Public Notice No. 7829



A public hearing will be held to amend the Goshen County budget for fiscal year 2020-2021. The amendment is necessary to add unanticipated expenses disbursed by the Goshen County Treasurer. The amendment may also include the Care Center Joint Powers Board, Fair, Library and Weed and Pest. The hearing will be held at the office of the County Commission, 2125 East A Street County Courthouse, Torrington, Wyoming on June 15, 2021 at 10:00 am at which time all persons interested may appear and be heard respecting such transfer of funds. If you wish to participate in this hearing and you require reasonable accommodation for a disability please contact Gary Childs ADA Coordinator at 532-3852.

Cindy Kenyon

County Clerk

Public Notice No. 7829 published in The Torrington Telegram on June 2, 2021.