City of Torrington ) County of Goshen ) State of Wyoming )
City of Torrington )
County of Goshen )
State of Wyoming )
The Torrington City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, August 20, 2019 in the City Council Chambers at 436 East 22nd Ave. at 7:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Adams, Council Members Kinney, Law and Mattis. Councilwoman Hill was absent but excused. Also Present: Clerk/Treasurer Strecker, Attorney Eddington, Engineer Harkins, Chief of Police Hurd, Building Official Estes and Deputy City Treasurer Triplett.
Mayor Adams called the meeting to order.
Councilman Kinney led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Adams commented on the progress of various projects throughout the City:
1. The Friendship (Goose) Park Improvements Project is complete.
2. The Frontage Road Reconstruction and Water Line Replacement Project is on target. The water line portion of the project is nearly complete and paving is underway. October 1, 2019 is still the anticipated substantial completion date for the project.
3. The site demolition for the new O’Reilly Auto Parts store is mostly complete. Utility work has begun and dirt work is underway. Construction will commence soon.
4. The Agricultural Technology Education Center (ATEC) at Eastern Wyoming College (EWC) is in progress with the completion of the cement foundation. Utilities are mostly in and construction work will initiate before long.
Mayor Adams announced that the first day of school for Goshen County had taken place and that EWC will begin its academic year on Monday, August 26, 2019. He reminded all citizens to be attentive of the kids that will be out and about and requested that everyone slow down and take extra caution for the duration of the school year.
Mayor Adams stated that the overpass has an enhancement feature as of recently due to the volunteered effort of City staff. He commented that the beautification work of eliminating the weeds among all other work tremendously improved the area overall. Mayor Adams thanked all staff responsible for the improvements for their hard work and commented that he is very appreciative of their efforts.
Councilman Kinney moved and Councilman Law seconded to approve the consent agenda which includes the minutes from the 08-06-19 Council meeting as published and all actions therein be ratified. Motion carried unanimously.
Councilman Mattis moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Adams spoke briefly about those people in the community who go out of their way to help others. He stated that those people are volunteers in all aspects of the community, coaches, church leaders, people who walk and pick up trash along their way, businesses downtown who contribute time, effort and money to improve the community, and many other people within the community. He indicated that he would be presenting a Community Hero Award to Abe Correa, a local volunteer who makes the lives of the community better. Mayor Adams commented that Mr. Correa sets an example for the entire community. When others in the community say they are too tired, too busy or that it is not their job, Mr. Correa steps up and takes responsibility. He is selfless in his devotion to the community and has taken on many important jobs including taking care of the lives of the people in the community and in particularly the kids. He has spent countless hours working with the Parks Department, boards, coaches, players and all without compensation. His actions and his role with the Torrington Little League Program have greatly benefited numerous kids, their parents and the community itself. The number of coaches, parents, players and grandparents who have benefited from Mr. Correa’s efforts cannot be overestimated. His efforts have set an example followed by the Legion Baseball Program. Mr. Correa continues to volunteer knowing well that volunteering opens up an individual to criticism. He shoulders the criticism and doesn’t let himself be persuaded in his volunteer roles. Mayor Adams commented that for that reason, the City of Torrington wants to make an example of Abe Correa by designating him as a Community Hero and honor him for all that he has done for the Torrington Little League Program and the community. Mayor Adams presented Mr. Correa with the award. Mr. Correa was congratulated with a big round of applause. Mr. Correa thanked the Mayor and Council for the award.
