City of Torrington )
County of Goshen )
State of Wyoming )
The Torrington City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, March 17, 2020 in the City Council Chambers at 436 East 22nd Ave. at 7:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Adams, Council Members Hill, Kinney, Law and Mattis. Also Present: Clerk/Treasurer Strecker, Attorney Eddington, Director of Public Works Harkins, Building Official Estes, Museum Director Chaires, Deputy City Treasurer Triplett and Deputy City Clerk Anaya.
Mayor Adams called the meeting to order. He announced that the meeting is being broadcasted live by KGOS/KERM.
Councilman Kinney led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Councilman Mattis introduced Zach Miller, Banner Health Community Hospital Chief Executive Officer, to the Mayor and Council. He indicated that Mr. Miller will be giving an update regarding the coronavirus disease 2019 also referred to as COVID-19. Mr. Miller addressed the Mayor and Council. He commented that COVID-19 is one of the biggest pandemics that the community has seen in quite some time and stated that Banner Health Community Hospital has taken a few different actions in order to ensure that they are protecting its patients and the community to the best of their ability. Mr. Miller indicated that COVID-19 is a respiratory illness that spreads through droplet transmission (i.e., sneezing or coughing). He commented that as the community moves through a disease process that is being transmitted through droplet transmission, that it is highly important that people wash their hands and limit the touching of their face. Mr. Miller stated that group gatherings should also be limited to ten people or less to help curb the spread of the pandemic coronavirus. He indicated that the good news about COVID-19 is that around 80% of patients will show very few, if any, symptoms. If any symptoms are present, they are mainly mild cold like symptoms. The 20% that do contract it that are more elderly and have more risk for illness are those that will need further treatment. Mr. Miller commented that Community Hospital has taken the following precautions thus far: 1. Entry to the facility has been restricted to one entry point through the Emergency Room Entrance; 2. Visitors have been restricted to one visitor per patient, per day; 3. The hospital is working closely with Banner Supply Chain to ensure that they have the amount of supplies needed in order to properly care for its patients and meet the needs of the community; and 4. Deliveries from outside of the facility will not be accepted. Mr. Miller stated that surgeries and elective cases are currently being evaluated in terms of whether they will take place or not. If the patient’s health permits it, they will more than likely be rescheduled. He indicated that he cannot stress enough that the reason for the school closures is to avoid the gathering of large groups. Mr. Miller commented that the purpose will be defeated completely if kids are sent to a communal house where multiple households are present. The closures are an attempt to distance people from one another to slow down the spread and transmission of COVID-19 through the community. Mr. Miller referenced Goshen County Public Health and Goshen County Emergency Management as good resources available to the community during this pandemic era. Councilman Mattis asked Mr. Miller to comment on the hospital’s capability to take care of patients that have contracted COVID-19 and on its testing abilities at this time. Mr. Miller indicated that currently all testing is being conducted through the state’s lab in Cheyenne as all samples collected are sent there. He stated that as time progresses, private labs may be utilized depending on their turnaround time. Mr. Miller commented that Community Hospital has a very talented medical staff and indicated that the facility’s providers are very well trained in the care of respiratory illness. In addition, Community Hospital utilizes the Electronic Intensive Care Unit (eICU) Program to improve the quality of care in the community by providing twenty-four hour critical care specialists through remote means.
Mayor Adams stated that during the crisis he wants to encourage the public to be mindful of the greater than usual stress under which all healthcare providers find themselves. The City will do what it can to limit the spike of COVID-19 diagnosis in order to prevent overwhelming the community’s hospitals, clinics and healthcare professionals. He indicated that the City is very fortunate to have two of those healthcare professionals on the City Council, Councilman Mattis and Councilwoman Hill; he thanked them for their hard work. Mayor Adams commented that the City of Torrington will remain open. However, face-to-face interactions with the public will be limited and window access at City Hall will be restricted. He stated that the City is urging the public to put their payment in an envelope and deposit it into the pay slot in the front lobby of City Hall or in the outside receptacle located in the north parking lot. Mayor Adams also urged the public to use phone, e-mail, text or regular mail when doing business with the City whenever possible to protect themselves from whatever virus contaminations exist. Person-to-person contact should be limited as much as possible. He indicated that the City is recommending all civic organizations that have events planned where large groups of people will gather to postpone, reschedule or cancel until such time that the crisis has passed. Mayor Adams commented that the public should avoid groups of fifty or more, and that the individuals who are in the high risk category of sixty years of age or older and/or who have contributing health conditions should restrict themselves to gatherings of less than ten. He stated as a reminder that if an individual is exhibiting symptoms or feeling sick (i.e., sore throat, sneezing, coughing, headache or fever) they should not go to work, stay home and avoid contact with others. Mayor Adams indicated that most illnesses are mild and most will recover without much difficulty. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Wyoming Department of Health and Governor Gordon want to reassure people that all that can be done is being done. Mayor Adams cited Governor Gordon stating, “A thoughtful and considerate response through all that confronts us is what is necessary. Use common sense.” He commented that the City of Torrington stands in support of the state institutions, the school district, the university and the junior colleges in their attempt to limit the spike in the number of positive COVID-19 cases. Mayor Adams stated that healthcare providers have enough to do as it is and encouraged the public to not make it worse. He indicated that moving forward, few black and white answers will be found, but that the City will keep the public updated with vital information as it is known.
