City of Torrington )
County of Goshen )
State of Wyoming )
The Torrington City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, March 19, 2024 in the City Council Chambers at 436 East 22nd Ave. at 7:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Doby, Council Members Deahl, Kelly and Patterson. Councilman Viktorin was absent but excused. Also Present: Clerk/Treasurer Strecker, Attorney Eddington, Director of Public Works Harkins, Chief of Police Johnson, Buildings & Grounds Superintendent Estes and Deputy City Clerk Anaya.
Mayor Doby called the meeting to order.
Councilman Kelly led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Doby led the session with informational announcements on the following items: 1. Reminder that the City of Torrington is now accepting applications for seasonal employment. If interested, please call (307) 532-5666 or visit for more information; 2. Announcement that the City is busy getting ready for the spring and summer seasons. City crews and staff are working on the municipal pool, the golf course and the many parks and fields that the City owns and maintains; 3. Announcement that the Cottonwood at Torrington Golf Course was recently rated the number one best public golf course in Wyoming by GolfPass’ annual Golfer’s Choice for 2024. Thank you to Golf Pro Dent for his vision and management and thank you to his crew for all of their hard work and efforts; 4. Thank you to the citizen volunteers connected to the soccer, baseball and softball leagues for all of their help in preparing and maintaining the sports fields. Without their great help, it would be impossible for the City Parks crew to keep up with all of the care, preparation and maintenance that those sports fields require; 5. Mayor Doby urged the public to continue to enjoy the many recreational opportunities that the City of Torrington provides; 6. Announcement that the annual spring clean-up is scheduled for 05-04-24 through 05-11-24; 7. Reminder to the public to be cautious and mindful of the presence of pedestrians, bicyclists and motorcyclists on the streets as warmer weather approaches; and 8. Request to the public to refrain from using their cell phones while driving.
Councilman Deahl moved and Councilman Patterson seconded to approve the consent agenda which includes the minutes from the 03-05-24 Council meeting as published and all actions therein be ratified. Motion carried unanimously.
Councilman Kelly moved and Councilman Patterson seconded to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Director of Public Works (DPW) Harkins presented for approval an Agreement of Acceptance. He stated that the Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) is proposing the relinquishment of US Highway 85 to the City of Torrington. DPW Harkins indicated that the specific section of the highway that is being relinquished is the segment from Fresh Foods all the way up to Highway 26. He commented that if the Agreement of Acceptance is approved, the City of Torrington will accept the responsibility for that section of highway including pavement maintenance and any type of treatments that it would need. DPW Harkins stated that essentially, the City will be responsible for everything within the right-of-way. Buck Klemola, WYDOT Resident Engineer, addressed the Mayor and Council. He provided a brief history of everything that transpired over the last 25 years relating to the relinquishment request. Mr. Klemola indicated that the City approached WYDOT several years ago about providing some sort of grade separation to get across the railroad tracks specifically siting concerns about emergency vehicles being able to get to the other side of the tracks. He commented that that then progressed into a feasibility study where both underpass and overpass options were looked at. Mr. Klemola stated that the most feasible option then ended up being the overpass project that was built. He indicated that when it was determined that the overpass was going to be built, WYDOT and the City of Torrington entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that detailed what would transpire to make that trade related to that specific portion of US Highway 85 and how the project would be funded. Mr. Klemola commented that within the MOU, WYDOT also agreed to bring the existing US Highway 85 to current standards. He stated that subsequent to the completion of the overpass WYDOT milled and overlayed the project. Mr. Klemola indicated that additionally, about 4-5 years ago WYDOT chip sealed the pavement and in January of 2024 they crack sealed it. He commented that WYDOT has complied with the agreement as it was intended when it was initiated therefore the relinquishment is the next appropriate step in the process. Mayor Doby stated that the City’s general practice is to crack fill one season and then chip seal the next. He inquired if WYDOT would be willing to chip seal the segment of pavement that is in question prior to relinquishing it. Mr. Klemola responded that their chip seal program is totally independent of their crack seal program, therefore no, chip sealing that segment of pavement prior to relinquishing would not be an option. DPW Harkins indicated that Section 5. J. of the MOU says that WYDOT, “will sell two used (trade-in) plows, one four-yard and one eight-yard, equipped with snow plow and sander to the City of Torrington for their use in snow-plowing operations.” He commented that that never happened. Mr. Klemola replied that the City of Torrington never took advantage of that opportunity. DPW Harkins inquired if that opportunity was still on the table. Mr. Klemola responded that he cannot answer that, he will have to ask the District Office and he will report back with a definitive answer. Councilman Deahl inquired if the mayor’s name on the agreement would need to be corrected from Doby Herb to Herb Doby in order for the agreement to be legal. Attorney Eddington confirmed yes. Councilman Deahl moved and Councilman Patterson seconded to approve the Agreement of Acceptance with the requested name correction as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Judy Cummings with SonRise Church/Goshen County Task Force for Domestic Violence requested approval of a special event permit for a 5K Fun Run to be held on 04-27-24 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Mayor Doby indicated that the applicant is requesting approval to have the special event permit fee waived due to the event being a non-profit fundraiser for Goshen County residents. Chief of Police Johnson stated that runners will begin and end at SonRise Church. He indicated that the route for the run is designed and intended to allow runners to remain on the sidewalk and utilize crosswalks throughout. Chief of Police Johnson commented that no street or sidewalk closures will be necessary. Councilman Patterson declared a conflict and abstained from voting. Councilman Kelly moved and Councilman Deahl seconded to approve the special event permit and to waive the special event permit fee as presented. Motion carried.
