City of Torrington )
County of Goshen )
State of Wyoming )
The Torrington City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, November 17, 2020 in the City Council Chambers at 436 East 22nd Ave. at 7:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Adams, Council Members Hill, Kinney, Law and Patterson. Also Present: Clerk/Treasurer Strecker, Attorney Eddington, Director of Public Works Harkins, Building Official Estes and Deputy City Treasurer Triplett.
Mayor Adams called the meeting to order.
Councilwoman Hill led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Adams announced that the current session is Councilwoman Hill’s last Council meeting as a Council member. He presented Councilwoman Hill with a plaque in recognition of 10 years of public service as a Council member for the City of Torrington and as a thank you for her dedication and commitment to the community. Mayor Adams wished Councilwoman Hill the best of luck on her future endeavor.
Mayor Adams led the session with informational announcements on the following items: 1.
COVID-19 updates and recommendations; 2. Update on Governor Gordon’s recommended State budget cuts heading into the legislative session for the New Year; 3. Announcement that all City of Torrington Departments have a plan in place to split up their staff (when need be) in order to protect the critical infrastructure that the City provides; 4. Request for continued local business community support; 5. Announcement that Richard Patterson and Dennis Kelly were elected to the City Council. Their terms will begin on 01-05-21; and 6. Announcement that there is a Local Heroes Display at the Homesteader’s Museum accessible for viewing.
Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to approve the consent agenda which includes the minutes from the 11-03-20 Council meeting as published and all actions therein be ratified. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Adams requested approval to amend the agenda as follows:
• Remove Public Hearing – Wastewater Treatment Plant Modifications Project/SRF Loan Funding from the Action Items List.
• Add 2021 Health Insurance Renewal Proposal to the Action Items List.
Councilman Law moved and Councilman Patterson seconded to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried unanimously.
Clerk/Treasurer Strecker presented for approval the 2021 Health Insurance Renewal Proposal. She indicated that the Health Insurance Committee met with Brian Hillier of Health Benefit Advisors to review the condition of the City’s self-funded health insurance plan and to renew the City’s policy with its stop-loss insurance carrier. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker stated that Mr. Hillier relayed that the proposed renewal is increasing about $36, 298 or 11%. She commented that Mr. Hillier also found that the City could save about $38, 000 by changing its prescription processor from Welldyne to Caremark. That change will create a break-even in fixed costs of the City of Torrington Medical Plan. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker indicated that the committee also discussed at great length the recent development of a gap in coverage regarding ground and air ambulance coverage. She stated that MASA, who is currently the only approved provider for air and ground ambulance insurance in Wyoming, offered the coverage to the City at a group rate of $19 per month per covered family. The addition of MASA to the City’s benefit package would cost approximately $17, 000 per year and approximately $8, 500 in FY21. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker commented that the current amount in the health insurance reserve account is $1, 508, 285. She indicated that due to the sufficient balance in reserves and the savings the plan has experienced through the reduction of claims in 2020, the committee would like to make a recommendation for no changes to employee deductions or the FY21 Budget at this time, and re-evaluate the plan in the upcoming FY22 Budget. The committee would also recommend that the City add MASA to its benefit package to cover the gap in coverage for ambulance transportation with no cost to the employee until it can be considered in the upcoming FY22 Budget. Councilman Patterson moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to approve the 2021 Health Insurance Renewal Proposal as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Eddington read Resolution No. 2020-16. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker stated that the resolution authorizes the submission of a Coronavirus Relief Grant application to the State Loan and Investment Board for the purpose of reimbursing for PPE, Sanitation Protection Supplies and other Public Health Expenses related to responding to the COVID-19 public health emergency. The amount of the grant application is $10, 996.05. Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Law seconded to approve Resolution No. 2020-16 as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Eddington read by title AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND RE-ENACTING SECTION 18.16.020 OF THE TORRINGTON MUNICIPAL CODE, 2020 REVISIONS, RELATING TO THE CITY OF TORRINGTON, WYOMING, AMENDING THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP BY ESTABLISHING “R-2A” ZONING FOR A TRACT OF LAND. Councilman Law moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to approve the ordinance on second reading as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Eddington read by title AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND RE-ENACTING SECTION 18.16.020 OF THE TORRINGTON MUNICIPAL CODE, 2020 REVISIONS, RELATING TO THE CITY OF TORRINGTON, WYOMING, AMENDING THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP BY ESTABLISHING “R-2” ZONING FOR A TRACT OF LAND. Councilman Kinney moved and Councilwoman Hill seconded to approve the ordinance on second reading as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Director of Public Works (DPW) Harkins presented the bid results for the FY21 Potable Groundwater Well (Well #16) Project. He stated that staff recommends awarding the bid to Sargent Drilling from Nebraska in the amount of $81, 170, which includes a $10, 000 contingency. DPW Harkins commented that the project consists of establishing a secondary backup potable groundwater well to augment the already existing Well #15. He indicated that a bid opening was held on 11-10-20 for the project and stated that three contractors submitted bids in conformance with the bidding requirements. DPW Harkins commented that the low bid from Sargent Drilling was $82, 480 (50.4%) under the engineer’s estimate of $163, 650. He indicated that the project must be substantially complete on or before 03-31-21. Councilman Patterson moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to award the bid to Sargent Drilling from Nebraska in the amount of $81, 170, which includes a $10, 000 contingency as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Sandy Hoehn with Goshen County Economic Development and the Goshen County Chamber of Commerce requested approval of a special event permit for the 2020 Goshen County Christmas Parade to be held on 12-04-20 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Main Street. Mayor Adams stated that the applicant is requesting that the special event permit fee be waived due to the fact that the event is an annual community event. Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Law seconded to approve the special event permit and to waive the special event permit fee as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Adams noted the time had arrived for the Council to adjourn from regular session and convene as a Board of Adjustment. He stated that the public who is not in attendance of the meeting can call (307) 534-4790 to take part in the public hearing that is to follow if they so wish to do so.
