Public Notice No. 8469




Eastern Wyoming College will receive sealed bids for the EWC Fine Arts Building Chiller Replacement Project.  Bids may be delivered to Kwin Wilkes, Vice President of Financial Affairs, Eastern Wyoming College, 3200 West C Street, Torrington, Wyoming 82240-1699.

Project Description:

The scope of work is generally defined as follows:

    • Remove existing chiller & pumps.
    • Install new chiller & pumps and all associated piping & electrical equipment.
    • All work shall be accomplished in a workmanship-like manner
Bid Opening:

Bids will be received until 2:00 pm, Thursday, March 2, 2023 in the Eastern Wyoming College Business Office, located in the Tebbet Building, room 236. Bids will be opened and read aloud at 2:05 pm, that same day, in the Tebbet Building, Dolores Kaufman Board Room, room 274.

Non Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference:

Interested bidders may attend a pre-bid conference and site inspection meeting.  This meeting will be held at 10:30 am on Thursday, February 16, 2023, at the EWC Physical Plant, Torrington Campus.  

Bidding Documents:

Copies of the plans, specifications, and bidding documents may be obtained without fee or deposit from Mr. Keith Jarvis, Department of Physical Plant, Eastern Wyoming College, 3200 West C Street, Torrington, WY 82240-1699.

Public Notice No. 8469 published in the Torrington Telegram on February 3, 8 and 10, 2023.