Attorney Eddington read by title AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND RE-ENACTING SECTION 3.04.210 OF THE TORRINGTON MUNICICPAL CODE, 2024 REVISIONS, RELATING TO SPECIAL EVENT PERMITS AND FEES. Chief of Police Johnson stated that the revised ordinance does not propose a ton of changes to what the current practice is. He indicated that it more thoroughly explains what the special event process is and provides clarity about what the expectations are for the City and for anyone applying for a special event permit. Chief of Police Johnson commented that the only significant change is the addition of a non-refundable $40.00 special event processing fee that will be payable by all applicants to mitigate the expense of City staff in reviewing and evaluating the application. Councilman Patterson inquired if Section 2) c) which reads, “…may be immediately revoked by any Law Enforcement Officer…”, should be changed from any Law Enforcement Officer to any Torrington Law Enforcement Officer. Chief of Police Johnson stated that he can revise the wording to any Torrington Police Department Officer. Councilman Kelly questioned if Section 3) a) ix) (3) needed to be revised to include event cancellations as a possible cause to warrant a refund. Chief of Police Johnson indicated that the cancellation would have to come with some prior notice to prevent actual event setup from taking place. Attorney Eddington commented that the revision could include a clause which states that cancelled events may be refunded at the discretion of the City of Torrington. Councilman Patterson moved and Councilman Kelly seconded to approve the ordinance on first reading as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Doby noted the time had arrived for the Mayor and Council to adjourn from regular session and convene as a Board of Adjustment.
Buildings & Grounds Superintendent Estes stated that Halco Construction, Inc. requested approval of the preliminary plat acting as the final plat of Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 4, Halco 3rd Addition 2nd Filing. He indicated that Halco Construction would like to vacate the three lots and re-plat them as two lots. Buildings & Grounds Superintendent Estes commented that he has received no public comment and that staff recommends approval. Mayor Doby opened the public hearing for consideration of the preliminary plat request. He asked for public comments in favor of or against the approval of the preliminary plat request, none were heard. The public hearing was closed. Councilman Deahl moved and Councilman Kelly seconded to approve the preliminary plat acting as the final plat of Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 4, Halco 3rd Addition 2nd Filing as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Buildings & Grounds Superintendent Estes stated that Halco Construction, Inc. requested approval of the preliminary plat acting as the final plat of Lots 13, 14 and 15, Block 5, Halco 4th Addition 6th Filing. He indicated that Halco Construction would like to vacate the three lots and re-plat them as two lots. Buildings & Grounds Superintendent Estes commented that he has received no public comment and that staff recommends approval. Mayor Doby opened the public hearing for consideration of the preliminary plat request. He asked for public comments in favor of or against the approval of the preliminary plat request, none were heard. The public hearing was closed. Councilman Patterson moved and Councilman Deahl seconded to approve the preliminary plat acting as the final plat of Lots 13, 14 and 15, Block 5, Halco 4th Addition 6th Filing as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Buildings & Grounds Superintendent Estes stated that Green Eagle Communications and Union Telephone are requesting approval of the preliminary plat acting as the final plat of part of the NW1/2SE1/4 of Section 4, T24N, R61W. He indicated that Green Eagle Communications and Union Telephone would like to create separate lots for each of the two communication towers, since they are owned and operated by different companies. Buildings & Grounds Superintendent Estes commented that the public comments that he has received have been comments in favor of the request and that staff recommends approval. Mayor Doby opened the public hearing for consideration of the preliminary plat request. He asked for public comments in favor of or against the approval of the preliminary plat request, none were heard. The public hearing was closed. Councilman