Councilman Kinney moved and Councilman Mattis seconded to approve the consent agenda which includes the minutes from the 03-03-20 Council meeting as published and all actions therein be ratified. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Adams requested approval to amend the agenda as follows:
• Remove Ordinance 2nd Reading – Relating to Water Fees from the Action Items List.
• Remove Ordinance 2nd Reading – Relating to Sewer Fees from the Action Items List.
• Add Sick Leave Bank Policy Discussion to the Action Items List.
Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Law seconded to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Adams noted the time had arrived for the Council to adjourn from regular session and convene as a Board of Adjustment. He stated that the public who is not in attendance of the meeting can call (307) 534-4790 to take part in the public hearings that are to follow if they so wish to do so.
Building Official Estes stated that Gary Pittman with 4 P’s Properties, LLC at 2502 West B Street requested a lot split and a variance for a square footage reduction from the required 3,000 to 2,764. He commented that the reason for the lot split request is due to the fact that there are two houses on a single lot that has been in place for forty or fifty years. Mr. Pittman has purchased the property and would like to split the lot right down the middle. Building Official Estes indicated that all of the utilities for the property that come from the alley do cross a third party lot. He stated that he did ask BenchMark of Torrington, P.C., who is representing 4 P’s Properties, LLC in the request, to inquire about the possibility of acquiring an easement to secure the accessibility of the utilities but he has not heard back from them. Building Official Estes commented that due to a lack of a quorum, the 03-10-20 Planning Commission Meeting was not held but that staff recommends approval and he has received no public comment. Councilman Kinney inquired about Question No. 7 on the Application and in specific why no explanation was submitted to thoroughly answer the question. Building Official Estes responded that Robert Taylor with BenchMark submitted the completed application on behalf of Mr. Pittman and that since Mr. Taylor is not in attendance of the meeting he is unable to answer why the explanation was omitted. Mayor Adams asked if Mr. Pittman is intending to sell one of the two houses if the lot split is approved. Building Official Estes confirmed yes. Mayor Adams opened the public hearing for consideration of the lot split and variance request. He asked for public comments for or against the approval of the lot split and variance request, none were heard. The public hearing was closed. Councilman Kinney inquired where the applicant is proposing to split the lot being that there is currently a fence on the property that may be problematic. Building Official Estes replied that the existing fence is an issue that will need to be addressed. The owner will need to decide what to do with it to meet the lot split requirements as approved. Councilman Mattis moved and Councilwoman Hill seconded to approve the lot split and variance request for a square footage reduction for the property located at 2502 West B Street as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Building Official Estes presented for approval the State of Wyoming annexation request of a 4.44 acre tract of land (East U.S. Highway 26 2019 Annexation) for the property that starts at East M Street and continues east to the east side of the Holiday Inn Express. He stated that this specific portion of the highway, which does not include any businesses, has always been left out of all of the plats for unknown reasons. Building Official Estes commented that the section of highway in question is currently technically within City limits, therefore he approached the State of Wyoming about the matter and got approval to move forward with annexation proceedings. He indicated that there have been some jurisdiction issues that have surfaced due to this specific section of the highway not being annexed into City limits. Building Official Estes stated that he does not believe that the maintenance of this particular section of the highway will change as City crews currently plow it regardless but indicated that there have been no official agreements or discussions regarding maintenance that have taken place. He commented that staff recommends approval and that he has received no public comment. Mayor Adams opened the public hearing for consideration of the annexation request. He asked for public comments for or against the approval of the annexation request, none were heard. The public hearing was closed. Councilman Kinney moved and Councilman Law seconded to approve the annexation request of a 4.44 acre tract of land (East U.S. Highway 26 2019 Annexation) for the property that starts at East M Street and continues east to the east side of the Holiday Inn Express as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Councilman Mattis moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to approve and accept the annexation report of a 4.44 acre tract of land (East U.S. Highway 26 2019 Annexation) for the property that starts at East M Street and continues east to the east side of the Holiday Inn Express as affirmed as required by State Statute 15-1-402(c). Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Eddington read by title AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF TORRINGTON, WYOMING, REAL PROPERTY TO BE KNOWN AS THE “EAST U.S. HIGHWAY 26 2019 ANNEXATION”. Councilman Mattis inquired if the 2019 Annexation portion of the property name should be modified to 2020 Annexation. Attorney Eddington replied that annexation proceedings began in 2019 and the plat associated with the annexation is labeled as such therefore 2019 Annexation is accurate. Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Law seconded to approve the ordinance on first reading as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Eddington read by title AN ORDINANCE REPEALING SECTION 10.40.060. OF THE TORRINGTON MUNICIPAL CODE, 2020 REVISIONS, RELATING TO VEHICLES NOT TO BE PARKED UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS. He stated as a reminder that the repealing of this specific section will clean up repetitiveness and conflict that is created by two similar ordinances coexisting within the City’s code. This particular ordinance had some limitations as to the geographical area where certain conditions applied. The other ordinance does not, it is City-wide. Attorney Eddington indicated that the certain conditions that prohibit parking are City-wide therefore the repealing of this specific section is necessary. Councilman Kinney inquired if any changes had been made to the ordinance since approval on first reading. Attorney Eddington confirmed no. Councilman Kinney moved and Councilman Mattis seconded to approve the ordinance on second reading as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Clerk/Treasurer Strecker presented for approval a temporary amendment to the Sick Leave Bank Policy. She stated that in light of the pandemic case of COVID-19, City staff has been diligently working towards coming up with a proposal that will allow newly hired employees and employees who do not have an adequate amount of sick leave hours accrued to stay home if they are seriously ill without having to worry about compensation. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker commented that she is highly concerned with this pandemic that employees will be coming to work when they shouldn’t be due to shortage of sick leave hours available to them and therefore for financial reasons. She indicated that the City currently has a Sick Leave Bank Policy in place. The policy states that a full-time City employee with a minimum of eighty hours of accrued sick leave can elect to participate in and donate to the bank. An employee who participates in the bank may not borrow from the bank until all accrued paid leave has been exhausted. The borrowed bank leave is to cover a catastrophic illness, injury, or other serious health condition of an employee, spouse, child or parent. Repayment of the borrowed sick leave to the bank will be made in four hour monthly installments taken directly from the employee’s sick leave accrual after the employee has accrued eight hours of regular sick leave. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker stated that the policy stipulations were put into place for a good reason but indicated that this pandemic case of COVID-19 has created extenuating circumstances. City staff is proposing a temporary reduction in the threshold of eighty hours of accrued sick leave required to be eligible to participate in and donate to the bank. The proposed recommendation would reduce the threshold from eighty hours of accrued sick leave down to eight hours. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker commented that the reduction in the requirement of hours needed to be eligible to participate in the Sick Leave Bank would only be for a limited amount of time. The main purpose for the temporary amendment is to promote safety for City employees and the public. Councilman Law inquired if specific verbiage would be added to the policy indicating that the recommended amendments are only temporary. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker confirmed yes, City staff thought maybe ninety days would be a good timeframe to begin with. Mayor Adams indicated that amidst this pandemic crisis it is impossible to know if ninety days is sufficient or not. Councilwoman Hill expressed her concerns with the proposed temporary amendment to the existing policy. She stated that it is not fair to the employees that have abided by the policy stipulations to drastically reduce the eligibility requirement to compensate for those employees who currently do not qualify for whatever reason. Councilwoman Hill commented that she does not agree with that. She inquired if a donation form could be created to be utilized by those employees that are currently not eligible to join the Sick Leave Bank. The form would request sick leave hours to be donated by City of Torrington employees to the requesting employee that is in need of leave hours due to catastrophic illness, injury, or other serious health condition. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker indicated that the City used to utilize the donation of sick leave hours in a previous policy until it was abused. Councilwoman Hill stated that she has a problem with eligibility requirements being reduced to essentially make everyone eligible to join a bank that has been established with specific requirements and regulations. She inquired if another solution could be drafted and proposed to compensate for the employees who are not currently eligible to join the Sick Leave Bank rather than easing up on eligibility requirements. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker commented that she could certainly ask everyone who currently is enrolled in the Sick Leave Bank if they are in favor of eligibility requirements being reduced or not. Councilwoman Hill responded that she would certainly be interested in viewing the results of that poll. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker indicated that the donation form that Councilwoman Hill suggested could certainly be implemented temporarily if that is the direction that the Mayor and Council want to pursue. Mayor Adams stated that whatever option is chosen needs to be put into place fairly soon. The City wants employees who are sick to stay home without concern. Councilman Mattis commented that the bad part about this crisis is that it is unknown as to what temporary is right now. He indicated that he concurs with Councilwoman Hill’s statements and stated that it is unfair to those employees that have foreshadowed and thought ahead to plan for the possibility of a rainy day by electing to join the Sick Leave Bank. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker commented that maybe the two recommendations can be combined. The Sick Leave Bank Policy can be advertised again to all employees in an effort to enroll the majority of employees who are currently not enrolled in the bank but are eligible to join, and a donation form can be created and disseminated to all employees who currently are not eligible to join the bank as an alternative option for them. Councilwoman Hill stated that those employees that are fortunate enough to have a viable amount of sick leave hours accrued also need to think about themselves and their family and the possibility of potentially having the need to stay home. Councilman Mattis indicated that this pandemic has the potential to be fairly widespread and hit the City hard. He inquired how the bank is replenished. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker replied that when the bank falls below a certain level, all participants will be required to donate an additional eight hours. Councilwoman Hill asked if the current Sick Leave Bank Policy specifies a certain open enrollment period. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker responded no. It needs to be advertised to employees again as there are a lot of employees who have not joined the bank that are eligible. Councilman Mattis moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to approve the advertising of the Sick Leave Bank Policy to all employees who are eligible to enroll, and to create and disburse a sick leave hour donation request form to all other employees who are currently ineligible to join the Sick Leave Bank for a temporary ninety day period as presented. Councilwoman Hill inquired about the ninety day period allotment. Councilman Mattis responded that the ninety day period allotment is included to specify that the approval is only temporary in a response to take precautionary measures against what potentially could occur with employees becoming ill with COVID-19. Councilman Law commented that it may be more appropriate to do away with the ninety day allotment and replace it with to be determined as what will take place with this pandemic crisis and for how long is currently unknown. Councilman Law moved and Councilman Mattis seconded to amend the previous motion by replacing for a temporary ninety day period with for a period to be determined as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Councilwoman Hill stated that she would still like to see the addition of an annual open enrollment period to the existing policy. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker replied that there really is no need for an open enrollment period since a minimum of eighty hours of sick leave is required to be accrued before an employee can elect to participate in and donate to the bank. Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Eddington read Resolution No. 2020-4 accepting the monetary distribution from the estate of James D. Kelly Living Trust and approving the establishment of depository accounts restricted for the use of the Homesteader’s Museum pursuant to the terms of the trust. Museum Director Chaires stated that the Homesteader’s Museum was gifted a considerable amount of money from a man who resided in Casper, Wyoming. He was originally from Torrington and when he passed away he left this generous gift to the museum requesting that the City construct a building to house his collection. Museum Director Chaires indicated that the resolution is a formal request for the City to establish two bank accounts in the name of the Homesteader’s Museum for the purpose of holding the funds distributed from the trust. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker commented that the two accounts will be restricted for the use of the museum in agreement with the terms outlined in the trust. One account will be set up as a Capital Improvement account and the other account will be set up as a General Charitable Purpose account. Councilwoman Hill inquired if there is a limitation on the dollar amount that will need to be set aside specifically for the construction of the building and specifically for general purpose. Museum Director Chaires confirmed yes. She stated that within the trust there are two separate sections. One section addresses the amount for the capital improvement project and the other section addresses the amount for a general donation to the museum. Museum Director Chaires indicated that all of the bills associated with the two separate restricted accounts will be presented to the Mayor and Council for approval. Councilman Law moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to approve Resolution No. 2020-4 as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
The bills from 03-04-20 to 03-17-20 were presented for payment. Councilman Kinney moved and Councilman Law seconded to approve the bills for payment as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Adams asked for public comments, questions or concerns.
