Public Notice No. 8798



RFP – Medical Assistant Program Readiness Plan
The Eastern Wyoming College Nursing Program seeks a qualified consultant to assist with design and logistical planning for its new Medical Assistant Training Program.
Work expected to start December 2023
Final Report due February 9, 2024
Proposals Due: Proposals will be received until 4:00 PM on Monday, November 27, 2023.  Bids will be opened and read aloud that same day at 4:05 PM local time in the Dolores Kaufman Board Room (room 274), Tebbet Classroom Building.
EWC is seeking proposals from qualified consultants to provide professional input, feedback, and assessment services for a new Medical Assistant Training (MA) Program in Torrington, Wyoming and Douglas, Wyoming. Consultant evaluation criteria will include relevant experience, certifications, higher education experience in the field of Medical Assistant training, curriculum knowledge, and industry knowledge. Value evaluation criteria will include capacity to fulfill assessment and recommendation needs, costs & fees, and description of deliverables.
The contract will be for no more than a 70-day period starting no later than December 11, 2023 and ending no later than February 9, 2024.

As part of the contract, the Consultant will be asked to engage in the following activities:
• Spend three full workdays on the EWC campus (3 days @ 8 hours/each) to asses class and lab space at both Torrington, Wyoming and Douglas, Wyoming campuses, meet with faculty and administration, and potentially observe and speak with available students in December 2023 or January 2024
• Review and assess current MA curriculum, proposed class content, and syllabi
• Present their findings to the EWC Nursing Program faculty and Advisory Committee and EWC Administrative staff in February 2024.
As part of the contract, the Consultant will be asked to provide the following in a formal written report:
• Curriculum, class content, and syllabi recommendations
• Critical supply list for full 1-year MA program
• Optional supply list for full 1-year MA program
• Classroom and lab space recommendations for the MA program
• Recommended course outcomes and end-of-program learning outcomes for the MA program
• Recommended metrics to use to measure outcomes
• Recommendations on current and emerging MA technology to use in the MA program
• Recommendations on certification support for MA students
• Recommendations on MA program accreditation
• Recommendations on MA program and testing.

Public Notice No. 8798 published in the Torrington Telegram on November 8, 2023.