Public Notice No. 8816



City of Torrington     )
County of Goshen     )
State of Wyoming     )

The Torrington City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, November 7, 2023 in the City Council Chambers at 436 East 22nd Ave. at 7:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Doby, Council Members Deahl, Kelly, Patterson and Viktorin. Also Present: Clerk/Treasurer Strecker, Attorney Eddington, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Harkins, Chief of Police Johnson, Electrical Supervisor Youtz and Deputy City Clerk Anaya.
Mayor Doby called the meeting to order.
Councilman Patterson led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Doby led the session with informational announcements on the following items: 1. Mayor Doby congratulated all property owners, business and residential, for maintaining and improving their properties. He recognized Tim and Dawn Force, owners of the local Burger King restaurant, for their recent remodel. Mayor Doby also recognized the Mahindra Dealership for the fresh coat of paint that was applied to the exterior of their buildings on both sides of the highway; 2. Reminder that the City of Torrington is now offering a TextMyGov service that will allow citizens to receive City alerts and notifications on their cell phones and make inquiries to City staff by text. To get started text “Hi” to (307) 338-2802; 3. Reminder to the public to take extra caution with the increased pedestrian, bicycle and motorcycle traffic; and 4. Request to the public to refrain from using their cell phones while driving.
Councilman Kelly moved and Councilman Patterson seconded to approve the consent agenda which includes the minutes from the 10-17-23 Council meeting as published and all actions therein be ratified. Motion carried unanimously.
Councilman Viktorin moved and Councilman Deahl seconded to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Doug Mercer addressed the Mayor and Council. He stated that he would like to request approval to reserve the date of 09-14-24 and the use of Main Street for the Classic Cars on Main Street event that is held annually. Mr. Mercer indicated that the Scottsbluff Valley Street Rods has already paid for advertising for the 09-14-24 date so they want to ensure that the use of Main Street is not granted to another applicant for that specific date. Councilman Patterson moved and Councilman Kelly seconded to approve the reserving of the 09-14-24 date and the use of Main Street for the Classic Cars on Main Street event as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Clerk/Treasurer Strecker stated that the City received payment from the insurance company for the settlement of the totaled out Vactor Truck. She indicated that the rental truck that was being utilized while the insurance claim was finalized was returned last week and commented that since this is an essential piece of equipment that the City cannot be left without, an emergency has to be declared in order for the City to proceed with the purchase of a Camel Combination Sewer Cleaner/Vacuum Truck from Kois Equipment Company in the amount of $542,141.46. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker stated that the insurance settlement payment totaled $509,662.25, therefore the remaining balance of $32,479.21 will have to be taken from the department’s reserve. Councilman Patterson moved and Councilman Viktorin seconded to declare an emergency and to grant staff permission to proceed with the purchase of the Camel Combination Sewer Cleaner/Vacuum Truck from Kois Equipment Company as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Eddington read a proclamation declaring November 13-19, 2023 as National Apprenticeship Week in the City of Torrington, Wyoming. It raises awareness of the vital role Registered Apprenticeships provide in creating opportunities by allowing apprentices to earn while they learn and preparing a pathway to good, quality jobs and well-paying careers in the City of Torrington, Wyoming and across the nation. Electrical Supervisor Youtz stated that the City of Torrington’s Apprenticeship Program has been registered with the U.S. Department of Labor for several years. He introduced his apprentice, Benseslado Cantu, to the Mayor and Council. Councilman Deahl moved and Councilman Kelly seconded to approve the proclamation as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Sara Yung with the Open Barrel Brewing Company requested approval of a catering permit for an Eastern Wyoming College Foundation Christmas Party to be held on 12-09-23 from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at 436 East 22nd Avenue in the Lincoln Community Complex Pony Express Room. Councilman Patterson moved and Councilman Kelly seconded to approve the catering permit as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Charlie Harshberger with the 307 Sports Bar & Grill requested approval of a catering permit for a Ladies Night at the Theatre Event to be held on 11-11-23 from 4:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. at 126 East 20th Avenue (Torrington Cinemas). Councilman Deahl moved and Councilman Viktorin seconded to approve the catering permit as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Eddington read by title AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND RE-ENACTING SECTION 6.04.230 OF THE TORRINGTON MUNICIPAL CODE, 2023 REVISIONS, RELATING TO THE PROHIBITION OF FOWL IN THE ANIMAL CONTROL DISTRICT. Councilman Viktorin moved and Councilman Deahl seconded to approve Ordinance No. 1282 as presented on third reading. Motion carried unanimously.
