City of Torrington ) County of Goshen ) State of Wyoming )
City of Torrington )
County of Goshen )
State of Wyoming )
The Torrington City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, April 16, 2019 in the City Council Chambers at 436 East 22nd Ave. at 7:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Adams, Council Members Law, Hill, Kinney and Mattis. Also Present: Clerk/Treasurer Strecker, Attorney Eddington, Engineer Harkins, Building Official Estes, Fire Chief Petsch, Chief of Police Hurd and Deputy City Treasurer Triplett. Absent: Deputy City Clerk Anaya.
Mayor Adams called the meeting to order.
Councilman Kinney led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Adams’ correspondence included the reading of a thank you from the Torrington High School Career Quest Program as they had visited the Water Treatment Plant and Golf Shop. Mayor Adams commented that he has received comments in regards to the RV Park stating how clean it is, and how much they appreciate police presence and wifi. Mayor Adams read an article that he received from Safewise, an organization that ranks cities throughout the United States, and in this case, cities across Wyoming, for safety. Mayor reported that Torrington ranks 9th for safest city in Wyoming. Mayor Adams commented that over the past year in Torrington, serious crimes like aggravated assault, simple assault, burglary and larceny are down 45.5%. Mayor Adams stated that another remarkable result is that Part II Crimes, the less serious crimes - misdemeanor crimes, such as driving under the influence, speeding, crimes that if you don’t do something about that turn into more serious crimes, have increased 770%. This means that we have some officers in the Police Department that are doing a good job in taking care of the little crimes so that they don’t turn into big crimes. Mayor Adams went on to thank the Police Department for the good work.
Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to approve the consent agenda which includes the minutes from the 04/02/2019 Council meeting as published and all actions therein be ratified. Motion carried unanimously.
Councilman Law moved and Councilman Mattis seconded to approve the agenda as amended to include 7b - Conditional Use Permit request from Brandent and Tasha Heil and the removal of Torrington Police Department receipt of donation from EWC Animal Vet Tech program presentation. Motion carried unanimously.
Arlene Ernst representing ANE Properties spoke to the council in open forum regarding garbage rates. She commented that ANE Properties already pays the garbage for 16 of their renters. She says that it hard for people to pay rent as well as utilities and garbage.
Torrington Police Department receipt of donation from EWC Animal Vet Tech program was postponed until the May 7, 2019 council meeting.
Lauren Nordeen, Executive Director for Wyoming Child and Family Development and Tonya Nepper, Center Coordinator for the Torrington Learning Center presented data and updates on the developmental disabilities services provided in Goshen County. Nordeen started out by thanking the council for all of the support in the past. Wyoming Child and Family Development covers eight counties that provide services with a variety of funding sources that supports nearly 700 children in the eight counties that they provide services in. Nordeen stated that they have over 200 staff members. She commented that they have head start, early head start, and developmental preschool in four of the eight counties. She said they also have some tuition based preschool which is new this year and has been pretty successful. Nordeen said they have early head start which includes child care with it that occurs in the Torrington facility. Nordeen explained that each year as part of the state grant received through the Department of Health, Behavioral Health Division for the developmental preschool they are required to have a three percent match. She stated that this is why they come each year to ask for support from the council. Nepper with the Goshen County – Lincoln Infant Toddler Center commented that they serve children ages 3-5 years old for preschool services. They have half day classrooms and full day classrooms. They also have disability services with a therapist. The therapist in the building cover all of Goshen County as well. They currently have 74 children enrolled in Goshen County. She said that there are two early head start classrooms with wrap around child care services which are full day classrooms. Nepper stated that they have a home based program with ten families enrolled. She said there are seven early head start children that receive IFSP services and have speech and language pathologists, OTPT coming in and providing services. Nepper commented that they provide about 280 to 300 pre-developmental screenings for children birth to five years old in Goshen County per year. Nordeen stated that they are requesting $2,000.00 for the council’s consideration and that the donation stays here in Goshen County.
Chief of Police Hurd presented statistics for the Police Department. He commented that the department continues to be restructured. Chief Hurd introduced Detective Sergeant Connelly. Hurd commented that Corporal Kistler is the now the new Misdemeanor Liaison. Chief Hurd presented the statistics and reported that Part II Crimes are increasing. Chief said that officers who are pleased and happy with where they work is a contributing factor to Part II Crimes increasing and part of that reason is the take home cars. Chief commented that since September when the take home cars were received, you can see a difference as Part II Crimes went up compared to the same time period in 2017 to 2018. Chief reported that the statistics are not skewed as they are put out by the UCR – Uniform Crime Reporting. Hurd commented that statistically speaking, the FBI puts out crime per 1,000 persons and then they do a ratio. Chief stated that the national average ratio in 2017 – 2018 was 206. He said that what this means is that when Part II Crimes are enforced by officers that like what they do and like where they are doing it including who they are working for, Part I Crimes should decrease. Chief pointed out that statistics are showing that this is correct for the City of Torrington Police Department. Chief Hurd pointed out that Part I Crimes decreased by 45.5%. Chief Hurd thanked the council for their support.
