City of Torrington )
County of Goshen )
State of Wyoming )
The Torrington City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, April 7, 2020 in the City Council Chambers at 436 East 22nd Ave. and via Zoom Web Conferencing at 7:00 p.m. Present in the City Council Chambers via Zoom Web Conferencing: Mayor Adams, Council Member Law and Deputy City Clerk Anaya. Present at Remote Locations via Zoom Web Conferencing: Council Members Hill, Kinney and Mattis, Clerk/Treasurer Strecker, Attorney Eddington, Director of Public Works Harkins and Building Official Estes.
Mayor Adams called the meeting to order. He announced that due to COVID-19 group size and social distancing restrictions the Council meeting is being conducted via a Zoom Web Conferencing format and indicated that the meeting is also being broadcasted live by KGOS/KERM. Mayor Adams stated that he will ask for public comments, questions or concerns near the end of the meeting and at that time anyone wishing to address the Mayor and Council can do so by calling (307) 534-4790.
Councilman Law led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Adams stated that this is the first of many unique and unfortunate Council meetings to come that are closed to the public. He indicated that the first item on the agenda is the declaration that an emergency exists due to the COVID-19 pandemic followed by Council action on an emergency ordinance to that end. Mayor Adams reiterated that the Council meeting is being conducted via a Zoom Web Conferencing format and indicated that the public can join the web conference and follow the meeting through their phone, computer or tablet, or listen to the meeting via the live KGOS/KERM broadcasting. He thanked Grant and Ryan Kath with KGOS/KERM for their efforts and cooperation in making the live broadcast work for the benefit of the public and for all that they continue to do to keep the public informed. Mayor Adams commented that next he will be providing information that he knows the public is tired of hearing but is absolutely necessary as the community moves toward a safe exit from this overwhelming national emergency. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is most concerned about three symptoms: 1. A persistent cough that will not go away; 2. A consistent temperature above 100.4 Fahrenheit; and 3. Shortness of breath. Mayor Adams stated that if an individual is experiencing those symptoms he/she should call their healthcare provider for guidance on what to do. He advised the public to stay home, to practice the six feet social distancing guidelines in all public ventures, and to avoid groups and meetings where ten or more individuals are present. Mayor Adams indicated that Alexia Harrist, the Wyoming State Health Officer, recommended (did not order) that anyone who goes out in public should be wearing a face covering or mask of some sort. He encouraged the public to use wipes/sanitizers to keep surfaces clean, to wash their hands often and use hand sanitizer, and to sneeze or cough into their elbow. Mayor Adams commented that unfortunately the City was made aware of members of the community who violated the rules and stated that that type of behavior puts innocent people at risk of personal injury or infection. He indicated that this type of conduct is not what is wanted from the community. Everyone needs to follow the rules and stay safe. Mayor Adams commented that the warm spring temperatures present a perfect opportunity for community members to assist with spring clean-up. He stated that the baler facility is open 24/7 in order to allow City residents to dispose lawn clippings, limbs and other yard waste at their own convenience. Mayor Adams urged the public to please not dispose of garbage at the baler facility as that will only create additional work for City staff. All garbage should continue to be disposed of in the designated garbage dumpsters. He encouraged the public to get outside, to get fresh air and to clean-up the City. Mayor Adams commented that all recycling operations have been suspended until further notice. Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the City has reduced its recycling staff in an effort to prevent the unnecessary handling of waste materials. All recycling dumpsters have also been removed. Mayor Adams stated that all materials that have previously been recycled can now be placed in the designated garbage dumpsters. He indicated that the Parks Department will soon begin mowing and watering the parks. The restrooms will remain closed until warmer temperatures surface. He encouraged the public to maintain social distancing and to avoid large groups when using the City parks. Mayor Adams commented on the progress of various projects throughout the City: 1. The East D Street Water Line Project is wrapping up and Paul Reed Construction will soon be moving to the West C Street Water Line Project. Mayor Adams urged the public to please use caution in both referenced project areas and stated as a reminder that West C Street is the emergency route utilized by emergency responders (i.e., Ambulance, Police and Fire). He advised the public to be aware of their presence; 2. Frontage Road final grading and seeding operations are complete; 3. The walking path between 20th and 22nd Avenue on the east side of the City is nearly complete and will wrap up later this summer. A bid opening for the West 15th Avenue walking path will be held on April 8, 2020 and that project will begin soon; and 4. Construction work on the Evergreen Plaza project began on April 1, 2020. That $8.4 million project will continue for the next year and a half. Mayor Adams asked the public to continually keep in mind all of the healthcare providers out there on the front lines of this crisis. The better job the community does of keeping the COVID-19 virus from spreading, the less stress that will be put on their ability to provide the critical services that they deliver. He stated that all emergency responders are under pressure to respond regardless of the threat posed to their personal safety and reminded the public that all of those responders need our support. Mayor Adams also mentioned those who staff the grocery stores, the pharmacies, the downtown businesses and the restaurants who continue providing their services to the public in a restricted manner, and indicated that the community really appreciates their efforts. He commented that the City of Torrington will not be assessing late payment fees or discontinuing services for non-payment during this COVID-19 crisis, and stated that the City will continue to reassess its policies and procedures as the community moves into the next few months of this pandemic. Lastly, Mayor Adams reminded the public to check the City of Torrington, Goshen County, Torrington Telegram, KGOS/KERM, Goshen County Economic Development and the Wyoming Information Sharing Platform (WISP) websites and pages for updates and vital information.
Councilman Law moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to approve the consent agenda which includes the minutes from the 03-17-20 Council meeting as published and all actions therein be ratified. Motion carried unanimously.
Councilman Mattis moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Councilman Kinney moved and Councilman Mattis seconded to declare an emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Eddington read by title AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE DECLARING AN EMERGENCY AND TEMPORARILY SUSPENDING CHAPTER 2.04. OF THE TORRINGTON MUNICIPAL CODE, 2020 REVISIONS, RELATING TO REGULAR MEETINGS. He stated that the emergency ordinance allows the City of Torrington to temporarily conduct public meetings via video/audio means in order to comply with State Orders and Federal guidelines regarding the COVID-19 virus. The intent is to stay consistent with State Orders to eliminate gatherings of more than ten people and to maintain social distancing of a minimum of six feet. Attorney Eddington indicated that the public will be able to hear and/or see all public meetings via video/audio means and to participate by telephone for public input if need be. Councilman Law moved and Councilwoman Hill seconded to approve emergency Ordinance No. 1225 as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Eddington read by title AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF TORRINGTON, WYOMING, REAL PROPERTY TO BE KNOWN AS THE “EAST U.S. HIGHWAY 26 2019 ANNEXATION”. He stated as a reminder that the property being annexed is a small strip of U.S. Highway 26 and indicated that the annexation request came about because of police jurisdictional issues. Mayor Adams inquired if City staff has received any public comments regarding the annexation request. Building Official Estes confirmed no. He commented that the specific details of the request consist of the annexation of a tract of land for the property that starts at East M Street and continues east to the east side of the Holiday Inn Express. Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Mattis seconded to approve the ordinance on second reading as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Eddington read by title AN ORDINANCE REPEALING SECTION 10.40.060. OF THE TORRINGTON MUNICIPAL CODE, 2020 REVISIONS, RELATING TO VEHICLES NOT TO BE PARKED UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS. He stated as a reminder that the ordinance repeals the specific section previously referenced that is inconsistent with an identical ordinance that exists within the City’s code that limits no parking conditions to certain parts of the City. Attorney Eddington indicated that the certain conditions that prohibit parking are City-wide therefore the repealing of this specific section is necessary. Councilman Law moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to approve Ordinance No. 1226 as presented on third reading. Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Eddington read a proclamation declaring April 7, 2020 as National Service Recognition Day. It stated that AmeriCorps and Senior Corps participants address the most pressing challenges facing communities, from educating students for the jobs of the 21st century, to fighting the opioid epidemic, to responding to natural disasters, to supporting veterans and military families, and it encouraged residents to recognize the positive impact of national service in the community, to thank those who serve and to find ways to give back to their communities. Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to approve the proclamation as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Eddington read Resolution No. 2020-5 authorizing the submission of five Wyoming Homeland Security grant applications for the purchase of essential vehicles and equipment for the City of Torrington. Mayor Adams stated that grant applications in the amount of $491, 448.00 will be submitted to Wyoming Homeland Security for consideration of funding the purchase of the following essential vehicles and equipment: 1. Torrington Volunteer Fire Department Command Unit - $60, 490.00; 2. Torrington Police Department Portable Radio Upgrades - $97, 735.00; 3. Torrington Emergency Management Vehicle - $47, 740.00; 4. Torrington EMS Emergency Generator Project - $77, 540.00; and 5. Torrington Water/Wastewater SCADA System Replacement - $207, 943.00. Councilman Kinney moved and Councilman Mattis seconded to approve Resolution No. 2020-5 as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Eddington read Resolution No. 2020-6 authorizing the temporary suspension of late payment fees as described in Section 3.04.005 A. of the Torrington Municipal Code. He stated that the Public Service Commission (PSC) has allowed public utilities providing service in Wyoming to temporarily suspend the imposition of late charges during the public health emergency related to the COVID-19 virus. Councilman Law moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to approve Resolution No. 2020-6 as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Building Official Estes presented the bid results for the Caboose Sale. He stated staff recommended awarding the bid for the Burlington Northern Caboose to John Salisbury with JFS Railcar, LLC in the amount of $13, 475.00 and to reject the bids for the Union Pacific Caboose as they are far less than the worth of the caboose. Mayor Adams indicated that he consulted with former Mayor Michael Varney prior to the bid opening in regards to the value of the cabooses as he is an expert in that field and was the primary individual responsible for acquiring the cabooses for the museum. Based on former Mayor Varney’s assessment, the high bid received for the Burlington Northern Caboose is acceptable but the high bid received for the Union Pacific Caboose is extremely under value. Councilman Mattis moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to award the bid for the Burlington Northern Caboose to John Salisbury with JFS Railcar, LLC in the amount of $13, 475.00 and to reject the bids for the Union Pacific Caboose as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
The bills from 03-18-20 to 04-07-20 were presented for payment. Councilman Law moved and Councilwoman Hill seconded to approve the bills for payment as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Adams asked for public comments, questions or concerns. He stated as a reminder that anyone wishing to address the Mayor and Council can do so by calling (307) 534-4790.