Director of Public Works (DPW)/City Engineer Harkins presented the bid results for the FY 2025 Chip Seal Placement Project. He stated that staff recommends awarding the base bid and alternate bid to Topkote, Inc. of Yankton, South Dakota in the amount of $207,788.98 and reserve $12,211.02 (5.9%) for contingency for a project total of $220,000.00. DPW/City Engineer Harkins indicated that the base bid consists of applying 45,535 SY of chip seal and fog coat to the following City streets for pavement preservation: East G Street from 17th Avenue to 27th Avenue, East H Street from 17th Avenue to 24th Avenue and East I Street from Highway 26 to Crestview Drive. He commented that the alternate bid consists of applying 4,480 SY of triple asphaltic surface treatment on Albany Avenue from Laramie Street to Sheridan Street and Sheridan Street from Albany Avenue to the end of the street. DPW/City Engineer Harkins stated that a bid opening was held on 10-18-23 and indicated that three bids were submitted in conformance with the bidding requirements. He commented that funding for the project will be established in the FY25 Budget in the amount of $220,000.00. Councilman Viktorin moved and Councilman Patterson seconded to award the base bid and alternate bid to Topkote, Inc. of Yankton, South Dakota in the amount of $207,788.98 and reserve $12,211.02 (5.9%) for contingency for a project total of $220,000.00 as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Director of Public Works (DPW)/City Engineer Harkins presented the bid results for the FY24 Crack Fill Project. He stated that staff recommends awarding the bid to Highway Improvements of Sioux Falls, South Dakota in the amount of $74,000.00 and reserve $26,000.00 (35.1%) for contingency for a project total of $100,000.00. DPW/City Engineer Harkins indicated that the project consists of applying 100,000 LF of hot mix joint sealant to the following City streets: East B Street from Highway 26 to 30th Avenue and East C Street from Highway 26 to 30th Avenue. He commented that a bid opening for the project was held on 10-18-23 and stated that two bids were submitted in conformance with the bidding requirements. DPW/City Engineer Harkins indicated that funding for the project was established in the FY24 Budget in the amount of $100,000.00. Councilman Patterson moved and Councilman Deahl seconded to award the bid to Highway Improvements of Sioux Falls, South Dakota in the amount of $74,000.00 and reserve $26,000.00 (35.1%) for contingency for a project total of $100,000.00 as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Clerk/Treasurer Strecker presented the bid results for a New Roll-Off Truck with Hook Lift Assembly. She stated that a bid opening was held on 11-01-23 and indicated that eight bids were submitted. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker commented that staff considered several factors while comparing the bids including availability, warranty, rear axle suspension and horsepower. She stated that although the bid received from Shell Equipment Company, LLC is not the low bid, it is the only bid that conforms to all of the specifications as set forth by the Sanitation Department. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker indicated that in addition, the truck that Shell Equipment bid is on the ground and has an estimated delivery time of 45 days in comparison to the other bids that were submitted that have an estimated delivery time ranging from 250 calendar days to 700 calendar days. She commented that staff recommends awarding the bid to Shell Equipment Company, LLC of Littleton, Colorado in the amount of $227,875.00. Councilman Viktorin moved and Councilman Kelly seconded to award the bid to Shell Equipment Company, LLC of Littleton, Colorado in the amount of $227,875.00 as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Clerk/Treasurer Strecker presented for approval the Waterworth Proposal. She briefly summarized the proposal as it had previously been discussed in depth at a Work Session held by the City Council on 10-24-23. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker stated that she was informed that the contract is a year to year term. She indicated that she also called the two references that were provided by Waterworth. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker commented that she has not been able to get a hold of one of the references but stated that she did talk to the Utility Director for the City of Sheridan, Wyoming. She indicated that he relayed that the City of Sheridan has been utilizing the software for a couple of years. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker commented that he stated that the software has already proven to be extremely useful to the City of Sheridan. She indicated that he communicated that the Waterworth staff is very easy to work with, responsive, respectful and extremely knowledgeable. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker commented that he stated that he highly recommends that the City of Torrington moves forward with the purchase of the software. She indicated that staff would like to implement the solution for the Water, Sewer, Electric, Streets and Sanitation Departments, and commented that the funding to purchase the software has already been found within the individual budgets of those specific departments. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker stated that staff is seeking approval to proceed with the purchase of the software contingent upon Attorney Eddington’s review and approval of the contract. Councilman Patterson moved and Councilman Kelly seconded to grant staff and Attorney Eddington permission to move forward with negotiating the contract with Waterworth. Motion carried unanimously.