Mayor Adams opened the public hearing for public input and public comments on an Economic Development Infrastructure Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) application. Mayor Adams reported that the City of Torrington is interested in obtaining funding to replace Sewer lines in the following locations, between Haines and West C from 17th Avenue to Curtis Street, between West A and West B from 23rd Avenue to 25th Avenue, between Main Street and West A from 14th Avenue to 15th Avenue and on 15th Avenue from West B to the next alley, multiple locations in the City. The Grant request will not exceed $500,000. Councilman Kinney moved and Councilman Law seconded to approve as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Eddington read the Resolution authorizing submission of a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Application to the Wyoming Business Council for Sanitary Sewer Line Rehabilitation Project not to exceed $500,000. Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Mattis seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Adams presented for approval the request for a Retail Liquor License to Torrington Hotel, LLC dba Torrington Cobblestone Hotel at 1306 Main Street. Paul (Cactus) Covello represented Torrington Hotel, LLC by stating that the request is for an On-Premise Retail Liquor License only. Covello commented that the plan is to serve wine and beer only at this time. Mayor Adams closed the public hearing. Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to approve the request for a Retail Liquor License as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Adams convened the council to Board of Adjustment. Building Official Estes presented for approval the request for a Variance by Pat Bohnenkamp to allow for an accessory structure on the lot where the primary structure is not being built. Building Official Estes pointed out that Bohnenkamp is requesting two different items. He also pointed out that on the notice it should state that it is a Variance not a Conditional Use Permit. Estes stated that the two items that need voted on are a Variance and a Set Back Variance. Estes reported that in Section 1896.10 in the Supplemental District Regulations you are not allowed to have an accessory building on a lot until there is a main structure or home in progress of being built. Estes stated the Mr. Bohnenkamp has no intention of building a main building nor living there, he just wants this building for private storage only. Estes stated that it is on three lots that are 25’ wide each and 75 x 140 long. Estes reported that the Planning Commission approved the building and denied the Set Back Variance. He said that Staff would recommend approval on those same lines. Margaret Martinez, asked if you build this building and you grandfather this in, if other people purchase land in the area, is this type of building allowed for them as well. She also asked if this variance is granted is this just for him for that use or if someone were to buy it later are there conditions set. Estes commented that it would be the same for anyone. He stated that if they wanted to put up the same type of building without a main building such as Mr. Bohnenkamp, they would have to get a variance and go through the same process. Estes commented that all Mr. Bohnenkamp is requesting is to put this one building there. He can do nothing else until he builds a home unless he comes back for another variance. Councilman Kinney asked about if Mr. Bohnenkamp were to sell this property, would this variance continue with the new property owner. Estes replied that it would stay with the property and that this is different than a Conditional Use Permit in that a Conditional Use Permit stays with the owner. Estes commented that unless it gets recorded to the courthouse and the deed is part of that, it could get sold without knowing the history of the variance. Councilwoman Hill asked if it could be contingent upon the recording at the courthouse and that it has to be deeded so that there would be no confusion 50 years from now. Estes replied that it could be recorded as part of the conditions of the sale and then that would be recorded so when the title company and relators went looking for it, they would find it at the courthouse. Mr. Pueblo wanted to know if variances can be offered to potential landowners. Estes commented that historically this is the way it has been done on conditions of sales. Pueblo asked what type of building it is going to be. Bohnenkamp commented that it will be a steel building, pole structure. Pueblo wanted to know how far from the street this structure is going to be. Bohnenkamp replied that it would be 30’ from the building to the road. Pueblo was concerned that if the Set Back Variance was granted, would it be far enough from the street. Estes commented that all set backs are measured from the property line and not the street. DJ Martinez stated that when other steel buildings in that area where put up, they were in the county and now this area is City. Councilman Law stated that it makes sense to move forward on the recommendation of the Planning Commission to allow this development. Law commented that if Bohnenkamp builds something, it may be encouragement for someone else to purchase other lots. Law stated that we have a lot of ordinances that protect the citizens against something that is problematic such as nuisance ordinances. Councilman Law moved and Councilwoman Hill seconded to approve request for variance with restrictions. Motion carried 4-1.
