The Regular Meeting of the Lingle Town Council convened at 5:00 P.M. January 6, 2021 with Mayor Siglin leading the Pledge of Allegiance. Upon roll call, the following were present, constituting a quorum: Mayor: George Siglin Council Members: Brandie Cook Steve Edwardson A.J. Lambert Joe Welte There was also present: Clerk: Richard Reyes Absent: Police Chief: Endra Andrews Town Attorney: Anna Barnes Fire Chief: Kasey Bangerter Town Supervisor: Larry Haeffelin Mayor Siglin welcomed all to the meeting and thanked them for being present. Mayor Siglin called for approval of the agenda as presented. CM Welte moved to approve the agenda. CM Cook voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Siglin called for approval of the minutes of the December 9, 2020 regular council meeting. CM Edwardson noted corrections to be made to the minutes. CM Cook moved to approve the minutes as amended. CM Lambert voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously. BILLS FOR December 2020: CM Edwardson moved to approve the Town bills in the amount of $82,058.19. CM Welte voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously. MAINTENANCE ITEMS: M Siglin reported information passed on by TS Haeffelin: Maintenance on the town vehicles is taking place in addition to regular duties. ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS: C Reyes Reported: The Progress Program Report and media documentation for the America’s Farmers Grow Communities Grant has been submitted. Daily operation of the town office is business as usual. COUNCIL ITEMS: CM Lambert discussed the LVFD’s Christmas celebration of parading three decorated fire trucks through the Town of Lingle. Mayor Siglin and the Council asked CM Lambert to thank FC Bangerter and LVFD for their efforts. Mayor Siglin discussed the January 20, 2021 Council Meeting and it was agreed to waive the meeting unless Town business requires a meeting to be called; he also asked Council Members to review the personnel manual for possible updates and that the Wyoming State Legislature call to order is due to take place January 12, 2021. With no further action to be taken Mayor Siglin adjourned the meeting at 5:19 P.M.
Signed by Mayor George Siglin Attested by Clerk Richard Reyes.
Public Notice No. 7679 published in the Lingle Guide on January 15, 2021.