Clerk/Treasurer Strecker presented for approval the 2024 Health Insurance Renewal Proposal. She stated that the Health Insurance Committee met with Brian Hillier of Health Benefit Advisors to review the condition of the City’s self-funded health insurance plan and to renew the City’s policy with its stop-loss insurance carrier. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker indicated that the City’s employee health plan has had a mild claim year so far this year. She commented that the stop-loss carriers have given the committee very favorable renewal numbers this year with a minimal increase in fixed costs of $10,000.00 and removal or reduction of a laser on a member of $200,000.00. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker stated that the committee is diligent about making sure that the self-funded plan stays on track with rising costs and inflation as well as keeping at least $1 million in reserve for payment of health claims. She indicated that at this time, the committee would recommend no changes to the City’s plan or premiums. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker commented that the committee will continue to monitor the claims and will revisit the health of the plan in May of 2024 during the budget process. Councilman Deahl moved and Councilman Viktorin seconded to approve the 2024 Health Insurance Renewal Proposal as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
The bills from 10-18-23 to 11-07-23 were presented for payment. Councilman Kelly moved and Councilman Deahl seconded to approve the bills for payment as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Doby asked for public comments, questions or concerns.
Councilman Patterson mentioned that Eastern Wyoming College is hosting their annual Veterans Program at 12:30 p.m. on 11-10-23 at the Fine Arts Center.
Councilman Deahl announced that the Torrington Trailblazers advanced to the 2A Football State Championship and will be playing against Big Horn at 12:00 p.m. on 11-10-23 at War Memorial Stadium in Laramie, Wyoming.
Councilman Viktorin asked for a status of the Wastewater Pre-Treatment Facility Project. Director of Public Works (DPW)/City Engineer Harkins provided a brief update stating that currently there is a lot going on behind the scenes. He indicated that the piping for the water line is on site now and commented that Rice Lake West believes that they need an evaluation from the shoring company prior to installing the water line pipe. DPW/City Engineer Harkins stated that the work with the water line should commence within the next two weeks.
Councilman Viktorin announced to the public that the City of Torrington’s website recently received a major facelift. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker confirmed and stated that City staff recently completed a website redesign and indicated that the new design launched on 11-01-23. She commented that there are a few new features now accessible with the new design and stated that the TextMyGov widget is also featured on the home page. Councilman Viktorin encouraged the public to opt-in to receive City text notifications. He indicated that he has opted-in and commented that the notifications that he has received so far have been very informative.
Fire Chief Petsch briefly updated the Mayor and Council on the calls that the Torrington Volunteer Fire Department responded to in the last couple of weeks. He also gave an update on the events that transpired during the Safety Treat Night and Truck or Treat event.
Mayor Doby adjourned the meeting at 8:32 p.m.
