hearingloss.org. Refreshments will be available. For more information contact Joanell Peters, Chapter Representative 303 –921 –1832, Jennifer Lowe, Chapter Representative 307 –331 –5907.
TORRINGTON – Knights of Columbus Annual Right to Life Soufflé Breakfast Sunday, January 19th 8:00 am till noon. St. Rose Social Hall – tickets at door or call 534 –6701.
TORRINGTON – On Tuesday January 28th, Eastern Wyoming College along with Uprising will be offering a free training seminar on human trafficking. Human Trafficking for Professionals and First Responders. 9 –10:30am or 2:30 –4:00pm. Eastern Wyoming College. Tebbet Building Room 131.
TORRINGTON – Torrington United Methodist Church’s Family Movie Night. Come join us every third Saturday of the month for a fun family friendly movie that all ages can enjoy. The movie will start at 6pm and we will have popcorn and hot cocoa available. This is free and open to the public so all are welcome. 2702 Main Street, Torrington, WY 82240.
TORRINGTON – Land of Goshen Ministries (LOGM). LOGM Thrift Store open Tuesday through Friday weekly from 9 AM till 3 PM. Closed third Thursday and Friday each month for food distribution to families who qualify for food assistance.
TORRINGTON – For 2024 –2025 and until further notice, the Goshen Care Center Joint Powers Board will meet monthly (every 2nd Thursday) in the Torrington City Hall Conference Room #165. The meetings will begin at 10 a.m. Please call Ron Laher, Treasurer, if you have any questions about these regular public meetings. All are welcome!
TORRINGTON –Alzheimer’s/Dementia Support Group meet the Third Thursday of every month at the Torrington Senior Center, 216 E 19th Ave at 11:00 a.m. Do you care for someone diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease of a related dementia? Are you looking for information and support? You are not alone. Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group provides emotional, educational and social support for family and friends of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and other related dementias. For Questions, please call the facilitators: Tori Hunt 307 –532 –2118 or Arlene Valentine 307 –534 –5503.
TORRINGTON – Celebrate Recovery Every Tuesday at 6:00 pm Sunrise Church 1100 E Valley Rd Torrington, WY. A Christ –Centered Recovery Program. This program is for anyone struggling with past or current hurts, habits, or hang –ups. Maybe you or someone you know is facing a problem with anger, trauma issues, stress, fatigue, bad memories, drinking too much, drugs, addiction to food, sex, pornography, depression, codependency, or abuse (emotional or physical). Then this program is for you. Come check it out and get the help you or a loved one needs. Celebrate Recovery can help. If you have any questions call Mark 307 –575 –3344, or Carol 307 –401 –0803.
TORRINGTON – The High Plains Amateur Radio Club meets on the first Thursday of the month at the Platte Valley Community Bank at 7 p.m. For more information call Don at 307 –575 –0914 or Mark at 307 –259 –6968.
TORRINGTON – The Highway 26 Gospel Group will host a jam session each second Sunday of the month from 2 –4 p.m. at the Berean Bible Church, 2002 East D, in Torrington. The event is open to all interested players and singers. For more information, contact 308 –436 –1820 or 307 –338 –0350.
TORRINGTON – Southeast Wyoming Art Association meets the fourth Saturday of the month at the Platte Valley Bank Community Room at 10 a.m. Programs and open painting follow the meeting. The annual art show will be held in May. Please call 307 –640 –4002 for more information.
TORRINGTON – The Goshen County Historical Society meets the fourth Tuesday of each month September through November and January through May in the Platte Valley Bank Community Room at 7 p.m. This week, special guest, former Torrington Police Chief, Billy Janes will be in attendance.
TORRINGTON – The Goshen County Library will be hosting story time on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 10 a.m. “Read a story. Do a craft. Make friends.”
TORRINGTON – The Knights of Columbus will be hosting Monday night bingo in the St. Rose social hall located at 22nd and F Street in Torrington. Games start at 6:30 p.m.
TORRINGTON – Goshen County Right to Life meets the third Monday of each month at 6 p.m. at Lighthouse Ministries, 3802 Hot Springs Street in Torrington. Call Jan at 307 –575 –2069 for more information.
TORRINGTON – The American Legion, 2102 Main Street in Torrington, is holding a steak feed the first Friday of every month at 6 p.m. Bingo at the American Legion is every Saturday at 6 p.m.
TORRINGTON – Moose Lodge No. 664 meets every second and fourth Monday of the month. Steak feed and karaoke is on every third Friday of the month. The Women of the Moose No. 2009 meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month.
TORRINGTON – Cornhole leagues are Monday nights at 6:30 p.m. at the Torrington Elks Lodge. Drinks and food are available, and warm up begins at 6 p.m. Registration fee is $15 per person. Teams may register up to the day of the event or until full. Weekly brackets and open play to follow until 9 p.m., $2 a game. Register on the Wyoming Cornhole Facebook page or by calling 307 –532 –5257.
TORRINGTON – VFW Post 2918: The Vet’s Lounge is now open Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Medical Truck will also be available during this time at 25th Avenue and Armory.
All veterans, and anyone related to a veteran, are invited to stop in and enjoy coffee and snacks. There is a good movie library, book library, and pool table. Stop in, take a look and hang out. If you have an immediate need, call the VA in Cheyenne 1 –877 –222 –VETS (8387) or 1 –800 –827 –1000. Torrington now has two chair lifts and is handicap accessible. Monthly meetings are on the second Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. All members of the VFW are invited to attend.
TORRINGTON – VFW Post 2918: Torrington now has two chair lifts and is handicap accessible. Monthly meetings are on the second Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. All members of the VFW are invited to attend.
TORRINGTON – The Veterans Affairs mobile medical clinic will be at the VFW on Wednesday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
TORRINGTON – VFW Post 2918: Breakfast is served the first Sunday of each month from 7:30 –10:30 a.m. for $8. Open to the public.
TORRINGTON – Goshen Cattlewomen meet on the first Tuesday of the months of September, November, January, March and May. Meetings are held at noon in the Brand Room. For more information, please call Marlisa Hall at 307 –575 –1048.
TORRINGTON – Life Choice Pregnancy Care Center Mon –Tue 10 a.m. –4 p.m. Services include: Ultra –Sound, Pregnancy Tests, STI Testing & Treatment, Post Abortion Support & more. Life Choice Pregnancy Care Center 1001 W 31st Cheyenne WY, 82001 (307) 632 –6323. Office@lifechoicepcc.org.
The Torrington Telegram welcomes submissions to the Community Calendar. If you or a group you represent has a special event, meeting or other gathering planned, please send details – including date, time, location and admission costs (if any), along with a brief description of the event to Ashiley Lang at alang@torringtontelegram.com.
Please keep details as brief as possible. There is no charge for this service to our community. Groups or individuals submitting Community Calendar events are responsible for keeping the Torrington Telegram updated on any changes or cancellations. For questions, call 307 –532 –2184.