Public Notice No. 8415



Tuesday December 6, 2022
    The Board of County Commissioners of Goshen County, Wyoming met in regular session on the above date at 9:00 am at the Goshen County Courthouse in the Commissioners Chambers with the following members present Chairman John Ellis, Vice Chairman Cody Cox, Commissioner Justin Burkart and Cindy Kenyon, County Clerk and Clerk of the Board. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Burkart moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting and the agenda, seconded and passed. Chairman Ellis and Vice-Chairman Cox spoke sincerely about the honor of serving on the board for the past several years.
     The Road and Bridge report was accepted from Road Administrator Val Hankins, County Surveyor Bob Taylor, and County Planner Mike Tietjen. Commissioner Cox moved to accept the Road and Bridge report, seconded and passed.
     County Clerk Cindy Kenyon presented budget amendments necessary to add unexpected revenue and expenses to the 2022-2023 budget.  Commissioner Burkart approved the amendments as submitted, seconded and passed. The amendments are as follows:
    Department:        Expense        Income            Purpose
    Sheriff            $59800        $59800 general fund    Body cameras general fund
    Sheriff            $24000        $24000 radio grant    unanticipated grant
    Emergency Manager    $ 2600        $ 2600 radio grant    unanticipated grant

    Fire Warden        $765000        $765000 federal funds    Equipment and wages pass thru
    Fire Warden        $ 7500        $ 7500 unanticipated grant     
    Fire Warden        $ 10000        $ 10000 suppression expense general fund & reimbursement
    Fire Warden        $ 1400        $ 1400 vehicle repair    general fund
    County Planner        $ 8000        $ 8000 benchmark    general fund
    Victims Assistance    $ 3200        $ 3200 wages/supplies    unanticipated grant
    WIC            $ 1596        $ 1596 wages        unanticipated grant
    Clerk of District Court Brandi Correa presented a voucher for $3,758.50 to cover additional monies needed for the Rickard embezzlement case.  Commissioner Cox moved to approve the expenses, seconded and passed. Clerk of Court Correa presented her monthly earnings report in the amount of $2,774.50. Commissioner Burkart moved to accept the Clerk of District Court report, seconded and passed. Clerk of District Court requested a department credit card, Commissioner Cox moved to approve acquiring the card, seconded and passed.
County Clerk Cindy Kenyon presented her monthly report. The monthly earnings report for the County Clerk’s Office is $13,360.50. Commissioner Burkart moved to accept the earnings report, seconded and passed. The Clerk presented then presented the warrant report. Commissioner Cox moved to approve the warrants for payment, seconded and passed.
    Fire Warden Bill Law presented his monthly report. The Emergency Manager report was presented by Interim Emergency Manager Chuck Kenyon, Commissioner Burkart moved to accept the Emergency Manager and Fire Warden reports, seconded and passed. Interim Emergency Manager Kenyon presented 3 grant contracts, Homeland Security, Emergency Management Preparedness Grant $47,000, Homeland Security Grant, Compliant Mobile and Portable Radios for $24,000 and Homeland Security, Interoperable Emergency Communication for $2,955.03. Commissioner Cox moved to approve the 3 grants contracts, seconded and passed.  
Andrew Wendt with   Atlas presented the audit for fiscal year 2022.
     Commissioner Burkart presented Resolution 2022-11 A Resolution Establishing A Goshen County Youth Alternatives Board. Commissioner Cox moved to approve the resolution, seconded and passed.
      Commissioner Cox moved to cancel the December 20th meeting, seconded and passed.
Following are the warrants approved for payment Employee Payroll 301481.08; 203335-2003410 Election Payroll 12255.04; 203491 Circuit Court Go Co Garnish 848.09; 203492 Circuit Court Laramie Co Garnish 610.73; 203493 Wy Child Support Enforcement Garnish 350.00; 203494 County Clerk Health Ins Acct Ins 91587.10; 203495 County Clerk FTD Payroll Liabilities 81683.76; 203496 Aflac Ins 192.93; 203497 Colonial Life Ins 37.00; 203498 Great West Trust Ins 1980.00; 203499 Wy NCPERS Life Ins 32.00; 203500 Wy Dept of Employment Payroll Liabilities 5178.46; 203501 911 Supply Uniform 402.00; 203502 A & C Sheet Metal Repair 29.27; 203503 AccuScreen Mobile Drug Testing Training 165.00; 203504 Airgas USA Medical 34.69; 203505 Alyssa Coulsen Crt appt atty 230.00; 203506 Axon Enterprises Uniform 58214.90; 203507 Banner Health Health Care svcs 5607.86; 203508 Barnes Law Crt appt atty 237.40; 203509 Benchmark Retainer 300.00; 203510 Benchmark Rd proj 15161.50; 203511 Benchmark