Notice of Final Payment is hereby given that on or after January 8, 2024 final payment will be made by the Town of LaGrange for and on accounts related to the contract project TOWN OF LAGRANGE: WALK PATH PHASE III (Engineer’s Contract #085-041-23) (WYDOT contract #CD23205).
The Town of LaGrange has accepted the work for the above project as complete according to the provisions set forth in the contract documents and will not be withholding any moneys from said Contractor on the date set forth unless any claims are filed.
Any person, partnership, association, or corporation who has any unpaid claims against said Contractor on an account for furnishing: labor, materials, services, equipment, rentals, or material used or consumed by it or any of its subcontractors on or before said date, file a verified written statement of the amount due and unpaid with the Town of LaGrange Clerk.
Cathy Stoddard, Clerk/Treasurer, Town of LaGrange.
Public Notice No. 8828 published in the Torrington Telegram on November 29, December 6 and 13, 2023.