Owner: Town of Fort Laramie, Wyoming
Address: 102 West Otis Street
Fort Laramie, WY 82212
Separate sealed Bids for the construction of:
Wastewater lagoon maintenance to include the removal of biosolids from existing ponds and land applying biosolids per 503 regulations.
will be received by: Neal Stone at the office of : The Town of Fort Laramie until 2:00 PM, (Local Time) November 26, 2019, and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud.
The Contract Documents may be examined at the following location(s):
Town of Fort Laramie Town Hall
Office of Baker & Associates, Inc.,
1401 East M Street,
Torrington, WY 82240
Numerous Plan Holder Centers
Copies of the Contract Documents may be obtained at the Issuing Office, Baker & Associates, Inc. located at 1401 East M Street, Torrington, WY 82240; Phone 307-532-5211 Fax 307-532-2548 upon payment of $ 60 (non-refundable) for each set. Plans and specifications shipped ground will be charged an extra $ 15. An electronic copy (CD) may be obtained for a fee of $15.00.
Bid security the amount of five percent (5%) unqualified of the amount of maximum Bid price shall be required with each Bid.
Contract security (performance and payment bonds) in accordance with W.S. 15-1-113(d) and 16-6-112 shall be provided. The amount of contract security shall be provided in accordance with W.S. 15-1-113(d) and (f).
The following state statutes for public works projects shall also apply for this project: W.S. 16-6-110 through 16-6-119 and 16-6-121; 16-6-701 through 16-6-708; 16-6-1001 (a)(iv); and 15-1-113.
A pre-Bid conference will be held at 10:00 AM on November 12, 2019 at Town of Fort Laramie Town Hall, 102 West Otis Street, Fort Laramie, WY 82212
November 1, 2019
Town of Fort Laramie, Wyoming
Public Notice No. 7230 published in the Torrington Telegram November 1, and 8, and 15, 2019.