City of Torrington )
County of Goshen )
State of Wyoming )
The Torrington City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, June 16, 2020 in the City Council Chambers at 436 East 22nd Ave. at 7:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Adams, Council Members Hill, Kinney and Law. Also Present: Clerk/Treasurer Strecker, Attorney Eddington, Director of Public Works Harkins, Chief of Police Johnson, Building Official Estes, EMS Executive Director Yates and Deputy City Clerk Anaya.
Mayor Adams called the meeting to order. He announced that the Council meeting is being broadcasted live by KGOS/KERM. Mayor Adams stated that he will ask for public comments, questions or concerns during specific sections of the session and indicated that at that time anyone wishing to address the Mayor and Council can do so by utilizing the microphone at the podium if in attendance or by calling (307) 534-4790 if not in attendance.
Attorney Eddington led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Adams introduced Matthew Johnson, newly appointed Chief of Police, to the assembly.
Mayor Adams led the session with informational announcements on the following items: 1. Swimming pool opening update; 2. Reminder to keep garbage out of grass dumpsters; 3. Request for community assistance with property clean-up/beautification efforts; 4. Progress on projects within the City; 5. Fire Department SLIB Grant/Ladder Truck update; and 6. Thank you to Michael Matthews for the outstanding job he did as Interim Chief of Police.
Councilman Law stated that a partial fire ban has been enacted in Goshen County due to hot and dry conditions. He indicated that the ban will go into effect on 06-29-20 and last until it is rescinded by the Goshen County Commissioners.
Mayor Adams presented an update shared by Stephanie Freeman, U.S. Census Bureau Partnership Specialist, regarding the 2020 Census in Goshen County. Census Awareness Week (06-14-20 to 06-21-20) has been declared as an effort to help increase census response. The Goshen County census completed response percentages (as of 06-15-20) are as follows: Torrington 63.7%, Lingle 54.4%, La Grange 28.4%, Fort Laramie 36.6% and Yoder 41%. Mayor Adams asked the public to reach out to friends and neighbors in order to assist with the increase in census responses in Goshen County.
Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to approve the consent agenda which includes the minutes from the 06-02-20 Council meeting as published and all actions therein be ratified. Motion carried unanimously.
Councilman Kinney moved and Councilman Law seconded to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Councilman Law moved and Councilwoman Hill seconded to ratify the official naming of the Legion Baseball Field at the Sports Complex as Bullock Field. Motion carried unanimously.
Gypsy La’ More with the Open Barrel Brewing Company and Rockabilly 4 Life, LLC requested approval of a special event permit for a Rockabilly Retro Fest to be held on 09-12-20 from 1:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Mayor Adams indicated that the applicant is requesting approval to close the public street on Main Street between 19th Avenue and 21st Avenue. Ms. La’ More addressed the Mayor and Council. She stated that she is working in collaboration with Goshen County Public Health Officials to create a health and safety plan for the event, and commented that decisions regarding the event will be made upon current public health conditions based on county level data. Councilman Law moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to approve the special event permit as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Gypsy La’ More with the Open Barrel Brewing Company requested approval of a catering permit for a Rockabilly Retro Fest to be held in front of 1930 Main Street on 09-12-20 from 1:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Councilman Kinney moved and Councilwoman Hill seconded to approve the catering permit as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
EMS Executive Director Yates presented for approval rate increases to the EMS Fee Schedule to be effective as of 07-01-20. The proposed rate increases are as follows: BLS Rate - Emergent – $650 ($75 Increase), ALS Rate - Emergent – $800 ($100 Increase), ALS Assist for other Agencies – $800 ($100 Increase), ALS Specialty Care Transfer – $1,000 ($50 Increase), ALS Cardiac Arrest – $1,000 ($50 Increase), Mileage – $15 Per Mile ($1 Increase), Oxygen Setup – $55 ($5 Increase), IV Setup – $65 ($5 Increase) and Standby - Ambulance – $60 Per Hour ($5 Increase). Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to approve the rate increases to the EMS Fee Schedule to be effective as of 07-01-20 as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Adams presented for approval modified rates for the Dale Jones Municipal Pool 2020 Season. A brief outline of the proposed rate changes are as follows: Season Pass - Family, Adult and Student (18 years and under) – Eliminated, Senior (60 years or older) – $30 (No Change), Aerobics/Lap Swim Punch Card (30 Punches) – $30; Daily Admission - Pre-School, K-12th Grade and Adult – Eliminated, All Swimmers/Lap Swim/Aerobics – $1 Per Session (Session Times: 11a-12:30p, 1p-2:30p, 3p-4:30p and 7p-8:30p); Lessons - One Week (9a-10:30a) – $25 (No Change); Pool Parties – Eliminated. Councilwoman Hill stated that the expenses associated with having the pool open (i.e., personnel, training/certification and COVID-19 requirements including additional disinfecting costs) are too significant to only charge $1 per session. She recommended increasing the $1 per session charge to $3 per session. Mayor Adams indicated that the rates will have to stay as proposed for a short period of time as everything is already setup to operate with the $1 per session charge. Councilman Kinney commented that he does not have an issue with increasing the rates at a later date as that will give the pool staff an adequate amount of time to adjust to the modified rate structure and all of the additional COVID-19 requirements that will have to be followed. Councilman Law suggested charging $1 per session until 06-30-20 as an adjustment period and then increasing the rates as of 07-01-20. Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to approve the modified rates for the Dale Jones Municipal Pool 2020 Season as presented with a modification to the Daily Admission - All Swimmers/Lap Swim/Aerobics rate to be set as $1 per session until 06-30-20 and increase to $3 per session as of 07-01-20. Motion carried unanimously.
