City of Torrington )
County of Goshen )
State of Wyoming )
The Torrington City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, September 15, 2020 in the City Council Chambers at 436 East 22nd Ave. at 7:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Adams, Council Members Hill, Kinney, Law and Patterson. Also Present: Clerk/Treasurer Strecker, Attorney Eddington, Director of Public Works Harkins, Chief of Police Johnson, Building Official Estes, Deputy City Treasurer Triplett and Deputy City Clerk Anaya.
Mayor Adams called the meeting to order.
Chief of Police Johnson led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Attorney Eddington administered the Oath of Office to Chief of Police Matthew Johnson.
Mayor Adams led the session with informational announcements on the following items: 1. COVID-19 updates; 2. Upcoming legislative session update; 3. Progress on projects within the City; 4. Reminder to the public to be cautious and mindful of the presence of children on the streets as schools are back in session; and 5. Reminder to the public to be thankful for living in Torrington, Goshen County, Wyoming amidst the general unrest that is occurring across the country.
Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Law seconded to approve the consent agenda which includes the minutes from the 09-01-20 Council meeting as published and all actions therein be ratified. Motion carried unanimously.
Councilman Kinney moved and Councilman Patterson seconded to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Eddington read a proclamation declaring September 21-25, 2020 as National GEAR UP Week. It stated that GEAR UP serves low-income, minority, and disadvantaged students and their families from underserved communities who might be the first person in their family to go to college and indicated that the Eastern Wyoming College (EWC) GEAR UP program serves 350 students each year throughout the EWC outreach area. Judy Brown, EWC GEAR UP Director, provided information regarding the GEAR UP program at EWC to the Mayor and Council and spoke in support of the proclamation. Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Patterson seconded to approve the proclamation as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Patrick Zimmerer with Table Mountain Vineyards, LLC requested approval of a catering permit for a Fall Open House at Studio 127 to be held on 09-18-20 from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at 127 East 20th Avenue. Councilman Law moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to approve the catering permit as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Director of Public Works Harkins presented for approval Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement for Professional Services with Trihydro Corporation. He stated that the amendment will provide for the design of a new 80’ long by 50’ wide metal building that will be located to the west of the existing lift station and indicated that the amendment will increase the original agreement compensation amount by $19, 800.00. Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Patterson seconded to approve Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement for Professional Services with Trihydro Corporation as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Eddington read Resolution No. 2020-12. Director of Public Works Harkins stated that the resolution authorizes the submission of a Federal Mineral Royalty Capital Construction Account Grant application to the State Loan and Investment Board for the purpose of constructing a Wastewater Pre-Treatment Facility at the existing Wastewater Treatment Plant. The amount of the grant application is $1, 750, 000.00. Councilman Kinney moved and Councilman Law seconded to approve Resolution No. 2020-12 as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Eddington read Resolution No. 2020-13. