Public Notice No. 7851




The Regular Meeting of the Lingle Town Council convened at 5:00 PM June 9, 2021 with Mayor Siglin leading the Pledge of Allegiance. Upon roll call, the following were present, constituting a quorum: Mayor: George Siglin Council Members: Steve Edwardson Joe Welte There was also present: Town Attorney: Anna Barnes Clerk: Richard Reyes     Town Supervisor: Larry Haeffelin Absent: Council Member: Brandie Cook Council Member: A.J. Lambert Police Chief: Endra Andrews Fire Chief: Kasey Bangerter. Mayor Siglin welcomed all to the meeting and thanked them for being present. Mayor Siglin requested the addition of two items to the agenda; the first reading of Ordinance #355 and Council’s approval to sign ARPA-NEU Funds Documents. Mayor Siglin called for approval of the agenda with the additions. CM Welte moved to approve the agenda as amended. CM Edwardson voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Siglin called for approval of the minutes of the May 19, 2021 regular council meeting. CM Edwardson moved to approve the minutes as presented. CM Welte voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously. BILLS FOR MAY 2021: CM Edwardson moved to approve the Town bills in the amount of
$ 82,973.33. CM Welte voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENT: Bill Carr, representing the Lingle Lions Club invited the Mayor, Council and their family members to their annual family picnic in Whipple Park on July 12, 2021 at 6 PM. Mr. Carr also requested use of Whipple Park for the Lions Club Community in the Park celebration. In conjunction with the celebration he requested that the Lingle Pool be available for free use during the promotion. The celebration will take place August 10, 2021 from 6 PM to 8 PM. The Lions Club will also be accepting non-perishable food donations for local food pantries. The Lingle Town Council approved Mr. Carr’s requests by consensus. LEGAL: TA Barnes reported: Ordinance #355 came about due to a failure to appear for a municipal court trial; she also reported that Ms. Maypack, owner of the property at 213 Main Street in Lingle, WY has not responded to two letters sent to her concerning the property. ADMINISTRATIVE: C Reyes reported: The employee health insurance has been renewed for fiscal year 2021-2022; the ARPA-NEU funds documents have been received from the Wyoming Governors Office; The pre-renewal summary for Property/Casualty insurance has also been received. MAINTENANCE: TS Haeffelin reported: The pool heater has been replaced and the pool is now operable; the department has one more power pole to move; The Story Walk fixtures are in the town shop awaiting installation. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: The Lingle Town Council voted by consensus to allow Mayor Siglin to sign the Story Walk Agreement with the Goshen County Library Foundation.     
ORDINANCES: SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE #352 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION FOR THE TOWN OF LINGLE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR JULY 1, 2021 TO JUNE 30, 2022. Following the title reading of Ordinance #352 CM Edwardson moved to approve the second reading of Ordinance #352.  CM Welte voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE #353 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND RE-ENACTING ORDINANCE 195 OF THE TOWN OF LINGLE, WYOMING PROVIDING FOR THE REGULATION OF CERTAIN TRAFFIC OFFENSES WITHIN THE TOWN OF LINGLE. Following discussion of Ordinance #353 CM Edwardson moved to approve the first reading of Ordinance #353. CM Welte voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE #354 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 274 OF THE TOWN OF LINGLE, WYOMING MUNICIPAL CODE AND FEES. Following discussion of Ordinance #354 CM Welte moved to approve the first reading of Ordinance #354. CM Edwardson voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE #355 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND ADDING SECTION 8 OF ORDINANCE #109, ADDING FAILURE TO APPEAR FOR ARRAIGNMENTS AND TRIALS IN MUNICIPAL COURT. Following discussion of Ordinance #355 CM Welte moved to approve the first reading of Ordinance #355.  CM Edwardson voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: NOTICE OF HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT LINGLE TOWN COUNCIL VARIANCE REQUEST – BRUCE AND CINDY LOUTH. Following discussion between the Lingle Town Council and TS Haeffelin on the Louth Variance Request Mayor Siglin called for a motion. CM Welte moved to approve the Louth Variance Request. CM Edwardson voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously. APPLICATION FOR 24-HR MALT BEVERAGE PERMIT – WYRULEC. Following discussion CM Edwardson moved to approve the WYRULEC 24-HR Malt Beverage Permit. CM Welte voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously. APPLICATION FOR 24-HR MALT BEVERAGE PERMIT – SPENCER. Following discussion CM Welte moved to approve the Spencer 24-Hr Malt Beverage Permit. CM Edwardson voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously. APPLICATION FOR CATERING PERMINT – CORNER BAR. Following discussion CM Welte moved to approved the Corner Bar Catering Permit. CM Edwardson voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously. LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL: CORNER BAR, LIRA’S, & TY’S PITSTOP. Following discussion CM Welte moved to renew the Corner Bar Liquor License for fiscal year 2021-2022. CM Edwardson voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously.
Following discussion CM Welte moved to renew Lira’s Restaurant Liquor License for fiscal year 2021-2022. CM Edwardson voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously. Following discussion CM Welte moved to renew Ty’s Pitstop Liquor License for fiscal year 2021-2022. CM Edwardson voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF W.A.M. VOTING DELEGATE: The Lingle Town Council voted by consensus to approve Mayor Siglin as Lingle’s W.A.M. voting delegate at the upcoming W.A.M. meeting in Cheyenne, WY. SENIOR CENTER LETTER OF SUPPORT AND CERTIFICATE OF MATCH. Following discussion, the Lingle Town Council voted by consensus to issue a Letter of Support and Certificate of Match for the Senior Center. ARPA-NEU FUNDS DOCUMENTS:  Following discussion CM Edwardson moved to allow Mayor Siglin to sign all necessary documents needed to apply for ARPA-NEU Funds. CM Welte voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously.  CORRESPONDENCE: GOVERNOR GORDON VISIT TO GOSHEN COUNTY 6-24-2021. Mayor Siglin discussed the Working Lunch visit that Governor Gordon will be making to Goshen County June 24, 2021.  Mayor Siglin, CM Edwardson, T Garner and C Reyes offered to attend the Working Lunch. Council Members not in attendance will be contacted about the Luncheon. COUNCIL ITEMS: Mayor Siglin informed all in attendance that the Wyoming Legislature will not convene for a Special Session. With no further business to conduct Mayor Siglin adjourned the meeting at 5:40 PM.

Signed by Mayor George Siglin    Attested by Clerk Richard Reyes
Public Notice No. 7851 published in the Lingle Guide on June 18, 2021.