Public Notice No. 7708




PROJECT:    Goshen County School District No. 1
Weed & Pest Control Services
OWNER:    Goshen County School District No. 1
        ATTN. Marcy Cates, Business Manager
BID DATE:    February 23, 2021

BID TIME:    1:00pm. MST
Goshen County School District No. 1 is seeking sealed proposals from Vendors for the supply and professional services related to annual lawn/field maintenance and noxious weed bare ground control.  
Requests for Proposals and general information can be obtained from:

Goshen County School District No. 1
Pete Polkowske, District Groundskeeper
626 West 25th Avenue
Torrington, Wyoming 82240
Phone:    507-272-6249

To be considered all proposals must be directly submitted to the above address no later than 1:00 PM MST, February 23, 2021.  The proposals will be evaluated according to the criteria established in the proposal instruction, with a contract recommendation made to the Board of Trustees at the March 2, 2021 regular Board meeting.

The Owner reserves the privilege to reject all bids or any bid or to waive any irregularities in any bid, or to accept any bid which will best serve the interests of the Owner.   Preference is hereby given to materials, supplies, equipment, agricultural products, machinery and provisions produced, manufactured, supplied or grown in Wyoming, quality being equal to articles offered by the competitors outside the state.
No bid may be withdrawn for a period of 30 days after the date set for the opening thereof.

Public Notice No. 7708 published in the Torrington Telegram February 12 and 17, 2021.