Paul Puebla addressed the Mayor and Council via telephone participation. He thanked them for finding an alternative method to make it possible for the public to listen and/or view the Council meeting via audio/video means and to input via telephone for the extent of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Kinney seconded that there being no further business to come before the Mayor and Council to adjourn at 7:32 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
The following bills were approved for payment: 68096 AT&T MOBILITY cardiac monitor transmission fee 33.46;68097 BLACK HILLS ENERGY utilities-gas 4418.56;68098 SOUTH TORRINGTON WATER & SEWER DISTRICT museum-water/sewer 69.30;68099 WY RETIREMENT SYSTEMS retirement 60601.73;68100 WY DEPT OF WORKFORCE SERVICES workers compensation 15606.19;68101 WY DEPT OF REVENUE sales tax 18259.74;68102 BLACK HILLS ENERGY TFVD utilities-gas 702.83;68103 CIRCUIT COURT OF GOSHEN CO payroll withholding 369.81;68104 CITY OF TORRINGTON payroll withholding 725.83;68105 DENT, DAVID A. Golf Pro Payable 40.23;68106 FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY payroll withholding 235.97;68107 GOSHEN CO DISTRICT COURT CLERK payroll withholding 100.00;68108 GREAT-WEST TRUST CO LLC payroll withholding 2536.00;68109 NEW YORK LIFE payroll withholding 369.37;68110 STANDARD INSURANCE CO premium-long term disability 2016.72;68111 CENTURYLINK data lines 2596.82;68112 VERIZON WIRELESS cell phones, data-tablets/hotspots, camera 1412.70;68113 WY CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT payroll withholding 262.61;68114 TAMI GRAYBILL final bill-deposit return 76.25;68115 TD REAL ESTATE final bill-deposit return 64.12;68116 ARROW ELECTRIC OF TORRINGTON check electric motor-supply air 207.00;68117 ACUITY SPECIALTY PRODUCTS INC. car wash solution, hand cleaner 535.32;68118 ALLWATER SUPPLY LLC injection quills 1020.26;68119 ALTEC INDUSTRIES INC. platform liner, dielectric tests, dot/pm inspections, maintenance 3635.05;68120 ARIZONA MACHINERY v-groove ring, lg fhcs, elbow bearing, bearing bushing 471.42;68121 STOTZ EQUIPMENT bid guarantee fee for stop payment 89.00;68122 B & C STEEL CORPORATION round bar, bending charge/dumpser rods 119.70;68123 BALCER AMBULANCE SALES CORP reflective decaling for ambulance 770.81;68124 BARNES LAW LLC Court Appointed Attorney 670.55;68125 BLOEDORN LUMBER CO-TORRINGTON return, toilet bolt set, wax flanged gasket, masking tape, magnetic tape measure, v notch spreader, spray paint, booster, ratchet, metric 6-key hex, belt sander, anti-rust paint, sanding belt 195.49;68126 BOMGAARS SUPPLY INC. hydraulic fluid, sump pump, air fresheners, bit sets, dead blow hammer, vise grips, tin snips, diagonal pliers, hex key, protie bungee cord, no flat tires, reciprocating saw kit, filters, coupler grease, coffee filters/maker, dust masks 872.23;68127 BORDER STATES INDUSTRIES INC. photo cells, fuse links, plug in breakers, connectors, wire overhead, rods, pole anchors, wire, limit switches, credit, facility heaters w/ thermostats/brackets, pvc lb cond bodies, stinger covers, meter/mains, conduit, bolts 7627.20;68128 BROWN CO hex nut .99;68129 BUTLER'S SALVAGE & TOWING towing fees 750.00;68130 CASELLE INC. contract support & maint 1990.00;68131 CENTURY LUMBER CENTER masking/duct/teflon tape, poly brushes, tray set, screws, lag shields, faucet connectors, wrench, foam tape, GFCIs, nipples, elbows, couplings, ball valve, bits, foam spray, mouse traps, cloth, clamp, led light switch w/ timer, adapter, strike anchors, epoxy coating, paint, drv set, bit sets, blades, eye