Director of Public Works (DPW) Harkins presented the bid results for the Snow Removal Equipment for Torrington Airport Project. He stated staff recommended awarding the bid to CMI-TECO of Casper, Wyoming in the amount of $126,993. DPW Harkins commented that the Wyoming Department of Transportation’s (WYDOT) Aeronautics Division has given their concurrence with the recommendation. He indicated that the project consists of the purchase of a Snow Plow with a single axle chassis with five cubic yard dump body and a ten foot snow plow assembly. DPW Harkins stated that a bid opening was held on 06-04-20 for the project and three contractors submitted bids in conformance with the bidding requirements. He commented that the engineering and equipment cost for the project is 90% funded by WYDOT with 10% of the cost being funded by the City. Councilman Law moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to award the bid to CMI-TECO of Casper, Wyoming in the amount of $126,993 as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Director of Public Works (DPW) Harkins presented for approval the Agreement for Professional Services with AVI Engineering (AVI). He stated that the agreement is to retain AVI of Cheyenne, Wyoming to perform engineering services for the design, preparation of plans and specifications, bidding services and construction administration for the FY21 – Potable Groundwater Well (Well #16) Project in the not to exceed amount of $41,200. DPW Harkins commented that the Wyoming Water Development Commission (WWDC) has given their concurrence with the recommendation. He indicated that a request for qualifications was advertised by the City on 05-13-20 and on 05-20-20. DPW Harkins stated that in response to the request, three engineering firms submitted proposals by the 06-03-20 due date. He commented that a committee reviewed the proposals and selected AVI to provide the services requested. DPW Harkins indicated that after the design plans and specifications are complete, AVI will perform bidding services to find a well drilling company to construct the actual well. Councilman Kinney moved and Councilwoman Hill seconded to approve the Agreement for Professional Services with AVI Engineering in the not to exceed amount of $41,200 as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Clerk/Treasurer Strecker reviewed some of the highlights for the FY21 Budget: 1. The total budget decreased by $2,925,366 (8.9%) compared to FY20; 2. The total operating budget decreased by $1,031,233 (4.92%); 3. The vehicle and equipment budget decreased $294,337 compared to FY20; 4. Capital Projects decreased $1,599,796 compared to last year; 5. The General Fund’s total budget decreased $1,316,213 compared to FY20; 6. Water and Sewer utility rate increases for FY20 were tabled in April 2020 to be reconsidered at a later time (due to COVID-19). FY21 utility rates will be reviewed again in October 2020; 7. A full cost of service study is expected to begin in FY21 (postponed in FY20 due to COVID-19) to evaluate current and future operating expenses and revenues for the Electrical Fund; 8. Recycling Services were suspended in FY21 which reduced the operating budget of the Sanitation Fund by $50,000 contributing to the reduction in the total Sanitation budget of $457,608 compared to last year; 9. The swimming pool opening was delayed in FY20 due to COVID-19 restrictions and social distancing. The pool will be opened with capacity limits and shorter open swimming sessions; 10. Personnel costs decreased by $247,887 (2.82%) due to a reduction in the Workers Compensation rate and reduction in staffing; 11. COLA and Merit increases for employees were postponed until December 2020 at which time the budget projections will be re-evaluated; 12. Health insurance costs remain the same for FY21; and 13. Total cash balances for all funds for the fiscal year ending 06-30-20 are projected to be at $7,916,540. Funds falling short of their target cash reserve balances are the General Fund, Water Fund, Airport Fund, Golf Fund, Swimming Pool Fund, Ambulance Fund and the Cemetery Fund. An estimated $3,390,030 was taken from Cash Carryover to balance the budget. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker stated that as FY20 comes to an end and FY21 begins, there are many financial concerns that will play a significant factor in the City’s future budget projections. She commented that one of those items is the State of Wyoming’s budget reductions which may affect the Direct Distribution to local governments, mineral revenue and other state revenue sources. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker indicated that it is also unknown if local governments will receive any of the CARES act funding available for COVID-19 related expenses. She stated that future federal stimulus packages may also play a key factor in the City’s future budget. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker commented that all in all, she thinks that the FY21 Budget is in good shape considering the uncertainty that is before us.
