Tuesday April 2, 2024
The Board of County Commissioners of Goshen County, Wyoming met in regular session on the above date at 9:00 am at the Goshen County Courthouse in the Commissioners Chambers with the following members present, Chairman Michael McNamee, Commissioner Aaron Walsh, and Mary Feagler, County Clerk and Clerk of the Board. Commissioner Burkart was unable to attend.
The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Walsh moved to approve the revised agenda and the March 19th meeting minutes, seconded and passed. Chairman McNamee opened the meeting welcoming all in attendance. He mentioned a meeting that will be held at the Yoder Community Building with representation from Senator Barrasso’s office. He also briefly mentioned the public hearing on the Solar Regulations.
Clerk of Court Brandi Correa presented her monthly earnings report for March in the amount of $3,153.00. Commissioner Walsh moved to accept the Clerk of District Court earnings report, seconded and passed.
County Planner Mike Tietjen began his report by announcing one change in the proposed Solar Regulations. The date of proposed adoption was changed. County Surveyor Bob Taylor had four Plat maps for approval. They were Riggs 3rd Filing, Scott De-Annexation, Eberling-Najera Subdivision, and River Front Subdivision, Final Plat. Commissioner Walsh moved to approve the subdivisions, seconded and passed. Boyd Wagner, Road and Bridge Superintendent reported for the Department. Commissioner Walsh moved to accept the Road and Bridge report, seconded and passed.
County Clerk Mary Feagler presented her monthly reports. The monthly earnings report for the County Clerk’s Office is $12,954.00. She also presented the warrant report and the earnings report for approval. Commissioner Walsh moved to approve the warrant report and earnings report, seconded and passed. The following warrants were approved for payment: Employee Payroll 246445.68; Circuit Court Go Co Payroll Liability 675.23; Dist Court Go Co Garnish 875.92; OK Centralized Support Registry Garnish 472.23; Wy NCPERS Life Insurance 32.00; B Benzel Payroll Liability 192.10; B Benzel Payroll Liability 25.28; County Clerk Health Ins Acct 97435.33; County Clerk FTD Insurance 70908.52; Great West Trust Retirement 1850.00; 911 Supply Uniform 198.97; AccuScreen Training 80.00; Airgas Grant 56.95; A Sauer Elec Training 56.95; BAM Doc Destruction Supplies 1364.00; Barnes Law Ct Appt Atty 2080.80; Benchmark Retainer 150.00; Benchmark CRF Survey 6706.25; Benzel Shop Tool 325.25; Black Hills Energy Utility 1530.98; Bloedorn Lumber Rd Maint 765.06; Bluffs Facility Solutions Janitorial 943.77; Bomgaars Shop Tool 3531.62; Butlers Auto Misc 222.00; Cmon Inn Elec Training 392.00; C Wardell Elec Training 280.56; Capital Business Systems Equip 575.92; Cash-Wa Dietary 12005.91; Casper Medical HCS 172.93; CCAW Elec Training 2962.50; CDW Government Software 1219.96; Century Lumber Repair 148.95; CenturyLink Internet 276.97; Charles Sylvester Gravel 3393.00; City of Torrington Utility 6710.41; CMI-Teco Repair 1825.43; Community Hospital HCS 686.00; Complete Wireless Tech Grant 24040.00; Copier Connection Equip 259.03; Coulson Law Ct Appt Atty 240.00; Culligan Water Supplies 264.90; Dell Equip 5755.96; Dooley Oil Fuel 19935.34; Eakes Supplies 988.00; EGI - Wy State Auditor Ins 1366.62; ESRI Maint/Warr 550.00; Essential Fuel 38.49; First State Bank Maintainer 196881.49; Frank Parts Repair 1061.31; Geographic Innovations Mapping 4000.00; Go Co Clerk Grant 1023.51; Go Co Road & Bridge Supplies 81.69; Goshen County Treasurer Rent 756.95; Goshen Financial Strategies Ins Consult 2000.00; Great American Financial Equip 340.00; H Dittmer Travel 14.74; Herbert Doby PubDefGAL 3333.34; Hometown Auto Vehicle Repair 249.00; Ideal Linen Janitorial 641.71; Inland Truck Repair 716.49; James Church Retain 444.38; J Bowen Supplies 178.38; Jims Plumbing Repair 164.19; K Palfy Travel 107.20; Kaufman Glass Repair 1610.00; Kenneth Brown Ct Appt Atty 684.00; KERM-FM Publishing 270.00; K Flock Repair 790.57; Legacy Coop Fuel 164.49; L Saucedo Grant 1726.30; Maid It Clean Maint 3008.00; M Strong Grant 64.99; McKesson Medical Supplies 70.09; Medico-Mart Medical Supplies 5180.74; M Johnson Grant 38.86; Ms Lorrie Car Wash Vehicle Repair 150.00; Natl Sheriff's Assn Dues 250.00; NMC Fuel 