Councilwoman Hill stated that in light of the virus and everything going on, the community needs to remember that there are young people who are going to lose out on some experiences that were due to them. There are seniors in high school and in college that will not get a prom, that will not have a graduation ceremony, and who will not get the opportunity to participate in a state basketball tournament or a regular track season. Councilwoman Hill commented that what is going on and how it is affecting the community is a big deal for the youth. She indicated that the community needs to keep in mind that maybe these young people need a few extra words of encouragement right now. Councilwoman Hill stated that this pandemic is a cruddy thing that has happened to everybody but that it is important to remember that this crisis is affecting a very large population of kids who were not quite ready for the real world but they are going to have to be now. She urged the public to be sympathetic for the youth and to display a great amount of patience as the community works towards overcoming this COVID-19 crisis as a whole.
Paul Puebla addressed the Mayor and Council. He thanked them for broadcasting the meeting live.
Councilman Mattis moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to adjourn to executive session to discuss personnel. Motion carried unanimously.
Councilman Mattis moved and Councilman Law seconded to return the Council to regular session. Motion carried unanimously.
Councilman Kinney moved and Councilwoman Hill seconded that there being no further business to come before the Mayor and Council to adjourn at 9:21 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
The following bills were approved for payment: 67966 CITY OF TORRINGTON c/o FIRST STATE BANK optional tax transfer 75815.48;67967 GOSHEN CO ECONOMIC 1/4 cent sales tax 18954.17;67968 MCI A VERIZON CO long distance/911 call backs 47.58;67969 MERITAIN HEALTH INC. premium-ins/life admin 34557.96;67970 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS dispatch 911 service contract 4761.45;67971 MUNICIPAL ENERGY AGENCY OF NE wholesale power 436739.01;67972 CITY OF TORRINGTON c/o PINNACLE BANK health reserve non-insured employer premium/MT positions 13789.78;67973 TORRINGTON EMPLOYEES INSURANCE premium 84016.37;67974 TOUCHTONE COMMUNICATIONS long distance 69.88;67975 CENTURYLINK TVFD phone/data line 558.13;67976 VERIZON WIRELESS TVFD cell phones 96.37;67977 WYRULEC CO Landfill Electric 442.33;67978 BLUE 360 MEDIA LLC WY Criminal/ Traffic Law Books 149.73;67979 MICHAEL A. MILHOUSE final bill-deposit return 7.01;67980 TD REAL ESTATE final bill-credit return 84.37;67981 TORRINGTON SAGE APT final bill-deposit return 21.69;67982 ARROW ELECTRIC OF TORRINGTON connect replacement pump/check rotation-pump 100.00;67983 AED EVERYWHERE INC. batteries 651.30;67984 ADAMS, RANDY mileage reimb less meal 88.50;67985 ALTEC INDUSTRIES INC. placards,PM/DOT inspections,dielectric tests 3295.05;67986 BARNES LAW LLC court appeal/attorney fees 581.10;67987 BENCHMARK OF TORRINGTON P.C. boundary surveys,boundary adjustment 2477.25;67988 BLUE TARP FINANCIAL INC. multi-tool,jigsaw,material removal tool 343.99; 67989 BOUND TREE MEDICAL go-paps w/ BiTrac ED w/ nebulizers 146.94;67990 BROWN CO nuts, adapters 45.34;67991 CNA SURETY notary bond 50.00;67992 C H GUERNSEY & CO PCA Filing/electric consultant 4485.00;67993 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. copier contracts 839.00;67994 CASELLE INC. contract support & maint 1990.00;67995 CENTRAL STATES WIRE PRODUCTS INC. coil wire 595.00; 67996 CITYSERVICEVALCON LLC Phillips 66 terminal