Mayor Adams opened the public hearing concerning the FY21 Budget. He asked for public comments for the FY21 Budget, none were heard. Mayor Adams asked for public comments against the FY21 Budget. Dennis Kelly spoke against the FY21 Budget. He stated that the Ambulance and Fire Departments provide vital services to the community and indicated that their budgets should not have been cut to the extent that they were. Mr. Kelly commented that the shortfall in funding should have been taken from other non-essential departments such as the Golf Course since that particular department is consistently in the negative. He stated that he is not implying that a Golf Course should not be available to the community, in his opinion, however, it should just not be funded in the manner in which it is. The public hearing was closed.
Attorney Eddington read Resolution No. 2020-7. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker stated that the resolution will amend the FY20 Budget for expenditures in excess of the budgeted amount. The amended amount will account for the following: General Fund – Facility Maintenance – Wages ($12,000), Facility Maintenance – Utility – Electric ($1,000), Facility Maintenance – Health Insurance ($10,000), Police Department – Holiday Pay ($20,000), Police Department – Overtime ($7,000), Police Department – Prof. Services ($3,000), Police Department – 911 ($18,000), Streets – Frontage Road ($50,000), Industrial Park – Varney Blvd ($6,000), GF Projects – Homeland Security Grant ($11,000); and Ambulance Fund – Radios & Pagers – Homeland Security Grant ($13,800). Clerk/Treasurer Strecker commented that the total amount of the amendment is $151,800. Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Law seconded to approve Resolution No. 2020-7 to amend the FY20 Budget in the amount of $151,800 as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Clerk/Treasurer Strecker presented for approval amendments to the policy handbook in regard to the Drug Testing, Sick Leave, Military Leave and Compensation & Performance Evaluation Policies. She briefly summarized the changes made to each individual policy: 1. Changes were made to the Drug Testing Policy to comply with new regulations for CDL drivers; 2. Changes were made to the Sick Leave Policy removing the requirement that sick leave be taken in ½ day increments; 3. Changes were made to the Military Leave Policy updating it to comply with State Statutes; and 4. The performance appraisal committee brought forward changes to the performance evaluation form which required changes to the Compensation & Performance Evaluation Policy. Councilman Kinney moved and Councilman Law seconded to approve the amendments to the policy handbook in regard to the Drug Testing, Sick Leave, Military Leave and Compensation & Performance Evaluation Policies as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Clerk/Treasurer Strecker presented for approval an amendment to the policy handbook in regard to the creation of a Bereavement Leave Policy. She stated that it is a new policy that establishes uniform guidelines for providing paid time off to employees for absences related to the death of a family member. Councilman Law moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to approve the amendment to the policy handbook in regard to the creation of a Bereavement Leave Policy as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
The bills from 06-03-20 to 06-16-20 were presented for payment. Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to approve the bills for payment as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Adams asked for public comments, questions or concerns.
Councilwoman Hill briefly spoke about the significant impact that BNSF Railway Company facility closures will have on BNSF employees and the communities in northeast Wyoming.
