Tuesday May 2, 2023
The Board of County Commissioners of Goshen County, Wyoming met in regular session on the above date at 9:00 am at the Goshen County Courthouse in the Commissioners Chambers with the following members present Commissioner Michael McNamee, Commissioner Aaron Walsh, Justin Burkart and Mary Feagler, County Clerk and Clerk of the Board.
The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Walsh moved to approve the agenda and the April 18th minutes, seconded and passed. Chairman McNamee announced the May 16th meeting is cancelled as the commission will begin budget hearing meetings on May 11th.
Clerk of Court Brandi Correa presented her monthly earnings report for January in the amount of $ 4,429.52. Commissioner Burkart moved to accept the Clerk of District Court earnings report, seconded and passed.
The Road and Bridge report was presented by Supervisor Dane Bolzer, Road Administrator Val Hankins, County Surveyor Bob Taylor and County Planner Mike Tietjen. Commissioner Burkart moved to approve the Road and Bridge reports including the County Planner report, seconded and passed. The Oliver Subdivision was submitted for approval and signatures. It was approved and signed. Chairman McNamee commended the Road and Bridge Department on a positive report he received from the public thanking them for their hard work in the last storm. Bob Taylor spoke on the chip seal project for repairing paved roads in the county. Commissioner Burkart moved to approve the Oliver Subdivision, seconded and passed. Commissioner Burkart moved approve the Road & Bridge report. Mark LaGrande came to the meeting to thank Road and Bridge for helping him when he was stuck in a January storm on the road. Operator Jered Swartwood pulled him out and cleared snow for him to get back to his house.
The Goshen County Sheriff Commissary report was presented via e-mail in the amount of $7,773.07.
County Clerk Mary Feagler presented her monthly reports. The monthly earnings report for the County Clerk’s Office is $ 13,449.00. She also presented the warrants for payment, the payroll report and employee bonds for approval. Commissioner Burkart moved to approve the warrants for payment, earnings report, and employee bonds, seconded and passed. Commissioner Burkart moved to accept the Clerk’s report, seconded and passed. The following warrants were approved for payment: Employee Payroll 226,860.36; Circuit Court Go Co Garnish 827.97; Great West Trust Retirement 2660.00; Morrill County Court Garnish 472.65; USAA Federal Savings Bank Insurance 200.00; Wy NCPERS Life Insurance 32.00; County Clerk FTD Payroll Liability 63743.78; County Clerk Health Ins Acct Insurance 96097.12; Wy Dept of Employment Payroll Liability 3948.85; Wy Retirement System Retirement 51716.56; Airgas Medical/Supplies 47.27; Barnes Law Crt Appt Atty 410.00; Benchmark Retainer 150.00; Benchmark Survey/Engineering 20948.82; Benchmark Mapping Contract 460.00; B Law Supplies 51.98; Black Hills Energy Utility 1762.85; Bloedorn Lumber Repair 197.63; Bluffs Facility Supplies 708.37; Bob Ruwart Motors ARPA Grant 209641.25; Bomgaars Supplies 1026.53; Burns Ins Bonds 438.28; Canon Tech 299.00; Capital Business Systems Equip/Repair 270.04; Capital One FSB Supplies 906.98; CashWa Dist Dietary 11279.88; Casper Dispatch Dues 100.00; CDW Government Maint/Warranty 1987.04; Century Lumber Repair 81.92; CenturyLink Telephone 1451.46; Charles Sylvester Gravel 1287.00; C Wright Grant Exp 8.51; Clarke Plumbing Maintenance 683.43; CNA Surety Bonds 200.00; Copier Connect Equip/Repair 227.00; Corvinus Equip/Repair 541.00; County Clerk Trust Supplies 158.61; Culligan Supplies 234.55; Deluxe Supplies 388.13; Fastenal Supplies 424.86; Flock Restoration Maintenance 255.00; Frank Parts Supplies 360.12; Gering Valley Plumbing & Heating Maintenance 579.00; Go Co Clerk Grant Exp 1189.76; Go Co Detention Center State/Fed Medical 627.77; Go Co Road & Bridge Supplies 92.62; Go Co Treasurer Postage 1442.35; Go Irrigation Dist Supplies 150.00; Goshen County Treasurer Rent 755.81; Goshen Financial Strategies Ins Consult 2000.00; Goshen Fire Service Dues 325.00; Great American Financial Equip/Repair 340.00; H Dittmer Travel/Mileage 207.66; Herbert K Doby Pub Defender 3333.34; High Plains Fire Protection Maintenance 896.85; Hometown Auto Vehicle Repair 596.00; Ideal Linen Supplies 754.27; J McFarlin Travel/Mileage 74.67; K Beard Grant Exp 