Building Official Estes stated that Brittany Cearns requested a Conditional Use Permit for an in-home daycare allowing a maximum of up to 15 unrelated children for the property located at 3701 Johnson Street. He commented that one opposition was submitted by a resident who resides in the area but the Planning Commission approved the request at their 11-10-20 meeting and staff recommends approval of the permit. Ms. Cearns spoke in support of the permit. Mayor Adams opened the public hearing for consideration of the permit and asked for public comments for or against the approval of the permit, none were heard. The public hearing was closed. Councilman Law moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to approve the permit for the property located at 3701 Johnson Street as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
The bills from 11-04-20 to 11-17-20 were presented for payment. Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Patterson seconded to approve the bills for payment as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Adams asked for public comments, questions or concerns.
Councilman Law wished Councilwoman Hill and her family good fortune on their new journey.
Councilman Law moved and Councilman Patterson seconded that there being no further business to come before the Mayor and Council to adjourn at 7:48 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
The following bills were approved for payment: 69600 CITY OF TORRINGTON payroll withholding 582.26;69601 DENT, DAVID A. Golf Pro Payable 353.75;69602 FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY payroll withholding 235.97;69603 GOSHEN CO DISTRICT COURT CLERK payroll withholding 100.00;69604 GREAT-WEST TRUST CO LLC payroll withholding 2536.00;69605 M.C. SCHAFF & ASSOCIATES INC. Airport Taxi/Runway Project 55076.35;69606 NEW YORK LIFE payroll withholding 369.37;69607 SIMON CONTRACTORS Airport Runway Project 523361.69;69608 TD REAL ESTATE deposit refund 165.94;69609 A & C SHEET METAL universal integrated fan control, ignitor 443.16;69610 BARNES LAW LLC Court Appointed Attorney 120.00;69611 BLACK HILLS ENERGY utilities-gas 3617.52;69612 BOB RUWART MOTORS filters, fix interior trim/damaged wiring 274.65;69613 BORDER STATES INDUSTRIES INC. chainsaw bar, street lights/plugs, cut outs, wire, connectors, breakers, caps, elbows, roof flashings, couplings, bushings, gaskets 2797.20;69614 BROWN CO oil, chain saw part/chains, pulley id, covers, service kit 212.70;69615 BROWN, KENNETH T. Municipal Court Judge 650.00;69616 BUTLER'S SALVAGE & TOWING front seat, storage trailer move 240.00;69617 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. copier contracts 839.00; 69618 CASELLE INC. contract support & maint 1990.00;69619 CDW GOVERNMENT LLC Microsoft Surface Pro 7, wireless router/airlink dome 1964.11;69620 CENTURY LUMBER CENTER fasteners, sealant, trimmer line, couplings, adapter, plywood, torch kit w/ cylinder, anvil pruners, cable, antifreeze, bushings, pipe cleaner/wrap, pvc cement, brass end stop, demount clip, valves, elbows, pvc Y/pipe, bolts, tape, compounds, screws, black cap, ratchet strap w/ rubber handle, dropcloth, expand foam, straps, connectors, caulking, frame gun, rebars, hand float, primer cement, blades, tees, nails, buckets, hole saw, nipples, safety hasp, extension cords, weatherstrips, plug, union, mouse traps, ice melt, magnetic cover, sanding screen, fogger, grit, strike anchor, snow shovel, cylinders, cable ties, staple gun, staples, insulation 916.90;69621 CLARKE, JOSEPH A. snake floor sink, replace pvc drain waste/venting-plumbing chase, pressure