The Regular Meeting of the Lingle Town Council convened at 5:00 P.M. December 9, 2020 with Mayor Siglin leading the Pledge of Allegiance. Upon roll call, the following were present, constituting a quorum:
Mayor: George Siglin
Council Members: Brandie Cook
Steve Edwardson
Joe Welte
There was also present: Clerk: Richard Reyes
Absent: Police Chief: Endra Andrews
Town Attorney: Anna Barnes
Fire Chief: Kasey Bangerter
Town Supervisor: Larry Haeffelin
Mayor Siglin welcomed all to the meeting and thanked them for being present. Mayor Siglin called for approval of the agenda as presented. CM Edwardson moved to approve the agenda. CM Cook voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Siglin called for approval of the minutes of the November 4, 2020 regular council meeting. CM Welte moved to approve the minutes as presented. CM Edwardson voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously.
BILLS FOR OCTOBER 2020: CM Edwardson moved to approve the Town bills in the amount of
$84,270.35. CM Welte voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously.
LEGAL ITEMS: C Reyes reported information passed on by TA Barnes: A letter has been sent to Melette Maypark; A criminal trial was dismissed.
MAINTENANCE ITEMS: M Siglin reported information passed on by TS Haeffelin: Computer assistance will be required to setup the generator.
ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS: C Reyes Reported: The full executed Coronavirus Relief Grant has been received and a final submission submitted; Federal performance data has been submitted for the Low Income Energy Assistance Program.
COUNCIL ITEMS: CM Cook reminded Council and C Reyes of grant training funds available through the Goshen County Economic Development Progress Program. M Siglin reminded all attendees of the State mask mandate that continues until January 8, 2021.
With no further action to be taken Mayor Siglin adjourned the meeting at 5:17 P.M.
_________________ _________________
Clerk, Richard Reyes Mayor, George Siglin
Public Notice No. 7665 published in the Lingle Guide on December 18, 2020.