Gypsy La’ More with The Open Barrel Brewing Company requested approval of a catering permit for a Rockabilly Retro Fest to be held in front of 1930 Main Street on September 14, 2019 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. She stated that the request is simply the addition of alcohol to the event that was approved via a special event permit at the 08-06-19 Council meeting. Ms. La’ More indicated that a beer garden within the approved blocked off section of Main Street will now be incorporated into the event. The beer garden itself will be completely blocked off and secured so that only individuals above the age of 21 can enter. In order to enter, the individual must have on a designated wrist band that will be issued inside of The Open Barrel Brewing Company establishment after a valid ID is shown. Mayor Adams inquired if all business owners affected by the street closure have been notified of the current developments of the event. Ms. La’ More confirmed yes and presented the Mayor and Council a drawing that displays all of the specific details of the event including the proposed street closure and beer garden placement. Councilman Mattis moved and Councilman Law seconded to approve the catering permit as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Eddington read by title AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND RE-ENACTING CHAPTER 2.24. OF THE TORRINGTON MUNICIPAL CODE, 2019 REVISIONS, RELATING TO MUNICIPAL COURT. He stated as a reminder that the proposed ordinance updates the chapter to include specific statutory reference and removes mention to “police justice” and other antiquated terminology. Councilman Law inquired if any changes had been made to the ordinance since approval on first reading. Attorney Eddington confirmed no. Councilman Law moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to approve the ordinance on second reading as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Eddington read by title AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND RE-ENACTING SECTION 1.12.020. OF THE TORRINGTON MUNICIPAL CODE, 2019 REVISIONS, RELATING TO FAILURE TO APPEAR IN MUNICIPAL COURT. He stated as a reminder that the proposed revisions combine and update procedures regarding failing to appear for arraignments and trials in Municipal Court into one ordinance. Councilman Kinney moved and Councilman Law seconded to approve the ordinance on second reading as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
The bills from 08-07-19 to 08-20-19 were presented for payment. Councilman Kinney moved and Councilman Mattis seconded to approve the bills for payment as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Adams asked for public comments, questions or concerns. None were heard.
Chief of Police Hurd introduced Sergeant Connelly, Corporal Sandlian, Police Officer Rojas, Sergeant Ringrose and Police Officer Jenkins to the Mayor and Council.
Chief of Police Hurd spoke briefly about the new K-9 partner Police Dog that would be joining the department. He mentioned that more than likely this second partner Police Dog would be named Demon since the department already has a K-9 partner Police Dog named Angel.
Abe Correa introduced the guests that were present on his behalf to the Mayor and Council.
Councilman Law moved and Councilman Kinney seconded that there being no further business to come before the Mayor and Council to adjourn at 7:20 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
