Tuesday June 16, 2020
The Board of County Commissioners of Goshen County, Wyoming met in regular session on the above date at 9:00 am at the Goshen County Courthouse in the Commissioners Chambers with the following members present Chairman John Ellis and Pinky Walter Commissioner and Cindy Kenyon, County Clerk and Clerk of the Board. Commissioner Cox was absent. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Walter moved to approve the agenda and minutes of the last meeting, seconded and passed.
Sheriff Kory Fleenor presented his monthly report and monthly earnings statement in the amount of $650.00. Commissioner Walter moved to approve the Sheriff’s report, seconded and passed.
County Clerk Cindy Kenyon notified the Commission an employee has requested use of 80 hours from the sick bank and presented her report. Commissioner Walter moved to allow the use of the sick bank, seconded and passed. Commissioner Walter moved to approve the employee bond, seconded and passed. Commissioner Walter moved to approve the updated warrant report, seconded and passed.
County Planner Gary Childs presented the Fort Laramie Pump Station Subdivision Plat for approval as recommended by the County Planning Commission. Commissioner Walter moved to approve the Fort Laramie Pump Station Subdivision Plat as presented, seconded and passed.
The Commission adjourned. The Commission opened as the Board of Equalization and held the hearing as duly published. County Assessor Debbi Surratt stated there are no protests filed. Chairman Ellis allowed public comment and there was none. Commissioner Walter moved to adjourn the Board of Equalization hearing, seconded and passed.
The Commission reconvened as the County Commission.
The Commission reviewed the applications for the Library Board and Care Center Joint Powers Board vacancies. Commissioner Walter moved to appoint Ellen Creagar and Terry Haines to Library Board terms ending June 30, 2023 and Ron Laher to a Care Center Joint Powers Board seat for a term ending June 30, 2025, seconded and passed.
Chairman Ellis reviewed the request by the County Fire Warden to enact a county wide partial fire ban on June 29, 2020. Commissioner Walter moved to enact the partial fire ban beginning on June 29, 2020, seconded and passed.
The Commission reviewed the County Commissioner Scholarship applications submitted by Pake Haun, Quentin Meyer, Sandra Vanatta, Noelle Chapman, and Whitney Zigweid. All the applicants submitted exceptional applications and had excellent qualifications. Commissioner Walter moved to award scholarships to Pake Haun, Whitney Zigweid, Quentin Meyer, and Noelle Chapman, seconded and passed. The Commissioners wish the applicants success.
Commissioner Walter moved to approve the Treasurer’s report which was accepted via email, seconded and passed.
The duly published budget amendment hearing was held. County Clerk Cindy Kenyon presented the budget amendments for the 19-20 fiscal year. The amendments total $26,372 of unexpected revenue and expenses. Commissioner Walter moved to approve the budget amendments as presented, seconded and passed.
Derek Jackson and Michelle Winget with Burns Insurance presented the updated property insurance policy.
The Commission adjourned at 10:30 am and left for a tour of the newly refurbished County Library.
Residents may obtain a public comment form from the Commissioners’ webpage at You may print the form or obtain a form from the County Clerk’s Office 532-4051. The form may be submitted to the County Clerk via email; fax 532-7375; courthouse drop box, at the meeting, or by mail. The public comment will be addressed at the end of each meeting.
Attest: _____________ _______________
Cynthia Kenyon John Ellis, Chairman
Goshen County Clerk Goshen County Commission
Public Notice No. 7474 published in the Torrington Telegram July 1, 2020.