Contract labor 1238.41; 203512 B Law Training 174.00; 203513 Black Hills Energy Utilities 2098.62; 203514 Bloedorn Lumber Repair 86.94; 203515 Bluffs Facility Solutions Janitorial 1180.17 203516 Bomgaars Tools 240.60; 203517 Canon Equip 299.00; 203518 Capital Business Systems Equip 281.20; 203519 Capital One FSB Travel 464.32; 203520 CashWa Dist Dietary 11303.83; 203521 CDW Government Maint 1710.10; 203522 Century Lumber Repair 102.54; 203523 CenturyLink Telephone 1447.95; 203524 C Sylvester Gravel 146.25; 203525 C Wright Travel 57.50; 203526 CMI & Teco Repair 691.67; 203527 CNA Surety Bonds 925.00; 203528 Colby Sturgeon Crt appt atty 260.00; 203529 Colyer Funeral Home IndigentFund 1500.00; 203530 Control Solutions Medical 113.00; 203531 Copier Connection Equip 263.45; 203532 Culligan Water Supplies 207.15; 203533 Dell Maint 3680.80, 203534 Dynamic Controls Maint 52652.00; 203535 E Boyer AttyFees 367.00; 203536 ES&S Election 476.40 203537 Fastenal Tools 300.30; 203538 Frank Parts Co Tools 406.47; 203539 Galls Uniform 347.99; 203540 Go Co Clerk Grant Exp 1023.51; 203541 Go Co Sheriff Supplies 120.00; 203542 Go Co Treasurer Postage 516.94; 203543 Go Co Treasurer Rent 763.48; 203544 Go Financial Strategies Ins Consult 2000.00; 203545 Great American Leasing Equip 315.00; 203546 Griggs Family Dental Health Care svcs 768.00; 203547 Harold Anderson Grant Exp 140.00; 203548 Herbert Doby Pub Defender 3333.34; 203549 Hometown Auto Fleet Repair 704.60; 203550 Ideal Linen Janitorial 928.09; 203551 JD Power Supplies 320.00; 203552 James Church Retainer 100.00; 203553 J Stratton Grant Exp 140.00; 203554 Ken Brown Crt appt atty 640.00; 203555 K Flock Travel 72.50; 203556 Long Building Tech Repair 3293.47; 203557 Lujan Cleaning Svcs Janitorial 2165.00; 203558 L Saucedo Grant Exp 22.70; 203559 MARC Supplies 431.58; 203560 Matthew Bender Supplies 87.43; 203561 Max Masters Mapping 4570.28; 203562 McKesson Medical Medical 163.23; 203563 M Morgheim Grant Exp 140.00; 203564 Mervin Mecklenburg Crt appt atty 653.00; 203565 Metal Shop Repair 225.00; 203566 Niobrara Co Treasurer Placement Svcs 1210.00; 203567 NMC Fuel 1187.09; 203568 Norma Cantu Health Care svcs 1740.00; 203569 Office Ally Medical 35.00; 203570 Olson Tire Fleet Repair 1751.66; 203571 Palen Law Offices Crt appt atty 1690.00; 203572 Panhandle Coop Dietary 209.89; 203573 P Peterson Grant Exp 140.00; 203574 Pitney Bowes Equip 205.14; 203575 Pitney Bowes Global Equip 241.11; 203576 Pomps Tire Service Repair 3690.57; 203577 Print Express Uniform 75.00; 203578 Public Defenders Office Pub Defender 300.00; 203579 R Calderon Placement Svcs 10.90; 203580 R Boyd Grant Exp 110.00; 203581 Russell Business Svcs Consult 775.00; 203582 R Wunibald Grant Exp 800.00; 203583 S Coxbill Travel 110.75; 203584 Security Plumbing Maint 1090.75;  203585 Simply Clean Supplies 189.50; 203586 Spic and Span Cleaners Road Maint 1148.00; 203587 Star Herald Dues 429.00; 203588 Stericycle Inc Medical 350.97; 203589 Summit Fire Supplies 353.00; 203590 Sunrise Sprinkler Repair 185.00; 203591 TDS Utilities 235.00; 203592 The Practice After School Program Grant Exp 367.95; 203593 Torr Office Supply Supplies 1307.39; 203594 Torr Telegram Publishing 1655.50; 203595 THS Source of Strength Grant Exp 258.72; 203596 City of Torrington Utilities 7042.42; 203597 City of Torrington Grant Exp 150.00; 203598 Transwest Ford Repair 29.77; 203599 US Postmaster Box Fee 576.00; 203600 Union Telephone Co Inc Grant Exp 149.63; 203601 Valley Motor Supplies 76.40; 203602 Vandel Drug Health Care svcs 419.91; 203603 Verizon Telephone 1551.87; 203604 Visa Travel 485.95; 203605 Visa Repair 348.49; 203606 Visa Repair 583.39; 203607 Visa Medical 1339.56; 203608 Visa IT Repair 7609.09; 203609 Visa Sheriff Supplies 764.87; 203610 Vistabeam Internet 93.95; 203611 West Hwy Water Sewer Dist Utilities 88.00; 203612 WY Brand Industries Supplies 108.00; 203613 WLEA Training 550.00; 203614 Wy Machinery Fuel 3124.84; 203615 Wy Public Health Lab Medical 84.00; 203616 Wy State Auditors Office Ins 1195.00; 203617 Wyoming Behavioral Institute Placement Svcs 4273.60; 203618 Wyrulec Utilities 33.12; 203619 X Lazy H Rent 425.00; 203620 Xerox Supplies 151.54; 203621 Xesi Supplies 554.56; 203622 Yoder Fire Dist FD Equip/Wages 22289.60; 203623 ZoHo Corp Maint Warr 6727.00; 203624 Wy Retirement System Payroll Liabilities 53978.29; Total Warrants 819935.36
The Commission adjourned at 10:30 am. The next regular meeting will be January 3rd at 10 am.
(approved for publication)

Attest: _______________________________        ___________________________________
    Mary B. Feagler                    Justin Burkart, Chairman
    Goshen County Clerk                Goshen County Commission

Public Notice No. 8415 published in the Torrington Telegram on December 21, 2022.