Tuesday March 19, 2024
The Board of County Commissioners of Goshen County, Wyoming met in regular session on the above date at 9:00 am at the Goshen County Courthouse in the Commissioners’ Chambers with the following members present, Chairman Michael McNamee, Vice Chairman Justin Burkart, Commissioner Aaron Walsh and Mary Feagler, County Clerk and Clerk of the Board. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Chairman McNamee welcomed all in attendance. Commissioner Walsh moved to approve the agenda and the minutes from the March 6th meeting, seconded and passed.
Undersheriff Wes Deen presented the Sheriff’s report. The earnings report for the month of February is $1,185.00 and earnings for the Commissary is $1,475.51. The Sheriff’s office has offered to give an older pickup to the Fair Grounds and the Court House Maintenance Department. The EM vehicle will be transferred to them for transporting prisoners. Commissioner Walsh moved to accept the Sheriff’s report including the Commissary and Earnings reports, seconded and passed.
County Treasurer Leticia Dominguez presented her monthly report. Commissioner Walsh moved to accept the Treasurer’s report, seconded and passed.
County Clerk Mary Feagler presented the Clerk’s report and the updated warrant report. She presented an updated Drug and Alcohol Policy for the Employee Handbook. Commissioner Walsh moved to accept the Clerk’s report and the updated warrant report, and to adopt the new Drug and Alcohol policy, seconded and passed.
Library Board member Katherine Hawes presented the Library report. Commissioner Walsh moved to accept the Library report, seconded and passed.
Amy Smith, Ag and Natural Resources Educator for the University of Wyoming, presented the Extension Office report. Commissioner Walsh moved to accept the Extension office report, seconded and passed.
Stephanie Lofink Goshen County Fair manager, presented the Fair report. Commissioner Walsh moved to accept the Fair report, seconded and passed.
Public Health nurse Kara Palfy presented the Public Health report. Commissioner Walsh moved to accept the Public Health report, seconded and passed.
Head of the IT Department Jesse Bowen updated the Commissioners on his department’s activities. Commissioner Walsh moved to accept the IT report, seconded and passed.
County Planner Michael Tietjen commented on the New Solar regulations that are in the 30 day public comment period. At the end of the comment period the Planning Commission will have a public hearing meeting, after which they will certify the final draft. At a later date the County Commissioners will advertise and hold a public hearing before adopting the Solar Regulations for the County.
Leann Mattis of Goshen County Economic Development asked for permission to hold concerts during the month of June on Wednesday evenings, in the street to the south and west of the Court House. She asked for permission from the Commissioners’ to allow people to sit and stand on the Court House lawn to enjoy the concert. Commissioner Burkart moved to allow the lawn be used for the summer concert series, seconded and passed.
Greggory Whalen, Yoder resident, complained of noise, dust and truck traffic caused by the Deitzler Corporation. He requested the Commissioners look into these problems. Chairman McNamee committed to speaking with the Town of Yoder to discuss ideas and committed to contacting the DEQ to ask for help in controlling the dust and noise problem.
The Commission adjourned at 10:55 am. The next regular meeting will be April 2nd at the usual place and time. Per Wyo. Stat. §18-3-516(f), access to the county information can be obtained at or by calling the Clerk’s office (307)532-4051. (approved for publication)
Attest: _______________________________
Mary B. Feagler
Goshen County Clerk
Michael McNamee, Chairman
Goshen County Commission
Public Notice No. 8933 published in the Torrington Telegram on March 29, 2024.