The following bills were approved for payment: 77231 AFLAC payroll withholding 778.98;77232 AT&T MOBILITY cardiac monitor transmission fees,modem for ambulance 73.50;77233 BLACK HILLS ENERGY TVFD utilities-gas 86.97;77234 BLACK HILLS ENERGY utilities-gas 900.97;77235 CITY OF TORRINGTON c/o PINNACLE BANK health reserve non-insured PR employee premium/MT positions 6899.50;77236 DENT, DAVID A. Golf Pro Payable 1128.80;77237 GOSHEN CO DISTRICT COURT CLERK payroll withholding 100.00;77238 GREAT-WEST TRUST CO LLC payroll withholding 2013.00;77239 MERITAIN HEALTH INC. premium-ins/life admin 50172.66;77240 NCPERS GROUP LIFE INS payroll withholding 160.00;77241 REGIONAL CARE INC. select flex admin 102.00;77242 STANDARD INSURANCE CO premium-long term disability 2347.69;77243 TORRINGTON EMPLOYEES INSURANCE premium 109982.62;77244 VIAERO WIRELESS cell phone/setup,wireless hotspots 649.33;77245 WY RETIREMENT SYSTEMS Torr Vol EMT Pension 37.50;77246 WY DEPT OF REVENUE sales tax 26793.31;77247 NE STATE TREASURER unclaimed property returned to State of NE 108.43;77248 CENTURYLINK data lines 2372.63; 77249 DEPARTMENT OF WORKFORCE SERVICES workers compensation 7553.33;77250 SOUTH TORRINGTON WATER & SEWER DISTRICT museum-water/sewer 343.89;77251 TORRINGTON EMPLOYEES INSURANCE select flex contributions 3113.90;77252 VERIZON WIRELESS cell phones 647.79; 77253 WY RETIREMENT SYSTEMS retirement 78903.81;77254 ACCUSCREEN MOBILE DRUG TESTING SERVICES rapid screen drug test 227.00;77255 AED EVERYWHERE INC. defib electrodes 115.40;77256 ALTEC INDUSTRIES INC. hydraulic tamper 1857.90;77257 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES pen refills,cordless drill & impact driver,insulation tape,cable crimping tool,steel toe work boots,led lights,toner cartridge, portable gas fuel tank container,monthly planner,rotating date stamps,ink pad replacements 762.82; 77258 ARROW ELECTRIC OF TORRINGTON step down transformer replacement,install new transformer, led ufo light fixtures w/ pigtails 1475.00;77259 AVI PC Well #16 Connection Project 3125.02;77260 BAKER & ASSOCIATES INC. Groundwater Well #4 Pump Replacement Project 2985.50;77261 BLOEDORN LUMBER CO-TORRINGTON extension cords,wooden dowels,treated lumber,screws,concrete patch,play sand,premix concrete patch,galv caps,u-haul book boxes,boiler drains 408.76;77262 BLOEDORN LUMBER CO-TORRINGTON smoke alarms 300.12;77263 BOMGAARS SUPPLY INC. terminals,blade fuses, holder,connectors,weed sprayer handgun,brooms,watering set,stainless steel cleaner,garden hose,de-icer w/ bug remover,seafoam motor tune-up,vinyl care,pipe plugs,duplex receptacle,battery w/ exchange,air freshener,antifreeze,transmission fluid,work boots,twin face light,starter switch,brush,high heat torch kit,trailer ball,mini bulb,heat tape,tow chain,mums,fasteners,chain,toggle bolt,spring locking snap 1021.66;77264 BORDER STATES INDUSTRIES INC. overhead wire,easy splice wrap arounds,tap connectors,auto wedges,wedge clamps,bypass links,fuses,batteries,gloves,eye bolts,hot line clamps, meter/mains 13749.01;77265 BROWN, RUSSELL deposit refund 262.00;77266 CAPITAL ONE TRADE CREDIT honda horizontal ohv engine 949.99;77267 CASELLE INC. contract support & maint 2050.00; 77268 CENTURY LUMBER CENTER funnels w/ flex spouts,rubber legs,screws,gas can,swedged end top rail,insulation,duct tape,fuse tube,couplings,bushings,nipples,stool toilet gasket,br toilet,silicone, winterization blowout,snapoff knife,utility knife blades,impact driver,female mender,batteries, winterizer fertilizer,utility knife,landscape block,caulk,poly pipes,charging cable,fasteners,adapters,hose clamps,keyring,padlock,single cut key,bolt cutter,knee pads,inkzall marker,3-tine hay/manure fork, broom w/ dustpan,clothesline,recipro blades,concrete,valve