359.85; Norma Cantu HCS 580.00; Oreilly Vehicle Repair 10.48; Office Ally Medical Supplies 39.95; Office of the State Public Defender 34255.39; Olson Tire Repair 1042.85; Pitney Bowes Supplies 91.29; Print Express Shop Tools 95.68; Public Defenders Office PubDef 300.00; Quadient Finance Postage 925.00; Quadient Leasing Equip 330.00; Russell Business Services GASB Consult 157.50; S Coxbill Supplies 166.37; Servpro Shop Tool 1502.37; Sign Solutions Rd Maint 2366.05; Stericycle HCS 61.74; Sublette County Treasurer Dues 455.00; Summit Fire Maint 275.00; TDS Utility 194.00; The Practice After School Program Grant 771.90; The Radar Shop Equip 455.00; Torr Office Supply Supplies 2562.38; Torr Telegram Publishing 2738.02; Trane Repair 1307.50; UW Extension Salary Agree 8170.50; Valley Motor Repair 1089.63; Vandel Drug HCS 516.42; Verizon Tele 1657.87; Victim Assistance Em Asst 222.12; Visa 2 Election Training 157.53; Visa 11 Travel 263.13; Visa 14 Shop Tools 763.27; Visa 22 PH Wkfce Dev 271.80 ; Visa EM Grant Vehicle 4441.49; Visa IT Maint 8935.70; Visa Sheriff Dietary 921.53; Vistabeam Internet 95.90; Vyve Tele 846.35; Vyve Internet 2331.00; Walk-N-Roll Repair 1186.12; WC&PAA Atty Fees 200.00; West Hwy Water Sewer Dist Utility 88.00; Western Pathology Autopsy 1000.00; Wy Behavioral Institute Placement Svcs 3016.00; Wy Clerk of Dist Court Assn Misc 150.00; Wy First Aid & Safety Supply Shop Tools 23.13; Wy Machinery
Repair 432.04; Wy Public Health Lab Medical Supplies 96.00; X Lazy H LLC Rent 425.00; Yoder Fire Dist FD ST/FED 45928.94; Zell Heating and Cooling Shop Tools 99.00; Wy Dept of Employment-Workforce Svcs Workers Comp 7374.46; Wy Retirement System Retirement 55812.43; Total Warrants $698,129.19
Fire Warden/Emergency Manager Thom Bozeman presented his monthly report. Commissioner Walsh moved to accept the Emergency Manager and Fire Warden report, seconded and passed.
County Assessor Debbi Surrat reported for her Department. Assessments will be mailed out on April 17th. She reported on the new legislation that effected property taxes. Commissioner Walsh moved to accept the Assessor report, seconded and passed.
County Maintenance Supervisor Kevin Flock presented his monthly report. Commissioner Walsh moved to accept the Maintenance report, seconded and passed.
In old business GID asked if the County Commissioners would be willing to sign a letter of support to US Representative Harriet Hageman, for appropriation of funding for the permanent repair of the irrigation tunnels that collapsed in 2019. The letter was needed ahead of the April 2nd Commissioner meeting and so Chairman McNamee signed the letter on March 25th. Commissioner Walsh moved to ratify the signing of the letter of support, seconded and passed.
Department: Expense Income Purpose
Commissioners’ $6,000.00 $6,000.00 Unanticipated WCCA expense operations
Commissioners’ $82,500.00 $82,500.00 Arpa Funds EM Software & payroll expense
Emergency Manager $10,000.00 $10,000.00 Unanticipated Expenses siren general fund
Emergency Manager $47,396.00 $47,396.00 Unanticipated grant income
Emergency Manager $38,610.00 $38,610.00 Unanticipated grant income
Emergency Manager $43,500.00 $43,500.00 Unanticipated grant income for EM vehicle
Emergency Manager $43,500.00 $43,500.00 EM Vehicle grant match general fund
Road and Bridge $318,625.00 $318,625.00 Maintainer purchase general fund
Fire Warden $594,022.00 $594,022.00 Federal funds Equipment and wages pass thru
Fire Warden $2,880.00 $2,880.00 Tower funds pass through
Brian and Connie Wells along with Dave and Aimee Unverzagt came to the Commissioner meeting in regard to Road 84. The road provides access to the Wells home and the nearest access to the irrigation headgate for several area farmers. The road is not a County road and Tim Bartel has restricted public access by posting no trespassing signs.
The Commission adjourned at 11:20 am. The next regular meeting will be April 16th at 9:00 am at the usual place and time. Per Wyo. Stat. §18-3-516(f), access to the county information can be obtained at or by calling the Clerk’s office (307)532-4051(approved for publication)
Attest: _______________________________
Mary B. Feagler
Goshen County Clerk
Michael McNamee Chairman
Goshen County Commission
Public Notice No. 8954 published in the Torrington Telegram on April 17, 2024.