TO: Unknown Father of R.I.S., born October 3, 2022, in Torrington, Goshen County, Wyoming to Brittany Caroline Sullivan.
YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the Goshen County Department of Family Services has filed suit against you in the District Court, Eighth Judicial District, Goshen County, Wyoming, Civil Action No. 2024-DR-000055. The object and prayer of the Goshen County Department of Family Services’ Petition is for the termination of the legal parent-child relationship between yourself and the minor child, R.I.S. You are required to appear at the hearing in this matter for TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS. You are further notified that failure to make answer to the Court in this matter within thirty (30) days of the last date of this publication will result in judgment by default being entered against you and your rights to said minor child being forever terminated.
Brandi Correa
Clerk of District Court
Public Notice No. 9092 published in the Torrington Telegram on August 9, 16, 23 and 30, 2024.