tool,tire sealant,nuts,channels,pine,teflon paste,elbows,poly pipe,weatherstrip,gy ac w/s,propane cylinder,self lighting torch,spray paint,cleaner/ primer cement,washer fluid 899.99;77269 CENTURYLINK TVFD phone,data line 220.99;77270 CHAVEZ, MARY L. credit refund 66.80;77271 CITY OF TORRINGTON recording fees,deposit refund,postage,baking soda 73.01;77272 CITY OF TORRINGTON payroll withholding 825.74;77273 CITY OF TORRINGTON c/o FIRST STATE BANK optional sales tax 120298.40;77274 CITYSERVICEVALCON LLC Phillips 66 terminal maint fee 30.00;77275 CLARK, RUSSELL & EMILY deposit refund 73.42;77276 COMPUTERSHARE TRUST CO CWMEPSTJPB lease payment 228713.53;77277 CONNECTING POINT copier service contracts/ monthly charges 517.82;77278 CONTRACTORS MATERIALS INC. cargo pants,broom,handle adapter, combo diamond blade 771.49;77279 CUES INC. software & support plan 2344.00;77280 CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING OF TORRINGTON dispenser rentals,water 124.45;77281 CUSTOM FLAG CO INC. flags 675.00;77282 DAY, LAURIE overpayment refund 100.00;77283 dba POLLARDWATER altitude gauge 191.60;77284 DECKER, STEVE fall fertilizer,mole worms insecticide 3004.00;77285 DENT, DAVID A. Golf Pro Payable 348.04;77286 DIVERSIFIED SERVICES INC. cleaning services 535.00;77287 EAC SUBMISSIONS electronic claims submission 70.50;77288 EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUCTS INC. ambulance supplies 116.66;77289 ENERGY LABORATORIES INC. lab testing 3798.50;77290 ENVIRO SERVICES INC. lab analysis 111.00;77291 FASTENAL CO nuts,bolts,cable ties,connectors,earmuffs 310.33;77292 FIRED UP RESCUE LLC single jacket hose 475.65;77293 FRITZLER, LARRY & DEBORAH pump septic tanks 406.00;77294 G & L CONCRETE concrete 330.00;77295 GMES LLC glove bag 31.99;77296 GOSHEN CO CONSTRUCTION LLC excavation/concrete for taxiway ramp 2358.10;77297 GOSHEN CO DISTRICT COURT CLERK payroll withholding 100.00;77298 GOSHEN CO ECONOMIC ¼ cent sales tax 30075.22;77299 GRAINGER silicone grommet 8.36;77300 GREAT-WEST TRUST CO LLC payroll withholding 2063.00;77301 GW MECHANICAL INC. install flow switch on pool boiler,repair leak on cooling tower pump 1095.08;77302 HAWKINS INC. sodium hydrox 50% diaphragm 2666.43;77303 HEILBRUN, MATT mileage reimb 199.12;77304 HIGH PLAINS APT credit refund 45.69;77305 IDEAL LINEN/BLUFFS FACILITY SOLUTION mats,scrapers,sam dust/ energy fees,sam garment fees,sam linen,coveralls,mops,towels,paper towels 834.50;77306 INLAND TRUCK PARTS & SERVICE air filters 396.17;77307 INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE-MUNICIPAL CLERKS annual membership fee 185.00;77308 JAMES A. EDDINGTON PC City Attorney extended hours 395.00;77309 JCG TECHNOLOGIES INC. liberty court/meeting recorders 975.00;77310 KATH BROADCASTING CO LLC tower rent,City Council meeting 275.00;77311 KENYON, CHUCK lodging reimb 372.82;77312 KNOW HOW LLC air brake chamber,blower motor resistor,ep grease,industrial belt,scratch brush,blower motor air c,o-rings,adapters,fuel pump module,fittings,fuses,hd clamp,g-force timing belt,file belts,hyd hoses, filters,bat GRA,self etching primer,air brake cond,starting fluid,fl hose,snap terminals,bolts,lamps,funnel, wiper blades,oil,shocks,grease cap,spindle nut,bearing kits 1600.52;77313 LECZEL, MICHAEL deposit refund 304.00;77314 LEITHEADS INC. refrigerator filters 119.98;77315 LUJAN CLEANING SERVICE LLC cleaning,window cleaning 273.75;77316 LYM, AREANNE M. deposit refund 156.57;77317 MACDONALD, DAVID S. Court Appointed Attorney 800.00;77318 MACDONALD, DAVID S. Court Appointed Attorney 320.00;77319 MATHESON TRI-GAS INC. medical oxygen 56.70;77320 MECKLENBURG, MERVIN Court Appointed Attorney 380.00;77321 METAL SHOP AND REPAIR LLC q cyl O2 contents,fabricate part for playground equipment,cutting