Building Official Estes presented the request from Pat Bohnenkamp for a Set Back Variance from the required 20’ to 10’ on the north property line. Margaret Martinez addressed the council that she thinks the structure should be set back to where it’s not so close to the street for safety concerns. Paul Pueblo stated that by not allowing the 10’ set back, this would put the building where it needs to be should a house be built later on. Councilman Kinney moved and Councilman Mattis seconded to deny the request for a Set Back Variance. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Adams presented a request from Class Act for request for a Special Event Permit for The Class Act Cut-A-Thon to be held June 7, 2019. They are requesting that the fee be waived. Councilman Kinney moved and Councilwoman Hill seconded the request for a Special Event Permit. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Mattis questioned if the proceeds are going to some type of foundation. Mayor Adams replied that proceeds will be going to the Dog Park. Councilman Mattis questioned if that had been approved yet. Building Official Estes commented that the request has not moved forward to the Planning Commission as of yet. Mayor Adams commented that the request was denied for the location that was being requested and a request has been made for a different location. Councilman Law moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to approve waiving the fee for the Special Event Permit. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Adams presented the request from Brandent and Tasha Heil for a Conditional Use Permit. Building Official Estes reported that Tasha Heil is applying for a Conditional Use Permit to put a home beauty salon in their home on Bighorn Street. Estes stated that there is a business located two doors east of Heil’s that was already approved. Estes stated that the difference between the two is that our ordinance does not allow for the altering of a home to put a business in it. Mrs. Heil is asking for an addition for the salon. Estes reported that the Planning Commission approved it and Staff recommends approval. Mayor Adams commented that it is his understanding that she can alter the structure as long as it remains essentially the same. Estes confirmed that in the she intends to add it with a bathroom in it for future selling purposes. Estes also commented that it is a conditional use permit and does not transfer with ownership. Estes said that it would go back to whatever kind of space they would want to use it for other than a business. Councilman Kinney moved and Councilman Mattis seconded to approve the Conditional Use Permit as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Eddington read by title AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND RE-ENACTING CHAPTER 5.40 OF THE TORRINGTON MUNICIPAL CODE, 2019 REVISIONS RELATING TO THE GAS FRANCHISE. Engineer Harkins commented that most of the changes occurred under section 5.40.020 under general conditions. Harkins reported that previously this franchise agreement was written such that if a conflict occurred between a project that the City had and the location of the gas franchise service lines, the gas company would move their service lines but it would be at the City’s expense. Harkins said he had the privilege of sitting with a couple of the engineers from Black Hills Energy at the Wyoming Engineering Society Conference in Cheyenne and asked them about the ordinance. Engineer Harkins stated that what their usual understanding is that they are required to move their service lines at their expense as it is much easier for them to do that then for us to do it and pay for it. Harkins commented that 5.40.020 was rewritten to that affect and it changes the responsibility for the payment and puts it back on the grantee who is Black Hills Energy or any other franchise that comes in after them. Councilman Kinney requested that in section 5.40.020 where it reads ‘Grantee shall be compensated by COT for costs incurred by Grantee in relocating its service pipes…’ and he would like to include ‘Grantee shall be compensated by COT for reasonable costs incurred by Grantee in relocating its service pipes….’ Councilman Kinney also requested that in section 5.40.050 location of pipe lines where it states ‘Grantee at all times will keep a map and computerized cad file when available in the office of Grantee and with the COT showing the size and approximate location of its mains laid in said distribution system in said COT’ that that section read ‘Grantee at all times will keep a map and computerized cad file when available in the local office of Grantee and with the COT…’. Engineer Harkins pointed out that under section 5.40.100 that Clerk/Treasurer Strecker noticed upon review is that the fee equivalent to $0.0410 per therm for gas delivered…’ and in reality that needs to be changed to $0.0140 per therm. Councilman Kinney moved and Councilman Law seconded to approve the ordinance on first reading as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Eddington read by title AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND RE-ENACTING SECTION 3.04.050 OF THE TORRINGTON MUNICIPAL CODE, 2019 REVISIONS RELATING TO SANITATION FEES. Engineer Harkins commented that during a Budget Work Session, the sanitation program costs and revenues generated for the program went through an analysis of various types of options to modify the program in certain sections including recycling and came up with an overall cost of what it would take to get the sanitation program back on track to be self-sufficient and long living. Harkins reported that the percent increase was about 70%. Harkins commented that in this ordinance, this was dialed back to about a 30% increase which results in the residential rate going from $23.00 per month to $29.90 per