The following bills were approved for payment: 66457 MUNICIPAL ENERGY AGENCY OF NE wholesale power 461721.27;66458 TOUCHTONE COMMUNICATIONS INC. long distance 108.32;66459 WORLD CLASS FLAGS/OLC SUPPLY rope assembly,pole beaded retainer ring 107.15;66460 APPLE, KIMBERLY A. final bill-deposit return 82.13;66461 DAVIS, SHELLIE final bill-deposit return 25.43;66462 KLEIN, GARRETT & TRACI final bill-deposit return 131.75;66463 MCNEFF, GALE OR CATHY final bill-credit return 109.43;66464 RAGAN, SHAWN & MARY final bill-deposit return 99.16;66465 BROBERG, MARYELLA final bill-deposit return 43.12;66466 KITE, AMBER final bill-deposit return 19.24;66467 EISENBARTH, AMELIA refund-ambulance overpayment 300.00;66468 HIGH PLAINS APT final bill-deposit return 206.44;66469 TORRINGTON SAGE APT final bill-deposit return 35.09;66470 AED EVERYWHERE INC. defib electrode pads-adult 54.15;66471 ADVERTAINMENT PRODUCTIONS LLC digital theatre ads 456.00;66472 ALLEN, JAMES R. backflow tests 120.00;66473 AT&T MOBILITY cardiac monitor transmission fees 33.46;66474 BLACK HILLS ENERGY utilities-gas 1187.77;66475 C H GUERNSEY & CO electric/PSC complaint-investigation 1232.00;66476 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. copier contracts 839.00;66477 CASELLE INC. contract support & maint 1990.00;66478 CENTURY LUMBER CENTER nails, tape,spray paint,sealant,floor enamel,paint/trays,brushes,by-pass lopper,roller covers/frame,mandrel, hole saws,wire nut,s-hooks,fly traps,swatter,insect killer,ribbon catchers,battery,quick link,utility pad, liners,keys,hose clamps,hand truck wheels,bushings,nipples,ball valve,screws,fasteners,plugs,wood hand floats,connectors,washer,shovels,blade,ant bait,treated wood/ pine,survey stakes,sockets,acetone, couplings,caps,pvc cement,grit hook/loop,sand paper,disc,sprinkler parts,wasp/hornet spray,oil,hose nozzle,trimmer line,base shoes,sawzall blades,pivot trim head,caulk,rake,mould,adapters,ex temp d w/s, swvl hasp,marker,elbows,riser,tee,backer rods,poly pipe,znc circular spray 1294.11;66479 SARGENT DRILLING CO efficiency tests 900.00;66480 CITY OF GERING single stream recycling 431.62;66481 CITY OF TORRINGTON travel expense-meal,permit,postage 77.05;66482 CIVICPLUS INC. website redesign/ hosting annual fee 8750.00;66483 CLARKE, JOSEPH A. clean sink drain/floor sink 205.00;66484 CLARKE MOSQUITO CONTROL PRODUCTS solenoid,flush 3-way 12 vdc 241.66;66485 CO GOLF & TURF INC. coil ignition 122.64;66486 CONNECTING POINT copier service contracts/monthly charges 360.52;66487 CONTRACTORS MATERIALS INC. wood carpenter ruler 42.00;66488 DECKER, STEVE herbicide,ranger pro,wetting agent,kerosene 669.00;66489 DIVERSIFIED SERVICES INC. cleaning services 425.00;66490 DOWL LLC Water Rehab Project 2007.94;66491 E P CONSTRUCTION curb/gutter 20851.00;66492 ELECTRO-TEST & MAINT INC. battery system repl services,batteries 3395.87;66493 ENERGY LABORATORIES INC. lab test 37.00;66494 GENESIS LAMP CORPORATION coupling,fixture leads 156.86; 66495 GOSHEN CO ECONOMIC monthly contribution 2500.00;66496 GREATAMERICA FINANCIAL SERVICES CORP copier leases 434.00;66497 GUARDIAN SAFTEY & SUPPLY LLC gloves 585.66;66498 HICKEY & EVANS LLP PSC attorney e-mails,calls-complaint 2871.50;66499 IDEAL LINEN SUPPLY mats, scrapers,sam dust/energy fees,coveralls,garments,sam garment fees,sam linen,mops,towels,toilet tissue,rags,sanitizer,rinse aide 1186.61;66500 INDUSTRIAL DISTRIBUTORS INC. filters/elements 379.91; 66501 J - BUILT HOMES INC. Friendship (Goose) Park Improvements-retainage 14584.75;66502 JAMES A EDDINGTON PC City Attorney 6666.00;66503 THE JAVA JAR Urban Systems Meeting luncheon 90.24; 66504 JERRY’S ELECTRIC transformer 7700.00;66505 K-9 CONCEPTS INC. dual purpose K-9 w/ handler training 14500.00;66506 K & K COMMUNICATIONS paging service-elec meters 12.00;66507 LONG BUILDING TECHNOLOGIES INC. repair-cooler/freezer 451.50;66508 M.C. SCHAFF & ASSOCIATES INC. professional services-airport runway design 98262.39;66509 MENARDS key sets,dish brush,cleaner 22.94;66510 MERITAIN HEALTH INC. premium-ins/life