Public Notice No. 8811




The Regular Meeting of the Lingle Town Council convened at 6:00 PM November 8, 2023 with Mayor Unverzagt leading the Pledge of Allegiance. Upon roll call, the following were present, constituting a quorum: Mayor: Al Unverzagt Council Members: A.J. Lambert Micah Foster Kathy Wilhelm Brandie Cook
There was also present: Police Chief: Endra Andrews Town Attorney: Anna Barnes Town Supervisor: Jeremy Ochsner LVFD AFC: Aaron Walsh Clerk/Treasurer: Richard Reyes Mayor Unverzagt welcomed all to the meeting and thanked them for being present. Mayor Unverzagt called for approval of the agenda with the addition of the approval of the new Open Container/24-HR Malt Beverage/Catering permit form added to “New Business” and Tree Board Members added to “Appointments.” CM Wilhelm moved to approve the agenda with the additions. CM Cook voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Unverzagt called for approval of the minutes of the October 18, 2023 regular council meeting. CM Wilhelm moved to approve the minutes as presented. CM Foster voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously. BILLS FOR OCTOBER 2023: CM Lambert moved to approve the payment of the town bills in the amount of $ 110, 599.57. CM Wilhelm voiced the second and motion carried unanimously.
POLICE ITEMS: PC Andrews reported: The action report she supplied to the council contained various items for their review; Halloween went very well. LEGAL ITEMS: TA Barnes reported: Utility demand letters that were issued for town utilities were all returned as undeliverable; TA Barnes issued a contract to Visionary for their review, they requested a copy of the CenturyLink and InnTec contracts. The CenturyLink contract was supplied and the InnTec contract was never fulfilled. MAINTENANCE ITEMS:  TS Ochsner reported: The town passed a water sample test; He and ATS Daily will be attending a safety meeting in Guernsey; ATS Daily presented information to the council concerning radar speed signs. The price is $2500 per unit. The council will study the information; The Senior Center project is complete and a walk through completed; ATS Dailey reported that he passed his water test and he must now complete an online course. LVFD:  AFC Walsh reported: The Haunted House went over well; Christmas photos with Santa will be taken December 1, 2023 from 4PM to 6PM and December 2, 2023 from 2PM to 4PM at the Fire House; AFC Walsh discussed the property tax initiative and the negative impact it may have on Goshen County creating a possible shortfall of $680,000 with no backfill. ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS: C/T Reyes reported: The Local Government ARPA Grant application for the Lingle sewer project was considered and approved in the amount of $1,247,754 by the Wyoming State Loan and Investment Board; The Goshen Economic Development Infrastructure Fund Grant was approved for the second phase of security cameras.  The grant was approved in the of $19,935.00; A grant submitted to the Wyoming Office of Homeland Security for a new radio for Endra has been approved and paid in the amount of $2,950.00. NEW BUSINESS: Following discussion, council voted by consensus to approve the new Open Container/24 HR Malt Beverage/Catering Permit; CM Wilhelm moved to approve the Open Container permit application submitted by Travis Hattan. CM Cook voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENTS: Mayor Unverzagt announced the candidates for the Tree Board. They are: Kelly Greenwald, Sarah Ingram and Logan Daily. CM Cook moved to appoint all candidates to the Tree Board.  CM Foster voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously. COUNCIL ITEMS: CM Wilhelm brought up the extended closed state of the Corner Bar. According to Ordinance #349 Section1:  …Every retail liquor dealer licensed under this article are required to be open for business to the general public a minimum of thirty (30) hours per week...  Council decided TA Barnes contact all owners and get a time line of when the Corner Bar will open.   
With no further business to conduct Mayor Unverzagt adjourned the meeting at 6:45 PM.
Signed by Mayor Al Unverzagt and attested by Clerk/Treasurer Richard Reyes
Public Notice No. 8811 published in the Lingle Guide on November 17, 2023.