bolts, nails, roof cement, faucet, tamper proof fuse, window thermometer, roller cover 661.29;68132 CITYSERVICEVALCON LLC misc aviation parts, crocodile clamps 84.90;68133 ABSOLUTE SOLUTIONS radio operation verification, single unit charger 160.45;68134 COMMUNITY HOSPITAL ambulance supplies 125.33;68135 CONNECTING POINT copier service contracts/monthly charges 475.46;68136 CONTRACTORS MATERIALS INC. poly straps 35.10;68137 COWBOY CLINIC & URGENT CARE physical 75.00;68138 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO midget fuses-fuse block/new generator 40.93;68139 CUES INC. novideo basic support software GNET 450.00;68140 CULLIGAN WATER OF TORRINGTON dispenser rentals, water, o-rings, filters, labor 362.28;68141 DALE'S TIRE & RETREADING tires 1645.96;68142 DBT TRANSPORTATION SERVICES LLC quarterly beacon maintenance 1088.06;68143 DECKER, STEVE fertilizer, sand, upm patch, grass seed 4111.46;68144 DIETZLER CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION Frontage Road Project 3601.45;68145 DIVERSIFIED SERVICES INC. cleaning services 205.00;68146 DOLAN CONSULTING GROUP LLC evidence-based first-line supervision/new detective training 3375.00;68147 EJS SUPPLY LLC dumpsters 22248.00;68148 ENERGY LABORATORIES INC. lab test 764.00;68149 FASTENAL CO batteries, oil absorber, reciprocating saw kits, face masks, blades, eyewear, gloves, disinfecting wipes, poly pr suits 1525.98;68150 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPORATION shipping-electric JPB-Gillette will reimb 31.60;68151 FLOYD'S TRUCK CENTER INC. 12v starter 353.68;68152 G & L CONCRETE concrete 1770.00;68153 PRO QUALITY PEST CONTROL rodent control 100.00;68154 GOSHEN CO ECONOMIC 1/4 cent sales tax 20568.84;68155 GREENLINE PRODUCTS INC. orange blast cleaner, spray bottles, triggers 598.50;68156 HAWKINS INC. sodium hydrox diaphragm 2087.29;68157 MATTHEW M. HUTT PHD pre-employment evaluation 900.00;68158 IDEAL LINEN/BLUFFS FACILITY SOLUTION mats, scrapers, sam dust/energy fees, sam garment fees, sam linen, pants/shirts, coveralls, toilet tissue, grease cleaner, hand sanitizers, bleach, tubercidal, rags, paper towels, hand wash-cleaning supply, foam hand wash, liners, disinfectant cleaner, steriphene clean, foam soap, towels 3855.41;68159 INDUSTRIAL DISTRIBUTORS gloves, bolts, washers, nuts 570.58;68160 JOHNSON, MATTHEW DAVID travel expenses 171.96;68161 KNIFE RIVER Crack Fill Project 36634.86;68162 KATH BROADCASTING CO LLC tower rent 75.00;68163 K & K COMMUNICATIONS paging service-elec meters 12.00;68164 FRANK PARTS CO fittings, oil/trans/hyd/fuel/air filters, helmet lens, spray tips, npt, crimson grease, starter, chain, batteries, connectors, snap spade terminal, nuts, bolts, windshield washer fluid, dextron oil, air freshener, credit, extra life fluid, stud metri-pk rh lm, u-nut 928.25;68165 LEO RILEY & CO. Audit FY 2019 17300.00;68166 MARATHON POWER INC. ups battery back-up repairs w/ batteries & fan 1040.00;68167 M.C. SCHAFF & ASSOCIATES INC. Airport Project 2125.57;68168 MIDWEST PLUMBING INC. troubleshoot problem w/ toilet 80.00;68169 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS roof mount antenna, battery, portable radio w/ add-ons, charger 4912.12;68170 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS INC. apx wireless rsm, wireless rsm vehicular charger, all band hp mobile radio w/ add-ons 5913.83;68171 MS LORRI CAR WASH car wash tokens 110.00;68172 MUNICIPAL ENERGY AGENCY OF NE wholesale power 421016.95;68173 MY-LOR INC. ID tag, aluminum w/ trigger snaps 18.39;68174 NE MUNICIPAL POWER POOL annual membership 3115.39;68175 O'REILLY AUTO