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker stated that the resolution authorizes the submission of a Coronavirus Relief Grant application to the State Loan and Investment Board for the purpose of recovering payroll costs associated with responding or mitigating the COVID-19 public health emergency. The amount of the grant application is $755, 421.02. Councilman Law moved and Councilwoman Hill seconded to approve Resolution No. 2020-13 as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to approve the Certification Statement for Resolution No. 2020-13 as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Deputy City Treasurer Triplett presented for approval the relief with respect to employment tax deadlines applicable to employers affected by the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) Disease 2019 Pandemic. She stated that President Trump signed an executive order which allows the deferral of employee social security taxes between September and December 2020 and indicated that under the executive order, employers may choose to refrain from withholding the social security tax from their employees (6.2%) but must still contribute their own portion for each employee during the 4 month deferral period. Deputy City Treasurer Triplett commented that employers who defer the collection of employee social security taxes during the deferral period must repay the deferred taxes to the IRS from January 1 through April 20, 2021. Therefore, during the repayment period, 12.4% instead of 6.2% will be withheld from employees for social security taxes in order to repay all of the deferred tax amounts. Deputy City Treasurer Triplett stated that staff recommends that the Mayor and Council opt out of utilizing the relief and continue to withhold and pay the employee portion of social security tax to the IRS. Councilman Patterson moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to opt out of utilizing the relief and continue to withhold and pay the employee portion of social security tax to the IRS as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Adams stated that the City of Torrington is seeking public input and public comments on a project that was funded by an Economic Development Infrastructure Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) in the amount of $420, 176.00. He commented that the funding was obtained to replace aging water infrastructure on West C Street from 21st Avenue to 23rd Avenue. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker indicated that the project is ready for final payment but CDBG rules require that a public hearing be held prior to making the final payment to gather public input on the project and to gain an understanding if there are any issues or concerns regarding the project that remain to be addressed. Mayor Adams opened the public hearing. He asked for public comments, none were heard. The public hearing was closed. Councilman Kinney moved and Councilman Law seconded to approve the Community Development Block Grant final payment public hearing requirement for the water infrastructure project on West C Street from 21st Avenue to 23rd Avenue as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Chief of Police Johnson presented for approval a new position request for a Communications Officer, Supervisor. He briefly summarized the request as it had previously been discussed in depth at a Work Session held by the City Council on 09-02-20. Chief of Police Johnson stated that he would like to promote one of the current communications officers into a supervisory position. He indicated that in the past, communications officers have been supervised by a patrol sergeant or a variety of other roles, and commented that since dispatching is such an important and extremely technical part of the department, employees need to be well trained and well taken care of. The proposed supervisory position will assist with those efforts, create consistency, resolve existing scheduling issues and will serve as a back-up during busy call times. Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to approve the new position request for a Communications Officer, Supervisor as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Chief of Police Johnson presented for approval an amendment to the policy handbook in regard to the creation of an Award Time Leave Policy. He briefly summarized the policy as it had previously been discussed in depth at a Work Session held by the City Council on 09-02-20. Chief of Police Johnson stated that the new policy will grant award time leave to Torrington Police Department employees for unusual or special circumstances which are not related to compensable work hours and indicated that award time is typically given as an award to an employee who is training another officer (Field Training Officer or FTO Training). Councilman Kinney moved and Councilwoman Hill seconded to approve the amendment to the policy handbook in regard to the creation of an Award Time Leave Policy as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