admin 32294.31;66511 MIRACLE RECREATION swing set arch w/ spare seats,splash proof seat w/ shackles-touch up paint 2427.11;66512 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS INC. dispatch service contract 5109.03;66513 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES INC. console/bottle switch assemblies,quick charge boot 822.69;66514 NEWMAN SIGNS INC. road closed sign 138.53;66515 NORTHWEST PIPE FITTINGS INC. pipe fittings,compression unions,adapters 798.44;66516 OLSON, JAMES N. TPD defensive tactic train handgun/rifle 15000.00;66517 OLSON TIRE CO tire repairs, tube,tires,dismount/mount tires 4523.38;66518 ONE CALL OF WY tickets for CDC code TRG 136.50; 66519 PANHANDLE COOP candy-fair day parade,fuel,tire repair,qwiklift,tires 4511.30;66520 ENVIRO SERVICES INC. lab analysis 200.00;66521 PATRICK, JOHN B. Municipal Court Judge 2000.00;66522 PETERBILT OF WY rgd trq arm,regulator,end-tie rod,dr strap 1037.58;66523 CITY OF TORRINGTON c/o PINNACLE BANK health reserve non-insured employer premium 10308.45;66524 MCKEE, KAREN R. & MARTIN B. uniform shirts 114.24;66525 JERRY POST PSY.D. PC pre-employment exam/protocol costs 400.00;66526 PRINT EXPRESS INC. monthly report receipts 220.50;66527 QUILL CORPORATION pens,usb drives,cleaner,hanging file folders,food chopper 354.15;66528 REGIONAL CARE INC. select flex admin 88.00;66529 SAM’S CLUB/SYCHRONY BANK file folders,tape,duster,disinfecting wipes,receipt rolls,table pans 221.24;66530 DBC IRRIGATION SUPPLY rotor hunters,saddles,solenoids 1976.87;66531 STUART C IRBY CO fiberglass box pads 1450.00;66532 SUEZ WTS USA INC. monthly chemical management 7748.79;66533 THOMAS, STEPHEN L. plan review-EWC ATEC 12927.50;66534 TIP TOP TREE SERVICE tree trimming 2925.00;66535 TORRINGTON EMPLOYEES INSURANCE premium 87409.97;66536 TORRINGTON SOD FARMS kentucky blue grass 187.00;66537 U S POSTMASTER credit for postage 850.00;66538 VALLEY MERCANTILE CO INC. fuel filter 4.27;66539 VAN PELT FENCING CO INC. fencing repair-material/ labor 1121.74;66540 VERIZON WIRELESS TVFD cell phones 96.49;66541 DIAMOND VOGEL PAINTS mek, strainer,filter 148.85;66542 W J R INC. hvac motor 219.19;66543 GRAINGER flags,cooling neck wraps/ bandanas,insect repellent 205.83;66544 WAMCO LAB INC. full chronic toxicity test,CO2 atmosphere control ph creep 2100.00;66545 WEGLIN JR., EDWARD H. mow/trim 290.00;66546 U S DEPT OF ENERGY substation maintenance 5716.23;66547 WEST WINDS TREE SERVICE power line tree clearance 15500.00; 66548 WESTERN COOPERATIVE CO dyed premium diesel,unleaded gas 2828.75;66549 WY ASSOC RURAL WATER member registration-fall training 700.00;66550 WY DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION license plate 5.00;66551 TORRINGTON TELEGRAM ads,legals 2613.55;66552 WY SOLID WASTE & RECYCLING ASSOCIAT WY Solid Waste/Recycling Conference 810.00;66553 WYRULEC CO Landfill Electric 165.51; 66554 NCPERS GROUP LIFE INS payroll withholding 160.00;66555 CIRCUIT COURT OF GOSHEN CO payroll withholding 377.12;66556 CIRCUIT COURT OF GOSHEN CO payroll withholding 376.01;66557 CITY OF TORRINGTON payroll withholding 318.11;66558 Void;66559 FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY payroll withholding 235.97;66560 GREAT-WEST TRUST CO LLC payroll withholding 1541.00;66561 MERIDIAN TRUST FEDERAL CREDIT UNION payroll withholding 2223.00;66562 Void;66563 WASHINGTON NATIONAL INSURANCE CO payroll withholding 32.70;66564 WY CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT payroll withholding 262.61;66565 WY CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT payroll withholding 202.45;66566 Void;66567 DENT, DAVID A. Golf Pro Payable 2054.52;66568 NEW YORK LIFE payroll withholding 369.37
Public Notice No. 7179 published in the Torrington Telegram August 30, 2019.