ENTERPRISES LLC wire clip, street elbow, coolant hoses, batteries, oil filter, wiper blades, alternators 614.38;68176 OFFICE OF STATE LANDS & INVEST CWSRF loan payments 19820.31;68177 OLSON TIRE CO recaps, labor dismount/mount, brass valve stems, nail hole repairs, tire repairs/switch, steer repairs, prema rad patch, stem hi pressure 4356.92; 68178 ONE CALL OF WY tickets for CDC code TRG 126.00;68179 ENVIRO SERVICES INC. lab analysis 120.00;68180 THE L L JOHNSON DIST CO carbon-aid, thatchback reducer, lift blades, choke cable, hyd cylinder assy, angled blades, ball joint 2034.29;68181 PLATTE VALLEY BANK lease payments 13538.61; 68182 PRINT EXPRESS INC. decals, ups 1148.64;68183 RECYCLE SYSTEMS LLC rod end, rod end bushing/ pin 244.10;68184 RUSSELL INDUSTRIES INC. inspect/repair prison lift station 1227.60;68185 SAM'S CLUB/SYCHRONY BANK envelopes, LED TV/mount kit-conference room 541.93;68186 SCHLAGEL MANUFACTURING INC. ambulance repair 163.63;68187 VALLEY MOTOR SUPPLY final charge, brake lines, butt terminals, brass plugs, domestic nickel/copper, v-belt, wire cup brush, mini bulb, primer bulb assy, air/ oil filters, teflon tape, batteries, hose plier, wipers, hyd fluid/fittings/hose, halogen sealed beams, sst lamps, grease absorbents, add circuit mini, mirror arm, steel mirror, ball joint set, valve fuel shut off, belt, ignition switch 1504.88;68188 TEAM CHEVROLET instrument gauge panel 300.00;68189 SNOW CREST CHEMICALS LLC hot water closed loop contract 125.00;68190 STUART C IRBY CO 3 hole box w/ dome/tall adapter 1725.00;68191 T D S COLLECTIONS SERVICE INC. road base/grading W 2225.05;68192 TIMBERLINE ELECTRIC & CONTROL CORP field service, exhaust fan repl, troubleshoot/fix issue with baler 1917.00;68193 TORRINGTON FIRE DEPT professional services 800.00;68194 TORRINGTON OFFICE SUPPLY return, desk pad calendars, toner cartridges, laser drum unit, storage boxes, money receipt books, binders, staple remover, label maker, post-it notes, archboard w/ clip, pads, alpha index, shipping labels, alphabetical indexing filing guides, binder indexes inserts, round hole punch, label maker tape/cartridge, disinfecting wipes, liquid cleaner, copy paper 1233.98;68195 TORRINGTON RURAL FIRE DIST. #3 reimb Rural FD-homeland security grant-pass thru 12235.83;68196 TRIHYDRO CORP WWTP pre-treat design 19776.11;68197 CENTURYLINK TVFD phone/data line 290.05;68198 GRAINGER buoy rings/rope bags, eye glass wipes, motor/pulley, coveralls w/ attached boots, marking flags, batteries 732.99;68199 WESTERN PATHOLOGY CONSULTANTS random pool management-CDL, breath alcohol, drug screen, urine collection 416.00;68200 WY DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION Industrial Park Avenue Project/Phase II 22.68;68201 WY DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION citation books 73.62;68202 RESPOND FIRST AID SYSTEMS OF WY 1st aid kit supplies, hand sanitizer, thermometers 178.88;68203 WY MACHINERY couplings, hose bks, seals, guards, labor, recondition hydraulic cylinders 6056.70;68204 TORRINGTON TELEGRAM annual subscriptions, legals 5315.47;68205 WY RETIREMENT SYSTEMS Torr Vol EMT Pension 45.00;68206 STATE OF WY-DEPT OF WORKFORCE unemployment 324.10;68207 BODEN, BRIAN final bill-deposit return 113.74;68208 RIDENOUR, MIKE Pony Express Room-deposit refund 265.00;68209 Void;68210 INNOTION ENTERPRISES INC. final bill-deposit return 43.05;68211 RANDI BRIGHTWELL final bill-deposit return 11.20;68212 CITY OF TORRINGTON utility deposit (17.00990.27) applied to ambulance bill 43.74
Public Notice No. 7387 published in the Torrington Telegram April 17, 2020.