The bills from 09-02-20 to 09-15-20 were presented for payment. Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Patterson seconded to approve the bills for payment as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Adams asked for public comments, questions or concerns.
Councilwoman Hill inquired if the annual Safety Treat Night and Trunk or Treat event will be occurring this year. Chief of Police Johnson confirmed yes.
Councilman Kinney questioned if signage relating to engine noise being prohibited within City limits is posted. Building Official Estes responded that signage is posted in certain sections of the City. He stated that he will look into the issue further and address it accordingly.
Councilman Kinney moved and Councilman Law seconded that there being no further business to come before the Mayor and Council to adjourn at 7:48 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
The following bills were approved for payment: 69188 M.C. SCHAFF & ASSOCIATES INC. Airport Taxiway/Runway Project 54557.83; 69189 MUNICIPAL ENERGY AGENCY OF NE wholesale power 483740.61; 69190 SIMON CONTRACTORS Airport Runway Project 947102.58; 69191 WYRULEC COMPANY Landfill Electric 163.40; 69192 CENTURY 21 BELL REAL ESTATE deposit refund 31.58; 69193 PATTERSON, MILES T. deposit refund 193.38; 69194 REYES, JOSE H. deposit refund 101.29; 69195 ARROW ELECTRIC OF TORRINGTON shrink tubes, tape 286.00; 69196 AJ'S SODA SHOP birthday gift cards 140.00; 69197 B & C STEEL CORPORATION tubes, channels, flat bars 1427.16; 69198 BARNES LAW LLC Court Appointed Attorney 30.00; 69199 BLOEDORN LUMBER COMPANY-TORRINGTON hem firs, osbs, fasteners, pins, credit, screws, anchors, outdoor electrical box 214.79; 69200 BROWN CO pre-filter 21.49; 69201 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. copier contracts 839.00; 69202 CASELLE INC. contract support & maint 1990.00; 69203 CENTURY LUMBER CENTER pipe, electrical cover, keys, ells, fasteners, bolt snaps, nylon rope, hem fir, trimmer line, pivot trim head, u bolts, s hooks, strike anchors, handicap/access sign, command strips, trash bags, rectorseal, teflon tape, pvc cement, primer, couplings, nipple, bushing, tee, recipro blade 294.48; 69204 CITY OF TORRINGTON postage, recording fees 71.80; 69205 CITY OF TORRINGTON c/o POINTS WEST BANK open museum-capital construction account 100.00; 69206 CITY OF TORRINGTON c/o POINTS WEST BANK open museum-general charitable account 100.00; 69207 CLEARY BUILDING CORP down payment-storage building 5620.00; 69208 COMMUNITY HOSPITAL ambulance supplies 344.13; 69209 CONNECTING POINT copier service contracts 414.68; 69210 CONTRACTORS MATERIALS INC. paint 173.25; 69211 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO ge lighting system for tower at fire hall 2409.16; 69212 CROELL REDI-MIX INC. Chip Seal Placement 9282.68; 69213 CULLIGAN WATER OF TORRINGTON dispenser rentals, water 175.50; 69214 DIVERSIFIED SERVICES INC. cleaning services 385.00; 69215 ENERGY LABORATORIES INC. lab testing 1923.00; 69216 ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCTS & ACCES piranha swage machine hydraulic kit, sewer hoses 1717.74; 69217 FARWEST LINE SPECIALTIES LLC pocket knives 135.00; 69218 FASTENAL COMPANY batteries, chlorine bleach 80.33; 69219 FUEL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS line/leak detector testing 1027.98; 69220 G & L CONCRETE sand mix, blow, concrete 2003.75; 69221 PRO QUALITY PEST CONTROL rodent control 130.00; 69222 GOSHEN COUNTY ECONOMIC 1/4 cent tax 21098.00; 69223 GOSHEN COUNTY ECONOMIC monthly contribution 2500.00; 69224 GOSHEN COUNTY TREASURER water right assessments 4331.58; 69225 GOSHEN DIESEL SERVICE flipper valve 20.00; 69226 GREATAMERICA FINANCIAL SERVICES CORP copier leases 434.00; 69227 USABLUEBOOK funnel applicators 41.36; 69228 IDEAL LINEN/BLUFFS FACILITY SOLUTION mats, scrapers, sam dust/energy fees, sam garment fees, sam linen, coveralls, mops, towels 739.22; 69229 INDUSTRIAL DISTRIBUTORS wasp/ hornet spray, glass cleaner, gloves, lock nuts, screws 936.09; 69230 JAMES A. EDDINGTON PC City Attorney extended hours 75.80; 69231 JAMES A. EDDINGTON PC City Attorney 6666.00; 69232 KATH BROADCASTING CO LLC tower rent, city council meeting 275.00; 69233 KELLY, RYAN meal reimb 16.69; 69234 K & K COMMUNICATIONS paging service-elec meters 12.00; 69235 FRANK PARTS COMPANY booster pack, batteries, oil, bolts, hose