Notice is hereby given that the City of Torrington, Wyoming will receive sealed bids for the furnishing of:
(1) High Compaction Side Load Refuse
Collection Truck
as called for in the specifications for “(1) High Compaction Side Load Refuse Collection Truck” at the Office of the City Treasurer, City Hall, 436 East 22nd Avenue (PO Box 250), Torrington, Wyoming 82240 until 2:00 P.M. local time, on the 4th of September 2019, at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. All bids must be submitted on the forms supplied by the City of Torrington. Each bid must be accompanied by a bid guarantee as called for in the specifications. Bidder must clearly mark outer envelope with the description “(1) High Compaction Side Load Refuse Collection Truck” A complete set of the specifications and the bid forms may be obtained after the 7th day of August 2019 at the Office of the City Treasurer, City of Torrington, 436 East 22nd Avenue, Torrington, Wyoming 82240.
By ____________________