The Wyoming Public Service Commission (Commission) approved the Application of the City of Torrington for authority to set its Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) factor at ($0.002318) per kWh sold, representing a decrease of $0.000202 per kWh from the current PCA rate, and to adopt an Avoided Cost rate of $0.043293 per kWh, applicable to its customers outside city limits. The Commission’s approval is subject to notice, protest, intervention, refund, change, further investigation, opportunity for hearing, and further order of the Commission.
The typical residential customer outside Torrington’s corporate limits using approximately 750 kWh per month may expect a monthly electric bill decrease of approximately $0.15 based on the new PCA factor. Actual bills will vary with usage.
Commission Rule Chapter 3, Section 26 allows a utility to pass on to its customers known or projected commodity cost increases or decreases on a dollar-for-dollar basis, subject to public notice, opportunity for hearing, and refund.
The Application is available at the Commission, at the City’s offices or online at: (enter Record No. 17247).
Anyone desiring to file a statement, intervention petition, protest, or request for a public hearing in this matter must file in writing with the Commission on or before May 31, 2023. A proposed intervention or request for hearing must set forth the grounds, the position and interest of the petitioner in this proceeding.
If you wish to participate in this matter and you require reasonable accommodation for a disability, contact the Commission at (307) 777-7427 or 2515 Warren Avenue, Suite 300, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002. Communications-impaired persons may also contact the Commission by accessing Wyoming Relay at 711. Please mention Docket No. 12000-31-CP-23 in your communications.
Dated: May 2, 2023.
Public Notice No. 8575 published in the Torrington Telegram on May 5 and 12, 202