test, rough in sink 2035.00;69622 CLEARY BUILDING CORP delivery of storage building 14050.00;69623 CLEARY BUILDING CORP completion of storage building 8431.00;69624 COMMUNITY HOSPITAL ambulance supplies 241.96;69625 CONNECTING POINT copier service contracts/monthly charges 402.31;69626 CONTRACTORS MATERIALS INC. filter 119.00;69627 DH PACE CO INC. entry lock, padlock 415.65;69628 DITCH WITCH UNDERCON repair kit, lock ring 23.67;69629 DIVERSIFIED SERVICES INC. cleaning services 360.00;69630 ENERGY LABORATORIES INC. lab testing 463.00;69631 FASTENAL CO chlorine bleach 29.66;69632 FLOYD'S TRUCK CENTER INC. replace hydraulic tank cap 240.25;69633 FRITZLER, LARRY & DEBORAH pump septic tank 153.00;69634 G & L CONCRETE concrete 580.00;69635 GOSHEN CO ECONOMIC 1/4 cent sales tax 21977.58;69636 GOSHEN CO ECONOMIC monthly contribution 2500.00; 69637 GOSHEN CO PUBLIC HEALTH flu shots 1240.00;69638 GOSHEN CO TREASURER IT equipment 8505.90;69639 GREATAMERICA FINANCIAL SERVICES CORP copier leases 434.00;69640 HEARTLAND EMBROIDERY & PRINTWEAR LLC service gift 38.50;69641 HIGH POINTE ELECTRIC INC. emergency generator-well #15 project 108756.00;69642 HOTLINE ELECTRICAL SALES & SERVICE LLC electric meters 6480.00;69643 IDEAL LINEN/BLUFFS FACILITY SOLUTION mats, scrapers, sam dust/energy fees, sam garment fees, sam linen, coveralls, towels 739.22;69644 INDUSTRIAL DISTRIBUTORS nuts, washers, bolts, gloves 529.53;69645 JAMES A. EDDINGTON PC City Attorney 6666.00;69646 POWERPLAN parts 67.68; 69647 MBKEM ENTERPRISE door installation 4621.00;69648 K & K COMMUNICATIONS paging service-elec meters 12.00;69649 FRANK PARTS CO batteries, screw extractor, water pump silicone, sealant, oil, scews, washers, pulley assy, tire valve, v-belts, air/fuel filters, fuel cylinder, starter fluid, air conditioner, napa extralife, grinding wheels, oil seals, concentrators 714.62;69650 KOIS BROTHERS EQUIPMENT CO bearing, collar, bolts, nuts, drag chain 2513.30;69651 LUJAN CLEANING SERVICE LLC cleaning, window cleaning 237.00;69652 MCI A VERIZON CO long distance/911 call backs 42.48;69653 MERITAIN HEALTH INC. premium-ins/life admin 36771.66;69654 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS INC. dispatch 911 service contract 4761.26;69655 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES INC. kvlr w/ R bracket, epic3 voice amplifier 874.33; 69656 MUNICIPAL ENERGY AGENCY OF NE wholesale power 409059.24;69657 NORTHWEST PIPE FITTINGS INC. pressure valve repair kit, tankless water heater, restraint glands 678.49;69658 O'REILLY AUTO ENTERPRISES LLC air/oil/cabin filters, funnel, wiper blades, tensioner, beam light, water pump, headlight rester, batteries, intake cleaner, mass air flow cleaner, micro v-belt, led mini light 725.54;69659 JSJJ LLC gift cards 280.00;69660 OFFICE OF STATE LANDS & INVEST DDWSRF013 loan payment 28065.62; 69661 OFFICE OF STATE LANDS & INVEST SRF loan origination fee 17500.00;69662 OLSON TIRE CO tire repairs, turf saver, service call, drive, repair boot, tube, prema rad patches, bead sealer, rad used radial, dismount/mount 649.40;69663 ONE CALL OF WY tickets for CDC code TRG 117.00;69664 PANHANDLE COOP baking soda, tank rent, commercial propane 475.71;69665 ENVIRO SERVICES INC. lab analysis 30.00;69666 PATRICK, JOHN B. Municipal Court Judge 1350.00;69667 PETERBILT OF WY def pump main kit, screen-filter, credit 245.69;69668 CITY OF TORRINGTON c/o PINNACLE BANK health reserve non-insured PR employee premium/MT positions 9449.78;69669 PITTMAN ELECTRIC LLC lights, gas heater, relocate, rec, covers 3747.00;69670 PINNACLE BANK travel expenses-lodging/fuel/meals, postage, membership