The Regular Meeting of the Lingle Town Council convened at 5:00 P.M. September 9, 2020 with Mayor Siglin leading the Pledge of Allegiance. Upon roll call, the following were present, constituting a quorum: Mayor: George Siglin Council Members: Steve Edwardson, Joe Welte A.J. Lambert.
There was also present: Police Chief: Endra Andrews, Fire Chief: Kasey Bangerter Town Attorney: Anna Barnes Clerk: Richard Reyes Absent: Council Member: Brandie Cook Town Supervisor: Larry Haeffelin Mayor Siglin welcomed all to the meeting and thanked them for being present. Mayor Siglin called for approval of the agenda as presented. CM Welte moved to approve the agenda. CM Lambert voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Siglin called for approval of the minutes of the August 19, 2020 regular council meeting. CM Welte moved to approve the minutes as presented. CM Edwardson voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously. BILLS FOR AUGUST 2020: CM Edwardson moved to approve the Town bills in the amount of $141,287.84. CM Lambert voice the second and the motion carried unanimously.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Paula Newcomb addressed the state of the Corner Bar, Inc. liquor license and following discussion the license remains in the possession of the Corner Bar, Inc. owners. POLICE ITEMS: PC ANDREWS: Reported 37 incidents in the last month and has a number of meetings to attend to. LVFD: FC BANGERTER: Reported 6 fires and 6 ambulance calls. The new ambulance is under construction but progress has slowed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. LEGAL ITEMS: TA BARNES: Reported overdue utility bill letters were issued resulting in 2 payments; she has attempted to contact Visionary regarding a franchise agreement and no response has been received; a Quit Claim Deed has been sent to Melette Maypark concerning the property at 213 Main Street; Lingle, WY 82223 with no reply at this time.
ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS: C REYES: Reported he has completed a Coronavirus Grant reimbursement to the State of Wyoming for supplies purchased by the town used for the safety of employees and the general public while frequenting the Pool, Community Center, and Town Office; the Wyoming Municipal Power Agency Annual Report was submitted August 28, 2020. MAINTENANCE ITEMS: TS HAEFFELIN: Mayor Siglin reported for TS Haeffelin that winterization of the pool will begin soon. ORDINANCES: SECOND READING OF ORDIANCE #348 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND RE-ENACTING TITLE 9, CHAPTER 5, SECTION 1-B TO INCREASE THE ELECTRIC RATES IN EFFECT FOR THE TOWN OF LINGLE. CM Welte moved to approve the second reading of Ordinance #348. CM Edwardson voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE #349 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING AND SETTING FORTH THE HOURS AND TIME LICENSED RETAIL LIQUOR DEALERS SHALL BE PERMITTED TO BE OPEN FOR BUSINESS AND THE TIME ALL PATRONS ARE TO BE REMOVED FROM THE BUSINESS PREMISES, ETC.; AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 154 OF THE TOWN OF LINGLE.
CM Welte moved to approve the second reading of Ordinance #349. CM Lambert voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTIONS: RESOLUTION #133 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF A CORONA VIRUS RELIEF GRANT APPLICATION TO THE STATE LOAN AND INVESTMENT BOARD ON BEHALF OF THE GOVERNING BODY FOR THE TOWN OF LINGLE FOR THE PURPOSE OF REIMBURSEMENT FOR COVID-19 SUPPLIES. CM Lambert moved to approve Resolution #133. CM Edwardson voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #134 FY21 BUDGET AMENDMENT RESOLUTION
CM Welte moved to approve Resolution #134. CM Edwardson voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: Following discussion CM Welte moved to approve a $250.00 sponsorship of the Goshen County Veterans Banner Program. CM Lambert voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously. COUNCIL ITEMS: Mayor Siglin discussed various budget issues at the state level and how they relate to the Town of Lingle. With no further action to be taken Mayor Siglin adjourned the meeting at 5:32 P.M.
Signed by Mayor George Siglin Attested by Clerk Richard Reyes.
Public Notice No. 7562 published in the Lingle Guide on September 18, 2020.