297.00; Ken Brown Crt Appt Atty 320.00; K Flock Travel/Mileage 225.42; Kgos-Kerm Medical/Supplies 30.00; Lujan Cleaning Maintenance 2165.00; M Strong Grant Exp 32.42; M Boalch Repair 42.71; Max Masters Mapping 3800.00; M Brittingham Supplies 23.95; M Johnson Grant Exp 280.41; Metal Shop Supplies 119.00; Midstates Tire Vehicle Repair 1129.16; Motorola ARPA Grant 1144.80; Natl Sheriff's Assn Dues 142.00; Norma S Cantu Health Care Services 1196.25; Office Ally Medical/Supplies 35.00; Office of the State Public Defender 31254.76; Olson Tire Repair 51.30; Palen Law Offices Crt Appt Atty 220.00; Pitney Bowes Medical/Supplies 81.90; Public Defenders Office Public Defender 300.00; Quadient Leasing Equip/Repair 871.66; RWMC Health Care Services 754.00; RWPC Health Care Services 1975.80; R Wunibald Grant Exp 758.78; S Coxbill Supplies 59.17; Security Plumbing Maintenance 873.48; Sign Solutions Road Maintenance 811.62; Simply Clean Janitorial 327.21; St Joseph's Grant Exp 1662.53; Stericycle Health Care Services 58.80; TDS Utility 264.00; The Practice After School Program Grant Exp 371.95; Torr Office Supply Supplies 1917.41; Torr Telegram Publishing 1936.43; City of Torrington Utility 7203.44; Tri State Oil Reclaimers Supplies 45.00; Tricia L Mutchler Supplies 390.00; Union Telephone Grant Exp 149.61; Vandel Drug State/Fed Medical 1297.33; Verizon Telephone 1612.56; Visa 13 Equip/Repair 168.05; Visa 22 Grant Exp 2889.42; Visa IT Supplies 3559.98; Visa Sheriff Training 1648.13; Vistabeam Internet 93.95; West Hwy Water Sewer Dist Utility 88.00; Westco Fuel 23311.97; Wy Machinery Repair 52.45; Wy Public Health Lab Medical/Supplies 152.00; Wyoming Behavioral Institute Placement Services 5154.00; X Lazy H Rent 425.00; Xerox Medical/Supplies 151.54; Xesi Grant Exp 393.43; Total Warrants 821,231.68
Fire Warden Bill Law presented his monthly report and Emergency Manager Thom Bozeman presented his monthly report. Chairman McNamee signed a letter of recommendation requesting the appointment of EM Manager Thom Bozeman to be the Goshen County Emergency Management / Homeland Security Coordinator. Commissioner Burkart moved to accept the Fire Warden and Emergency Manager reports, seconded and passed.
County Coroner Darin Yates was present to present his report and discuss the new legislation regarding EMS districts, Senate file 43, which creates a funding revenue for EMS. A tax to benefit the ambulance service for the county. Commissioner Burkart suggested to form a committee made up of EMS personnel in the county to start the process. Commissioner Burkart moved to accept the coroner report, seconded and passed.
Goshen County Fair Manager Stephanie Lofink was present to give the Fairgrounds report. Commissioner Burkart moved to approve the Fair report, seconded and passed.
Chairman McNamee, liaison to the Joint Powers Board, stated they have two vacancies for the Board. One full term (5 year) and one term to finish out for Jackie Van Mark. Her term expires in 2026. The library board also has two board openings beginning July 1, 2023. They are three year terms.
Robert Lewis owner of the Lewis Feedlot brought a letter issued by DEQ responding to a complaint they received about the feedlot. The DEQ found no violations upon their visit.
Mark Deibert, manager of the Goshen Solar Wind project and David Otto, land owner presented the Solar Project plan for Goshen Solar LLC.
Jesse Bowen is working on the Fiber Optics Project going to the Public Health Building. This was tabled until his budget meeting with the commissioners.
The regular meeting broke for executive session regarding personnel from 11:30 to 11:40. After the commissioners reconvened with their regular meeting. Sheriff Kory Fleenor was present to discuss jail funding but County Attorney Eric Boyer was delayed in court and could not make the meeting. David MacDonald, public defender was not able to attend either so the issue will be addressed at a later date.
The Commission adjourned at 12:03 pm. The next regular meeting will be June 6th at the usual place and time. Per Wyo. Stat. §18-3-516(f), access to the county information can be obtained at or by calling the Clerk’s office (307)532-4051(approved for publication)
Attest: _______________________________
Mary B. Feagler
Goshen County Clerk
Michael McNamee Chairman
Goshen County Commission
Public Notice No. 8590 published in the Torrington Telegram on May 17, 2023.