Deahl moved and Councilman Patterson seconded to approve the preliminary plat acting as the final plat of part of the NW1/2SE1/4 of Section 4, T24N, R61W as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Buildings & Grounds Superintendent Estes stated that Green Eagle Communications and Union Telephone submitted a Petition for Annexation into the City of Torrington for part of the NW1/2SE1/4 of Section 4, T24N, R61W. Attorney Eddington presented the proposed annexation report to the Mayor and Council. Buildings & Grounds Superintendent Estes indicated that he would like to clarify that he did not send the proposed annexation report by certified mail to all landowners and affected public utilities within the territory as required by Wyoming Statute 15-1-405 (a). He commented that several months ago, he sent letters to everyone and personally spoke to the three landowners involved. Buildings & Grounds Superintendent Estes stated that if the Mayor and Council would prefer, this Petition for Annexation can be tabled, and he will send the required notices by certified mail. Attorney Eddington indicated that failure to send the required notices by certified mail could cause problems in the future. He recommended that since timing is not an issue for this particular request, that the request be tabled and that the certified mail requirement portion be satisfied. Councilman Deahl moved and Councilman Patterson seconded to table the Petition for Annexation into the City of Torrington for part of the NW1/2SE1/4 of Section 4, T24N, R61W. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Doby returned the Mayor and Council to regular session.
Councilman Patterson moved and Councilman Kelly seconded to table Ordinance 1st Reading – Annexing the Wireless Addition and Ordinance 1st Reading – Establishing I-1 Zoning for Lots 1 and 2, Wireless Addition. Motion carried unanimously.
Chief of Police Johnson presented the bid results for (1) One New Police SUV. He stated that staff recommends awarding the bid to Bob Ruwart Motors of Wheatland, Wyoming in the amount of $32,495.00. Chief of Police Johnson commented that a bid opening was held and indicated that two bids were submitted that were in conformance with the bidding requirements. He stated that the estimated delivery time for the SUV was originally 180 days but after talking to the staff at the dealership, there’s a possibility that that delivery date will actually be closer to 90 days. Councilman Deahl moved and Councilman Kelly seconded to award the bid to Bob Ruwart Motors of Wheatland, Wyoming in the amount of $32,495.00 as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Doby presented for approval the 2024 Swimming Pool Rates. He stated that he is recommending that the rates stay the same as calendar year 2023. Mayor Doby indicated that since inflation has increased the cost of living overall, he does not feel that there is a real need to increase the rates for the upcoming season. Councilman Patterson moved and Councilman Deahl seconded to keep the Swimming Pool Rates for the 2024 calendar year the same as 2023 as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Clerk/Treasurer Strecker presented for approval the 2024 Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) Application. She stated that a PCA allows the City to keep up with the cost of wholesale power and electrical rates. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker commented that the proposed 2024 PCA has been filed with the Public Service Commission and is pending approval. She indicated that the proposed PCA will result in a slight increase of $0.001512 in electrical rates that will go into effect as of 04-01-24. Councilman Deahl moved and Councilman Patterson seconded to approve the submittal of the 2024 Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) Application as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
The bills from 03-06-24 to 03-19-24 were presented for payment. Councilman Kelly moved and Councilman Deahl seconded to approve the bills for payment as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Doby asked for public comments, questions or concerns.
Fire Chief Petsch briefly updated the Mayor and Council on the calls that the Torrington Volunteer Fire Department responded to in the last couple of weeks.
Mayor Doby reminded residents who will be holding controlled burns to call the dispatch non-emergency line ahead of time to provide relevant information about the burn.
Mayor Doby adjourned the meeting at 8:45 p.m.