Councilman Kinney moved and Councilman Law seconded that there being no further business to come before the Mayor and Council to adjourn at 8:20 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
The following bills were approved for payment: 68581 AFLAC payroll withholding 439.92;68582 CITY OF TORRINGTON payroll withholding 702.71;68583 DENT, DAVID A. Golf Pro Payable 1784.55; 68584 FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY payroll withholding 235.97;68585 GOSHEN CO DISTRICT COURT CLERK payroll withholding 100.00;68586 GREAT-WEST TRUST CO LLC payroll withholding 2536.00;68587 NEW YORK LIFE payroll withholding 369.37;68588 TOUCHTONE COMMUNICATIONS long distance 265.47;68589 WY CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT payroll withholding 262.61;68590 WYRULEC CO Landfill Electric 220.43;68591 CITY OF TORRINGTON open pool till 200.00;68592 TD REAL ESTATE deposit refund 118.60;68593 TORRINGTON SAGE APT deposit refund 41.92;68594 ARROW ELECTRIC OF TORRINGTON repair air compressor coil,check main breaker connections,install ceiling lights,outlets-overhead doors,mount panel/trim out 1887.00;68595 AJ'S SODA SHOP gift cards-mayor awards 60.00; 68596 ALLEN, JAMES R. plumbing repairs 460.50;68597 ALLWATER SUPPLY LLC sensors 248.39;68598 ANDERSON, RIDGE T. deposit refund 93.79;68599 BACKFLOW PREVENTION SUPPLY INC. adapter fitting 37.02;68600 BENCHMARK OF TORRINGTON P.C. Frontage Road Project-retainage 8902.63;68601 BLACK HILLS ENERGY utilities-gas 82.44;68602 BROWN CO pins 21.54;68603 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. copier contracts 839.00;68604 CASELLE INC. contract support & maint 1990.00;68605 SARGENT DRILLING CO efficiency tests,gaskets 1639.58;68606 CENTURY LUMBER CENTER paint,nipples,bushings, elbows,hydrant,nozzles,blade,edge stop,couplings,adapters,primer,pvc cement/pipe,buckets,steel tee posts,torch kit,magnetic nutsetter,rakes,shovels,hose/hangar,working creme,utility/taping knife,tape measure,vent assy w/ back plate,mason/concrete mix,wall scraper,range cord,shower drain,reducer, screws,broom,hedge shears,bulb,union,nails,staples,bits,hose clamps,sprayer,siding,primed trim,caulk, window/door foam,keys,thermostat cable,tie wire,door closer,extension pole,threaded rod,bastard file 1362.87;68607 CITYSERVICEVALCON LLC jet fuel 2341.13;68608 ABSOLUTE SOLUTIONS radio accessories 474.45;68609 COMMUNITY HOSPITAL ambulance supplies 120.38;68610 CONNECTING POINT copier service contracts 367.12;68611 CULLIGAN WATER OF TORRINGTON water dispenser rentals 85.50;68612 DANA KEPNER CO INC. sleeves 194.00;68613 DECKER, STEVE oil 604.45;68614 DENNIS SUPPLY CO air filters 290.76;68615 DIVERSIFIED SERVICES INC. cleaning services 155.00;68616 ENERGY LABORATORIES INC. lab testing 751.00;68617 FRITZLER, LARRY & DEBORAH pump septic tanks 303.00;68618 PRO QUALITY PEST CONTROL rodent control 130.00;68619 GENESIS LAMP CORPORATION runway lens 263.98;68620 GOSHEN CARE CENTER JOINT POWERS BOARD water main line extension 14892.00;68621 GOSHEN CO ECONOMIC 1/4 cent tax,monthly contribution 22921.59;68622 GOSHEN CO ECONOMIC farm walls 600.00;68623 GREATAMERICA FINANCIAL SERVICES CORP copier leases 434.00;68624 GUARDIAN SAFETY & SUPPLY LLC gloves 85.42;68625 HAEFFELIN, TYLER rail,exterior door,weather stripping/wood 4050.00;68626 HARRINGTON INDUSTRIAL PLASTICS connector compressor tubes 62.91; 68627 USABLUEBOOK lubricant 861.14;68628 IDEAL LINEN/BLUFFS FACILITY SOLUTION mats,scrapers, sam dust/energy fees,coveralls,sam garment fees,sam linen,pants/shirts,mops,towels,cleaner,urinal screens,disinfectant,toilet paper 1287.47;68629 INDUSTRIAL DISTRIBUTORS washers,hand sanitizer,lysol 76.80;68630 J - BUILT HOMES INC. West 15th Ave Walking Path Extension 18778.05;68631 JAMES A. EDDINGTON PC City Attorney 