maint fee,jet fuel 9643.87;67997 CITY OF TORRINGTON travel expense-meal,shipping fee 28.81;67998 CITY OF TORRINGTON golf license gift certificate redemption 460.00;67999 ABSOLUTE SOLUTIONS replace power supply to paging station 836.24;68000 COMMUNITY HOSPITAL ambulance supplies 61.74;68001 CONNECTING POINT copier service contracts/monthly charges 361.85;68002 CONTRACTORS MATERIALS INC. screwdrivers,paint, upright compactor/ram packer,dust masks,lens clean towelettes 3236.88;68003 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO generator-fuel tank parts 427.95;68004 CROELL REDI-MIX INC. concrete blocks 195.00;68005 DANA KEPNER CO INC. water meters,rubber flanges,flange bolts 12685.24;68006 DIVERSIFIED SERVICES INC. cleaning services 360.00;68007 E P CONSTRUCTION installation of new shelter at Jirdon Park 4768.86;68008 ENERGY LABORATORIES INC. lab testing 1459.00;68009 FRESH FOODS hand sanitizer 12.00;68010 FRONT RANGE FIRE APPARATUS switch assembly,rocker,6 place switch pack,switch label 746.80;68011 GALLS LLC uniform clothing 216.99;68012 GAYLORD BROS INC. shallow lid archival textile boxes 913.25;68013 GLOBAL EQUIPMENT CO stubby hand retractable spring plungers 21.13;68014 GOSHEN CO ECONOMIC monthly contribution 2500.00;68015 GOSHEN CO SCHOOL DISTRICT WCG donation/after prom party 100.00;68016 GREATAMERICA FINANCIAL SERVICES CORP copier leases 434.00;68017 HAWKINS INC. sodium hydrox diaphragm 2215.85;68018 USABLUEBOOK reagent refill free chlorine,pH buffer pack 260.98;68019 HICKEY & EVANS LLP power cost adjustment factor filing, WPSC-misc 1697.00;68020 MATTHEW M. HUTT PHD pre-employment evaluation 450.00;68021 IDEAL LINEN/BLUFFS FACILITY SOLUTION mats,scrapers,sam dust/energy fees,coveralls,sam garment fees,sam linen,pants/shirts,mops,towels,vacuum bags 804.09;68022 INBERG-MILLER ENGINEERS landfill engineering-groundwater data & statistical analysis 2211.43;68023 INDUSTRIAL DISTRIBUTORS gloves, thread sealant,nuts,washers,bolts 852.08;68024 JAMES A. EDDINGTON PC City Attorney,extended hours 6696.00;68025 KAUFMAN, LARRY A. windshield repair 40.00;68026 K & K COMMUNICATIONS paging service-elec meters 12.00;68027 FRANK PARTS CO air/fuel/hyd/oil filters,circuit breaker,wheel nuts, grinding wheels,brush,cut off wheels,cleaner,quik wax,diesel,clamp,oil caps/seals,filter basket,batteries, lubriplate motor,fuse block,bearings 1038.62;68028 KOBOBEL FIRE PROTECTION LLC air/water gauges 487.26;68029 LAW, WILLIAM mileage reimb 159.28;68030 LIFEMED SAFETY INC. EKG electrodes adult re-usable SP02 sensor 265.50;68031 LUJAN CLEANING SERVICE LLC cleaning,window cleaning,deep cleaning of Museum Yoder House 714.00;68032 MATHESON TRI-GAS INC. medical oxygen,hazardous material charge 107.90;68033 M.C. SCHAFF & ASSOCIATES INC. Airport Taxiway Project 3410.00;68034 MENARDS bath fan 49.99;68035 THE METAL SHOP welding wire,flat iron 159.75;68036 NEW NORTH PLATTE IRRIGATION & DITCH 2020 Water Assessments 1800.00;68037 O'REILLY AUTO ENTERPRISES LLC oil/cabin filters,capsule,sensor,batteries,COP boot,wiper blades 573.80;68038 OLSON TIRE CO labor-dismount/mount,tires,tire rotation,adjust axles,radial carcass,trac recap,tire repairs,prema rad patch, tube,repair patches,recaps,balance,tire disposal 4374.39;68039 ONE CALL OF WY tickets for CDC code TRG 109.50;68040 PANHANDLE COOP drinks,propane,diesel fuel,credit,pca tank,leak check,lpg parts 8420.62;68041 ENVIRO SERVICES INC. lab analysis 150.00;68042 PATRICK, JOHN B. Municipal Court Judge 2000.00;68043 PETERBILT OF WY Garbage Truck 222141.00;68044 PINNACLE BANK travel expenses-lodging/meals/fuel,court room fabric samples,WYDOT fees,gun boxes,evidence