Public Notice No. 7422



                            Tuesday May 19, 2020
The Board of County Commissioners of Goshen County, Wyoming met in regular session on the above date at 9:00 am at the Goshen County Courthouse in the Commissioners Chambers with the following members present Chairman John Ellis, Vice Chairman Cody Cox, Pinky Walter Commissioner and Cindy Kenyon, County Clerk and Clerk of the Board. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Cox moved to approve the agenda and minutes of the last meeting, seconded and passed.
The Sheriff’s report was accepted from Sheriff Kory Fleenor. Commissioner Walter moved to approve the Commissary account report and the $1141.00 earnings report, seconded and passed.
The Assessor’s report was accepted from County Assessor Debbi Surratt. Assessor Surratt presented a tax rebate in the amount of $436.21. Commissioner Walter moved to approve the rebate, seconded and passed.
The Treasurer’s report was accepted from County Treasurer Leticia Dominguez. Commissioner Walter moved to accept the Treasurer’s report, seconded and passed.

The County Clerk’s report was presented by County Clerk Cindy Kenyon. Commissioner Cox moved to approve the Clerk of Court’s earnings report for $1973.29, seconded and passed. Clerk Kenyon presented the updated warrant report. Commissioner Walter moved to approve the updated warrant report, seconded and passed. Commissioner Cox moved to allow the Director of Public Health to obtain a credit card from Pinnacle Bank, seconded and passed.  Commissioner Walter moved to accept the County Clerk’s report, seconded and passed.
Fairgrounds manager Stephanie Lofink presented an updated budget request and information about how the pandemic affected business at the fairgrounds.
The Commission recessed for 15 minutes.
The Commission reconvened for the advertised budget amendment hearing. Budget amendments totaled $171,154 of additional expenses and unexpected grants. All items were funded by grant income or reallocation of existing budgeted funds. Commissioner Walter moved to approve the amendments, seconded and passed.
Novo Benefits, the County health insurance consultants, presented the updated health insurance information and plan options. Health insurance cost increases every year.
The Commissioner adjourned at 10:50 am.
The Goshen County Covid Situation Report is online at on the main page below the red line in the middle of the page.
Residents may obtain a public comment form from the Commissioners’ webpage at You may print the form or obtain a form from the County Clerk’s Office 532-4051. The form may be submitted to the County Clerk via email; fax 532-7375; courthouse drop box, at the meeting, or by mail. The public comment forms will be addressed at the end of each meeting.  (approved for publication)

Attest: _________________
Cynthia Kenyon    
Goshen County Clerk
John Ellis, Chairman
Goshen County Commission

Public Notice No. 7422 published in the Torrington Telegram May 27, 2020.