6666.00;68632 JAMES A. EDDINGTON PC City Attorney extended hours 150.00;68633 KATH BROADCASTING CO LLC tower rent,ad 250.00;68634 K & K COMMUNICATIONS paging service-elec meters 12.00;68635 FRANK PARTS CO tape-a-weight,air/fuel/hyd/oil filters,hyd fluid, funnel,batteries,freon,coupler,hoses,oil 634.20;68636 CASPER STAR-TRIBUNE annual subscription,ad 788.24;68637 LONG'S EXCAVATION & CONSTRUCT West C Street Water Service Project 31599.19;68638 LUJAN CLEANING SERVICE LLC cleaning,window cleaning 273.75;68639 M.C. SCHAFF & ASSOCIATES INC. Professional Services-Airport Runway Project 9302.34;68640 MERCHANT JOB TRAINING & SAFETY book 3 tuition 550.00;68641 MERITAIN HEALTH INC. premium-ins/life admin 35105.54;68642 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS dispatch 911 service contract 4761.45;68643 MOUNTAIN STATES PIPE & SUPPLY CO INC. 100w ERTs 6464.27;68644 MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION administrative support fee 275.00;68645 MUNICIPAL ENERGY AGENCY OF NE wholesale power 392963.86;68646 NORTHWEST PIPE FITTINGS INC. backflow repair parts,poly pipe,gaskets 711.68;68647 O'REILLY AUTO ENTERPRISES LLC oil filters,oil 48.42;68648 OLSON TIRE CO align/adjust to specs,tire repair,prema patch,rubber cured plug,tires,tire dismount,brass stem valve 518.69;68649 ONE CALL OF WY tickets for CDC code TRG 129.75;68650 ENVIRO SERVICES INC. lab analysis 330.00;68651 PATRICK, JOHN B. Municipal Court Judge 2000.00; 68652 CITY OF TORRINGTON c/o PINNACLE BANK health reserve non-insured employee premium 12913.20;68653 PINNACLE BANK travel expenses-fuel/meals/lodging,water treatment exam,toner,temp wiring permit,zoom-webinar fee,annual prime membership renewal,face masks,surface bolts,water DVD,tree tie strap staking,HDMI adapter,phone bell ringer,refund,toll fee,work clothing,motor, transparency film,blinds,battery,water filter 2487.09;68654 PRIMARY ARMS LLC scopes-AR rifles 1479.82;68655 REGIONAL CARE INC. select flex admin 82.50;68656 ROSE BROTHERS INC. clutch discs 47.41;68657 SAM'S CLUB/SYCHRONY BANK annual membership,lotion,towels,TV,envelopes,file folders, plates 1354.43;68658 SIMON EAST REGION NE Airport Runway Project-construction 346175.68;68659 SMITTY'S REPAIR SERVICE straightening/pressing-pump mount,weld on hinges,oxygen exchange 136.45; 68660 DBC IRRIGATION SUPPLY couplings,solenoid assy hunter 145.28;68661 STUART C IRBY CO glove testing 102.00;68662 SUEZ WTS USA INC. monthly chemical management 7748.79;68663 TEAM LABORATORY CHEMICAL LLC weed killer 467.00;68664 TORRINGTON AMBULANCE credit/deposit refund applied to ambulance account 24.62;68665 TORRINGTON EMPLOYEES INSURANCE premium 86742.27; 68666 TORRINGTON SOD FARMS kentucky blue grass 361.80;68667 TRIHYDRO CORP WWTP Pre-Treatment Project 23605.42;68668 U S POSTMASTER credit for postage 850.00;68669 BSN SPORTS LLC mac wood filled in ground home plates 196.78;68670 VERIZON WIRELESS TVFD cell phones 96.30;68671 GRAINGER disposable masks,goggles,hand sanitizer,repair clamp,iron pipe 269.30;68672 WEGLIN, EDWARD H. mow/trim 220.00;68673 WESTERN COOPERATIVE CO oil,jr weed/feed w/ trimec,bulkhead fitting,pipe plugs,dyed premium diesel 2694.67;68674 WYO-BRASKA ENTERPRISES INC. sterilant/ broadleaf control 5650.00;68675 WY DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION license plate transfer 2.00;68676 RESPOND FIRST AID SYSTEMS OF WY 1st aid kit supplies 186.09;68677 TORRINGTON TELEGRAM ad,legals 4938.50;68678 HAGER, JASON deposit refund 43.45;68679 SHEPPARD, IDA MAY deposit refund 110.86; 68680 HOOVER, JESSICA M. deposit refund 120.84;68681 SMITH, JOSEPH D. deposit refund 96.67;68682 ELLIS, DANIEL deposit refund 182.75;68683 PAYNE, SHELBY L. deposit refund 79.97
Public Notice No. 7467 published in the Torrington Telegram June 26, 2020.