tape, rechargeable batteries,cables,cable management sleeve,bedside table w/ wheels,solenoids,multi-function printer,signs,credit,wireless computer keyboard,emergency vehicle lights,infrared thermometer,test kit 4167.94;68045 PROFORCE LAW ENFORCEMENT 9MM pst guns plus trade-in 1002.00;68046 R & C WELDING FAB TRUCKING & CRANE rearrange rail cars-museum 3500.00;68047 REGIONAL CARE INC. select flex admin 88.00;68048 VANDEL DRUG aloe vera,spray bottles,kleenex 43.96;68049 S & W HEALTHCARE CORPORATION wet gel,foam 241.34;68050 SAM'S CLUB/SYCHRONY BANK laundry detergent,lotion,sharpies,coffee,bubble wrap 164.52;68051 WY SECRETARY OF STATE filing fee for notary renewal 30.00;68052 SMITTY'S REPAIR SERVICE pipe 51.95;68053 STUART C IRBY CO ammeter tester w/ store-CS 1365.06;68054 SUEZ WTS USA INC. monthly chemical management 7748.79;68055 SUN RIDGE SYSTEMS INC. system audit and refresher training 7591.00;68056 SOUTHWESTERN EQUIPMENT CO 2-position switch (worklight & strobe switch) 175.71;68057 TRANE U.S. INC. AC unit repairs,circuit leak check,leak repair,repl drier & recharge,LCC heat/cool partial payment-controls upgrade 10439.00;68058 TRANSWEST FORD LLC tank assembly 106.26;68059 U S POSTMASTER credit for postage 850.00;68060 GRAINGER plumbers kit,wrench set,screwdriver sets, faucet/sink tool,hex pipe wrench,nut driver set,garage door opener,couplings,trigger sprayers,safety glasses 1390.94;68061 WESTERN COOPERATIVE CO sinclair dexos,national spencer,pail S3 M46,dyed premium diesel,dyed diesel 9309.95;68062 WESTERN PATHOLOGY CONSULTANTS drug screen,urine collection 63.00;68063 WITMER PUBLIC SAFETY GROUP INC. helmet decals,helmet mounted streamlight vantages 754.20;68064 WY BEARING & SUPPLY CORP rubber sheet 51.95;68065 WY CHILD & FAMILY DEVELOP annual contribution 2000.00;68066 WY DEPT OF REVENUE ½-uniform assessment electric revenues FY2020 4039.12;68067 WY DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION license plate fee 3.00;68068 RESPOND FIRST AID SYSTEMS OF WY 1st aid kit supplies 112.11;68069 WY HEALTH FAIRS chemistry panels/wellness screenings 4848.00;68070 TORRINGTON TELEGRAM legals 4656.25;68071 WY RETIREMENT SYSTEMS Torr Vol EMT Pension 45.00;68072 WY THEATRE TWO LLC movie passes 250.00;68073 FILLER, JAMIE final bill-deposit return 345.92;68074 WELLS, ABIGAIL C. final bill-deposit return 82.68;68075 SALAZAR, DANIELLE final bill-deposit return 17.94;68076 DOCKINS, TORI final bill-deposit return 35.66;68077 RODRIGUEZ, ALICIA M. final bill-deposit return 156.19;68078 DEOLLOS, ROBERT J. final bill-deposit return 128.38;68079 TOLENTINO, GENEVIEVE final bill-deposit return 113.86;68080 BOYER, BRYAN & TAMI final bill-deposit return 260.63;68081 JOHNER, JACOB commercial license & skills test reimb 120.00;68082 BODEN, BRIAN final bill-credit return 74.35;68083 NEWMAN, BLAIR final bill-credit return 56.61;68084 KATH, STEPHANIE Conestoga Room rental fee refund 75.00;68085 AFLAC payroll withholding 439.92;68086 NCPERS GROUP LIFE INS payroll withholding 160.00;68087 CIRCUIT COURT OF GOSHEN CO payroll withholding 369.81;68088 CITY OF TORRINGTON payroll withholding 306.52;68089 DENT, DAVID A. Golf Pro Payable 178.27;68090 FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY payroll withholding 235.97; 68091 GOSHEN CO DISTRICT COURT CLERK payroll withholding 100.00;68092 GREAT-WEST TRUST CO LLC payroll withholding 2536.00;68093 NEW YORK LIFE payroll withholding 369.37;68094 WASHINGTON NATIONAL INSURANCE CO payroll withholding 32.70;68095 WY CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT payroll withholding 262.61
Public Notice No. 7366 published in the Torrington Telegram March 27, 2020.