The following bills were approved for payment: 78148 AFLAC payroll withholding 1255.50;78149 CITY OF TORRINGTON payroll withholding 278.75;78150 DENT, DAVID A. Golf Pro Payable 292.06;78151 GOSHEN CO DISTRICT COURT CLERK payroll withholding 100.00;78152 GREAT-WEST TRUST CO LLC payroll withholding 2320.00;78153 MUNICIPAL ENERGY AGENCY OF NE wholesale power 412554.69; 78154 NEW YORK LIFE payroll withholding 257.00;78155 PLATTE CO payroll withholding 199.98;78156 RICE LAKE WEST INC. FY2020 Wastewater Pre-Treatment Facility Project 53361.50;78157 TRIHYDRO CORP WWTP Pre-Treatment Project 30493.30;78158 WY DEPT OF WORKFORCE SERVICES workers compensation 7566.69;78159 WY DEPT OF WORKFORCE SERVICES workers compensation amended 326.32;78160 WYRULEC CO Landfill Electric 398.78;78161 21ST CENTURY EQUIPMENT LLC o-rings 3.46; 78162 ACCUSCREEN MOBILE DRUG TESTING SERVICES rapid screen drug tests 180.00;78163 ACTION COMMUNICATIONS INC. annual checking of repeaters 435.00;78164 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES charger,control lift battery,traffic cones,toner cartridges,hand soap,plastic clipboards,safety glasses, double mag pouch,top cuff case,desktop calculator,refurbished ring spotlight cams,charging stations, outer door window seal 2525.63;78165 ARROW ELECTRIC OF TORRINGTON replace fluorescent lights w/ LED 1233.00;78166 BIG WOOD TREE SERVICE LLC emergency tree removal 250.00;78167 BLACK HILLS ENERGY utilities-gas 3786.93;78168 BORDER STATES INDUSTRIES INC. outdoor light,unit hubs,fuse links, wire,pulse starts,pin ins c-necks 3376.55;78169 BROWN CO filter,blades 123.77;78170 CENTURY LUMBER CENTER expanding foam,galv hardware cloth,pine,shelf brackets,clear sealant,bone sponges, scrub brushes,spray paint,pails,filter,return,hammer,clamp,gorilla mounting,wire nails,powerstrip,putty knife,wire wheel & cup brush,grounding connector/plug,flap,duplex ground outlet,roller covers,paint thinner,chip brush,single cut key,fasteners,padlock,coupling,pipe cleaner,pvc cement,bushing,plugs 739.94;78171 CITY OF TORRINGTON c/o FIRST STATE BANK optional sales tax 101410.79;78172 CITY OF TORRINGTON c/o PINNACLE BANK health reserve/non-insured employees 8884.75;78173 COMMUNITY HOSPITAL ambulance supplies 104.84;78174 CONNECTING POINT copier all-inclusive service contracts, extra copies 580.99;78175 COOK, REECE repair dumpster bottoms 780.00;78176 COWBOY CLINIC AND URGENT CARE pre-employment physical 75.00;78177 DANA KEPNER CO INC. water meters 12685.92; 78178 DIVERSIFIED SERVICES INC. cleaning services 385.00;78179 DOOLEY OIL oil drum 724.90;78180 EAKES INC. letter size paper 38.00;78181 ELK ECO-CYCLE dumpster picked up 30.00;78182 ENERGY LABORATORIES INC. annual water quality report,lab testing 634.00;78183 ENVIRO SERVICES INC. lab analysis 37.00;78184 FASTENAL CO machine screws,nylocks,vests,bleach,batteries,belts 311.49;78185 FRESH FOODS glass dish sponge 6.59;78186 FRITZLER, LARRY & DEBORAH pump septic tanks 506.00; 78187 FUEL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS replace drop tubes on AV gas tank 3947.82;78188 GOSHEN CO ECONOMIC goshen bucks gift cards,monthly contribution,¼ cent sales tax 28113.24;78189 GRAINGER black tool sheath,electrical hour meters,flanges,duty rating label replacements,work boots 278.85; 78190 GREATAMERICA FINANCIAL SERVICES CORP copier leases 356.00;78191 HAAS, KIRK deposit refund-Pony Express Room 320.00;78192 HEALING CONNECTIONS MENTAL HLTH THERAPY individual sessions 500.00;78193 HIGH POINTE ELECTRIC INC. water heater repair 160.83;78194 HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT INC. asphalt crack sealing 70300.00;78195 HOOVER, CHERYL deposit refund 2.18;78196 IDEAL LINEN/BLUFFS FACILITY SOLUTION mats,scrapers,sam dust/energy fees,garments,sam