edges,plates 713.00;77322 MHC KENWORTH return,filters,washer fluid, diesel exhaust fluid,hyd fluid,battery,core,fuel surcharge,oil 2501.01;77323 MITCHELL, GABRIEL overpayment refund 878.00;77324 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS INC. dispatch 911 service contract 4808.79; 77325 MOUNTAIN WEST TECHNOLOGIES CORP TVFD internet service 101.00;77326 MUNOZ, HYINIO deposit refund 24.32;77327 NE SAFETY AND FIRE EQUIPMENT INC. annual fire extinguisher/fire alarm system inspections 3476.00;77328 NORTHWEST PIPE FITTINGS INC. steel insert couplings,purecore poly 236.28;77329 OLSON TIRE CO tire repairs,o-ring,prema rad patches,plug stems,valve stem,tube,carlisle sport trail,atv stem,dismount/mount 237.09;77330 O'REILLY AUTO ENTERPRISES LLC fusions,hex plug, motor treatment,wiper blades,filters,motor oil,turn signal,battery 343.71;77331 PANHANDLE COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION dyed diesel,dyed ruby diesel,tire repair,clear diesel,tank rent 16694.88; 77332 POSTEN, REECE BENJAMIN service call-boiler start up 90.00;77333 PRINT EXPRESS INC. decals,ups 1343.06;77334 PRO QUALITY PEST CONTROL rodent control 90.00;77335 QUADIENT FINANCE USA INC. neopost postage 761.98;77336 QUILL LLC toner cartridges,calendar,usb,post it notes,soap 263.76;77337 RADWELL INTERNATIONAL LLC datalogic 2rreu15 centrifungal fan 565.48;77338 RICHARD, SYDNEY deposit refund 57.49;77339 RICHEY, MICHAEL air fuel,Airport Operator Contract 2313.54;77340 RIVER VIEW SAND & GRAVEL LLC salt/sand 1075.48;77341 ROCKY MOUNTAIN INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY washers, glass cleaner,bolts 77.12;77342 RUTT, AUSTIN deposit refund 66.02;77343 SEAWESTERN FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT structural gloves 379.50;77344 SNOW CREST CHEMICALS LLC hot water closed loop contract 145.00;77345 SPEED TECH LIGHTS INC. dash light bars,windshield visor,mounting brackets, traffic advisor light bar 515.31;77346 STEINHAUSEN, DARRELL deposit refund 122.01;77347 STUART C IRBY CO top handle chainsaw kit 499.00;77348 SUPER PRODUCTS rodder truck monthly rental 11910.00; 77349 TEAM CHEVROLET glass,molding,lock 435.06;77350 THE L L JOHNSON DIST CO v-belts,proximity switch 303.61;77351 THURSTON, BRADY electric pole testing 10439.00;77352 TIMBERLINE ELECTRIC & CONTROL CORP change out server,cyber security renewal 2735.00;77353 TIP TOP TREE SERVICE tree removal/trimming 650.00;77354 TORRINGTON FIRE DEPT professional services 1250.00;77355 TORRINGTON OFFICE SUPPLY bath tissue,binder clips,pens,envelope moistener,toner cartridges,dividers, stationary storage,copy paper,calculator ribbons 1505.21;77356 TORRINGTON ROTARY CLUB dues, meeting attended,youth program,paul harris fund 265.00;77357 TORRINGTON TELEGRAM ad,legals 1967.40;77358 TOUCHTONE COMMUNICATIONS long distance 294.12;77359 TWO SHOT GOOSE HUNT 2023 2shot pit sponsorship 150.00;77360 USABLUEBOOK raco verbatim autodialer 8 alarm 3396.72; 77361 VALLEY MOTOR SUPPLY filters,life support,power steering fluid,lamps,registration wallets,hose, hyd fittings,quick disconnect,oil,diesel exhaust fluid 680.71;77362 VYVE BROADBAND fiber internet service 1247.27;77363 WAGNERS FLORAL LLC sympathy arrangement 106.00;77364 WAMCO LAB INC. full chronic toxicity test,ceripdaphnia/fathead minnow survival/growth,dilution,cntrl 2025.00;77365 WESTCO overpayment refund,unleaded fuel,antifreeze,bagged fertilizer 14991.85;77366 WY DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION used 2019 Dodge Charger Police Sedan 8000.00;77367 WY MACHINERY air compressor rentals 1850.00;77368 WY SECURITY SYSTEMS INC. alarm monitoring for pool 75.00;77369 NEW YORK LIFE payroll withholding 257.00

Public Notice No. 8816 published in the Torrington Telegram on November 17, 2023.