The Wyoming Public Service Commission (Commission) approved the Application of Black Hills Wyoming Gas, LLC d/b/a Black Hills Energy (BHWG or the Company) to establish a total purchased gas cost rate of $0.7291 per therm, representing a decrease of $0.1155 per therm, effective on and after December 1, 2022. The rate is applicable to 67,954 customers, including all Cheyenne and Cody Division customers and all Choice Gas customers in the Casper, Gillette, and Torrington Divisions who have elected to take service under the Gas Cost Adjustment Rate. The Commission’s approval is subject to notice, protest, intervention, refund, change, further investigation, opportunity for hearing, and further order of the Commission.
The proposed gas cost rate results in a monthly decrease of approximately $9.71 (7.8%) for the typical residential customer using 84 therms monthly during December 2022 through February 2023 and results in a projected decrease in the Company’s revenues of approximately $3,843,235 without any effect on the Company’s earnings. When combined with the Company’s proposal to modify the Revenue Adjustment Mechanism rate, the net result is a monthly decrease of $10.21 or 8.2% before taxes, for a typical residential customer using 84 therms.