fittings, duct tape, air freshener, air/oil/fuel filters, belts, adapter, air blow gun, hyd hose, belt repairs, scrp for baler, machine nut, screws, oil seals, grinding wheel, air conditioning freon 1013.53; 69236 LUJAN CLEANING SERVICE LLC cleaning, window cleaning 237.00; 69237 MATHESON TRI-GAS INC. medical oxygen, haz mat charge 100.95; 69238 MCKEE, KAREN R. & MARTIN B. banner 63.60; 69239 THE METAL SHOP round tube 15.50; 69240 MOOREHOUSE INC. leak repair parts 124.00; 69241 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS INC. dispatch 911 service contract 9522.90; 69242 MS LORRI CAR WASH car wash tokens 220.00; 69243 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES INC. flow test, batt holder assy, pcb assy, industrial alk C, latch 530.70; 69244 NE MUNICIPAL POWER POOL electrical distribution services 3960.00; 69245 NORMONT EQUIPMENT COMPANY star anchors for street sign posts 222.11; 69246 NORTHEAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE job training/safety 2778.00; 69247 O'REILLY AUTO ENTERPRISES LLC core return/battery, rhino ramp, oil filters, fuel/water separators, wheel nut, capsule, wash brush, battery, wiper blades 333.99; 69248 OLSON TIRE COMPANY tire repairs, prema rad patches, tire 290.68; 69249 ONE CALL OF WY tickets for CDC code TRG 191.25; 69250 AULICK INDUSTRIES black floor plastic for baler repair 1820.32; 69251 ENVIRO SERVICES INC. lab analysis 180.00; 69252 PATRICK, JOHN B. Municipal Court Judge 2000.00; 69253 PINNACLE BANK travel expenses-lodging/meals/fuel, safety gloves, mask strap extenders, clock, gun cleaning mat, cleaning tools, multi-purpose tool, 2-point sling, registration fees, ice bags, snow plow led grille lights, mosquito sprayer, pants/shirts, intake manifold, fuel cap, post hole digger mounting screw, carburetor, gasket intake, nozzles w/ magnets, phone case 4571.01; 69254 PORT-A-POTS BY TDS INC. 2 stationary units for weekend event 72.64; 69255 PRINT EXPRESS INC. door hangers, monthly report sheets/receipts, social distancing decal, ups 649.97; 69256 WY AIRPORT SERVICES LLC air fuel, hangar rent reimb 510.90; 69257 WY AIRPORT SERVICES LLC Airport Operator Contract 1666.67; 69258 SAM'S CLUB/SYCHRONY BANK foam cups, letter/lg files, sanitizing wipes, plastic forks 131.96; 69259 SNOW CREST CHEMICALS LLC hot water closed loop contract 125.00; 69260 QUILL LLC highlighters, staple, binder clips, post its, plates, tape, sanitizer, datastick, usb, febreze, coffee, earbuds 235.42; 69261 STC CONSTRUCTION CO West C Street Project 398790.00; 69262 STUART C IRBY COMPANY glove testing 102.06; 69263 SUEZ WTS USA INC. monthly chemical management 7748.79; 69264 TEAM LABORATORY CHEMICAL LLC weed killer 755.50; 69265 TIMBERLINE ELECTRIC & CONTROL CORP transmitters, i global care/advantage software renewal 6509.00; 69266 TORRINGTON VISION CLINIC P.C. safety glasses 545.00; 69267 TOUCHTONE COMMUNICATIONS long distance 103.33; 69268 U S POSTMASTER credit for postage 850.00; 69269 CENTURYLINK TVFD phone/data line 292.82; 69270 VERIZON WIRELESS TVFD cell phones 96.67; 69271 W J R INC. motor repair 638.37; 69272 GRAINGER push broom heads/handles, toilet bowl cleaner, nylon sheath, disposable gloves 218.08; 69273 WEGLIN, EDWARD H. mow/trim 210.00; 69274 WESTCO trans fluid, oil, t-nex pgr, turf amine, cornerstone plus, unleaded gas, dyed premium diesel 13268.40; 69275 WESTERN PATHOLOGY CONSULTANTS breath alcohol, drug screen, urine collection 171.00; 69276 WYO-BRASKA ENTERPRISES INC. fall sterilant 2263.00; 69277 TORRINGTON TELEGRAM ads, legals 2342.75; 69278 ZORO TOOLS INC. detachable bushed bore/ groove, bushing series E 493.11; 69279 FRIEDLAN, JOHN purchase cemetery plots 350.00; 69280 LAVOIE, CHRIS credit/deposit refund 141.53; 69281 MOOREHOUSE, KENNETH deposit refund 41.42; 69282 WINTER, ASHLEY deposit refund 29.48; 69283 NCPERS GROUP LIFE INS payroll withholding 160.00; 69284 CITY OF TORRINGTON payroll withholding 322.69; 69285 DENT, DAVID A. Golf Pro Payable 1600.51; 69286 FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY payroll withholding 235.97; 69287 GOSHEN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT CLERK payroll withholding 100.00; 69288 GREAT-WEST TRUST CO LLC payroll withholding 2536.00; 69289 NEW YORK LIFE payroll withholding 369.37; 69290 WASHINGTON NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY payroll withholding 32.70
Public Notice No. 7574 published in the Torrington Telegram on September 25, 2020.