fees, refunds, flagpole cleat, water treatment test books, kitchen sink faucet, batteries, grenade launcher brush, lights, museum subscription, coffee filters, speakers, repl clock parts, sink, spray bottles, biofreeze, ladder, meal after plowing, cpr/aed training, master roll pin punch set 2895.94;69671 PRINT EXPRESS INC. utility bills/work order books, index paper, ups 2216.98;69672 QUADIENT FINANCE USA INC. neopost postage 786.50;69673 R & R PRODUCTS INC. blades, bed knives, wrench set, dial calipers 2167.45;69674 REGIONAL CARE INC. select flex admin 82.50;69675 WY AIRPORT SERVICES LLC Airport Operator Contract 1666.66;69676 WY AIRPORT SERVICES LLC air fuel, hangar rent reimb 400.47; 69677 SAM'S CLUB/SYCHRONY BANK foam cups, odoban, kleenex, clorox wipes, bleach 721.12;69678 VALLEY MOTOR SUPPLY couplings, air brake tubing, air/oil/lube filters, fuel/water separator, tie rod separator, ball joint separator, wide-band oxygen sensor, rubber snap-in stem redi-sensor, dual air chuck, coupler, equalizer led bulb, filter, oil, relay, pigtail/socket, crimson grease, diesel treatment, mini digital precision gauge, oil pressure switch, batteries, rods for baler, heater hose, antifreeze, red grease, wheel weight, patches, bead sealer, high pressure valves, buffing wheel, serpentine belt, compressor, refrigerant, ac o-ring/gasket kit, lever action pump 1956.63;69679 SNOW CREST CHEMICALS LLC cooling tower treatments, hot water closed loop contract 1397.61;69680 QUILL LLC quillplus points renewal 19.99; 69681 HIGH PLAINS FIRE PROTECTION range guard/badger chemicals, hydro tests, sprinkler inspection 714.95;69682 STUART C IRBY CO back plate, fiberglass box pad 1175.00;69683 SUEZ WTS USA INC. monthly chemical management 7748.79;69684 TIMBERLINE ELECTRIC & CONTROL CORP troubleshoot prison lift station/CL2 chem pump, install motor saver device 728.80;69685 TITAN MACHINERY cable coupler, couplings 65.40;69686 TITAN MACHINERY-GILLETTE side panels 1762.71;69687 TORRINGTON EMPLOYEES INSURANCE premium 89391.33;69688 TOUCHTONE COMMUNICATIONS long distance 99.89;69689 TRI STATE OIL RECLAIMERS INC. used oil 45.00;69690 U S POSTMASTER credit for postage 850.00;69691 VERIZON WIRELESS TVFD cell phones 96.72;69692 GRAINGER safety glasses, glass fuses 70.50;69693 WAMCO LAB INC. full chronic toxicity test, ceripdaphnia/fathead minnow survival & growth 2100.00;69694 WEGLIN, EDWARD H. mow/trim 290.00;69695 WESTCO sinclair dexos, dyed diesel, unleaded gas 9011.92;69696 WESTERN PATHOLOGY CONSULTANTS clearing house management, random pool management-CDL management 275.00;69697 WY AIRPORT OPERATORS ASSOC-WAOA 2020 general aviation airport annual membership dues 50.00;69698 RESPOND FIRST AID SYSTEMS OF WY 1st aid kit supplies 116.70;69699 WY LOCAL GOVERNMENT LIABILITY POOL deductible 1000.00; 69700 WY MACHINERY pilot bit, carbide blades, bolts, locknuts, edge-cutting 425.39;69701 TORRINGTON TELEGRAM ad, legals 1775.00;69702 WY RETIREMENT SYSTEMS Torr Vol EMT Pension 56.25;69703 WYRULEC CO Landfill Electric 309.65;69704 ERDMAN, BILL deposit refund 20.35;69705 JACOBY, STEVEN W. deposit refund 30.69;69706 PERRY, ANGELLA S. deposit refund 33.34;69707 ANDERSON, SARAH deposit refund 77.15;69708 HARVEY, VICKI LYNN deposit refund 9.08;69709 COLWELL, KAYLYN deposit refund 125.71;69710 WEST, LAURETTA deposit refund 126.57;69711 R & R RESTORATION deposit refund 40.96;69712 PARRELLI, ANGELA deposit refund 12.66;69713 FOX, DANIEL OR THERESA credit refund 188.14;69714 LEITHEAD, GARY refund-room rental fee 75.00
Public Notice No. 7646 published in the Torrington Telegram on November 27, 2020.