garment fees,sam linen,coveralls,mops,towels,table cloths 859.97;78197 JAMES A. EDDINGTON PC City Attorney, extended hours 9451.40;78198 J-BUILT HOMES INC. concrete slab,sewer chase 2647.00;78199 JOE JOHNSON EQUIPMENT LLC dirt shoe-sweeper,acuator-linear for sweeper 2020.74;78200 JOHNSON, NATALIE R. deposit refund 68.93;78201 KNOW HOW LLC degreaser,filters,ice blade,spark plugs,battery isolators,antifreeze,circuit,battery cable lug,grease fitting,diesel,shank,battery,core return,autolite copper resin,spark plug wire kit,cotter pins,carburetor kit,washer,fuel pump,battery cable,grease hose coupler,front brake rotor,clevis pin,front brake pads 1149.86;78202 LEATHAM FAMILY LTD volunteer fire challenge coins-City 1/3 752.01;78203 LEGACY COOPERATIVE EG gas 7995.30;78204 MALLORY SAFETY AND SUPPLY LLC drill bits,brakleen cleaner,degreaser,bolts,washers,gloves 232.97;78205 MATHESON TRI-GAS INC. medical oxygen 120.50;78206 MEDICAL AIR SERVICES ASSOCIATION medical air transport insurance 1596.00;78207 MENARDS silt fence 119.96;78208 MERITAIN HEALTH INC. premium-ins/life admin 51266.10;78209 METAL SHOP AND REPAIR LLC square tubing,cut & drill tubing 161.50;78210 MOOREHOUSE INC. black/red rock 600.00;78211 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS INC. dispatch 911 service contract 5015.72;78212 NICOLETTI-FLATER ASSOCIATES pre-employment evaluation 250.00;78213 NORTHEAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE job training & safety 1108.50;78214 OLSON TIRE CO tire repair, prema rad patch 74.40;78215 ONE CALL OF WY tickets for CDC code TRG 93.75;78216 PANHANDLE CONCRETE PRODUCTS INC. grade ring 118.00;78217 PARKER POE ADAMS & BERNSTEIN LLP professional services 1960.00;78218 PATRICK, JOHN B. Municipal Court Judge 2000.00;78219 PINNACLE BANK travel expenses-lodging/meals/fuel,lifeguard training,annual subscription fees,membership fee,squeegee,tape, wall mount holder,microwave,runner assy,hex shank adapter,pepperball rounds,rivet kit,pocket organizers,erasable pens,voltage regulator,label maker,registration fees,password book,monthly planner,epom cpld suction,coffee 4782.88;78220 PRINT EXPRESS INC. envelopes,monthly court receipts, swim lesson sign-up sheets,pool party agreements,season passes,water meter test records,ups 1263.86; 78221 PROBITY PROFESSIONAL TECHINCAL WRITING FAA BIL/ATP application for airport GA terminal 500.00;78222 QUILL LLC toner cartridge 74.99;78223 REGIONAL CARE INC. select flex admin 126.00; 78224 RESPOND FIRST AID SYSTEMS OF WY 1st aid kit supplies 356.52;78225 RICHEY, MICHAEL A. Airport Operator Contract 1666.67;78226 SCHULER, MICHAEL void original check and re-issue 46.75;78227 STOTZ EQUIPMENT nuts,support 183.77;78228 STUART C IRBY CO glove testing,breakers 1229.13;78229 SYN-TECH SYSTEMS INC. fuelmaster standard maintenance 1175.00;78230 TIMBERLINE ELECTRIC & CONTROL CORP spare parts for motorola radios 2412.50;78231 TORRINGTON EMPLOYEES INSURANCE premium 104651.10;78232 TORRINGTON FIRE DEPT WY firefighters' pension 3262.50;78233 TORRINGTON TELEGRAM subscription renewals 359.97;78234 U S POSTMASTER credit for postage 1250.00;78235 VALLEY MOTOR SUPPLY diesel exhaust fluid,headlamp,drain plug,filters,cq blu,distributor cap/rotor,channel flow air element,wiper blades,bolts,hose,hyd fittings,caps,sydr fittings,battery,core return 723.19;78236 VEOLIA WTS USA INC. monthly chemical management 7769.04;78237 VERIZON WIRELESS TVFD cell phones 97.18;78238 WESTCO dyed diesel,premium diesel 12004.64;78239 WY CHILD & FAMILY DEVELOPMENT INC. local match request 2000.00;78240 WY HEALTH FAIRS chemistry panels/wellness screenings 5710.00;78241 WY RETIREMENT SYSTEMS Torr Vol EMT Pension 37.50
Public Notice No. 8934 published in the Torrington Telegram on March 29, 2024.