month. He said that the commercial fees would be similarly increased at the 30% also. Councilman Law moved and Councilwoman Hill seconded to approve the ordinance on first reading as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Eddington read by title AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF TORRINGTON, WYOMING, REAL PROPERTY TO BE KNOWN AS THE NORTH AIRPORT ADDITION. Attorney Eddington commented that a correction will be made to the dates at the bottom where it states ‘Passed and approved on first reading the 23rd day of April, 2019’ will be changed to Passed and approved on first reading the 16th day of April, 2019. Attorney Eddington stated the Engineer Harkins had found that this small portion of real estate was not annexed. Attorney Eddington made mention of Wyoming Statutes, section 15-1-407 in the first paragraph of the ordinance and stated that since it is owned by the City of Torrington, we do not have to have a public hearing or a report of an annexation. Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to approve the ordinance on first reading as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Eddington read by title AN ORDINANCE CREATING AND ENACTING SECTIONS 6.04.221, 6.04.222, 6.04.223, 6.04.224 AND 6.04.230 OF THE TORRINGTON MUNICIPAL CODE, 2019 REVISIONS RELATING TO URBAN CHICKENS WITHIN CITY LIMITS. Councilman Mattis commented that since being appointed that this is the biggest area of concern he has heard from people as people are wanting chickens for egg consumption and chickens are kind of like the new hobby. He said this would put us in-line with some of the other municipalities around us that have already adopted a similar ordinance. Building Official Estes commented that with this ordinance, there would be no roosters allowed. He said that this allows for four hens and they must be kept within a cage. He stated that the chicken coops would have to go through a small building permit issue from the City. Estes commented that he will need some direction in regards to the fees. He mentioned that the council sets the fees in some cases so that when it changes, the ordinance does not change. Mayor Adams made mention that the ordinance is well laid out including restrictions regarding the size of enclosures, height of the enclosure, must be cared for, must be approved by residents in the residential area surrounding the place where they are going to put the chicken coops and so on an so forth. Councilman Law expressed concerns in regards to the enforcement by code enforcement officers as they already have so many things to enforce and some are not being done due to time constraints and other obligations and such and this just adds a whole new layer. Mayor Adams stated that there would be an application that would be filled out and with the application would come a fee. Councilwoman Hill pointed out that with the ordinance that you must own the property and not rent where you are going to have the chickens. Councilman Mattis moved and Councilwoman Hill seconded to approve the ordinance on first reading as presented. Motion passed 4-1.
Attorney Eddington read by title AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10.40 OF THE TORRINGTON MUNCIPAL CODE, 2019 REVISIONS, BY CREATING SECTIONS 10.40.100, 10.40.105 AND 10.40.110 RELATING TO PROHIBITED ENGINE NOISE IN THE CITY OF TORRINGTON, WYOMING. Councilman Kinney moved and Councilman Law seconded to approve the ordinance on second reading as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Eddington read by title AN ORDINANCE CREATING AND ENACTING SECTION 10.04.015 RELATING TO MOTOR VEHICLES AND DRIVER’S LICENSES AND THE ADOPTION OF STATE STATUTE BY REFERENCE AND REPEALING ORDINANCES THAT ARE REDUNDANT OR REPETIVE. Councilman Law moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to approve the ordinance on third reading as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
The bills from 04/03/2019 – 04/16/2019 were presented for payment. Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to approve the bills for payment as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Andrew Brosig with the Torrington Telegram addressed the council in open forum with information on the opinion page of the Torrington Telegram. Brosig welcomed all councilmembers to submit a topic of their choice for the opinion page. He stated that in order to be printed in Wednesday’s paper, articles would need to be received by Tuesday morning.
Councilman Law moved and Councilwoman Hill seconded to adjourn to executive session to discuss litigation and personnel. Motion carried unanimously.
Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Law seconded to return the Council to regular session. Motion carried unanimously.
Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Law seconded that there being no further business to come before the Council to adjourn at 9:35 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
The following bills were approved for payment: 65411 BANKER’S BANK OF THE WEST, INC 4/2019 Lease Purchase Payment 65,565.26; 65412 CITY OF TORRINGTON c/o FIRST STATE BANK optional sales tax 3/19-8803013 Deposit Acct 59,054.05; 65413 GOSHEN CO ECONOMIC 03/2019 -1/4 Cent sales tax 14,763.75; 65414 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS INC. March 2019 service contract 5,109.03; 65415 SZYMANSKI, DANIEL JAMES air hangar reimburse collected 160.00; 65416 CENTURYLINK 3/19 fire department phone & data line 1,575.89; 65417 Void; 65418 JOHN, MATTHEW reimburse - Jirdon Park bathroom stall curtain liners rods 31.94; 65419 WATSON, RANDAL S. deposit return 213.10; 65420 BH & G WOOD MAGAZINE 2yr subscription 29.99; 65421 QUYNH, THIN HUHUYNH deposit return 151.91; 65422 KLEIN, TRACI & GARRETT deposit return 35.10; 65423 LEFLER III, ROBERT deposit return 93.86; 65424 NORRIS, SETH credit return 117.95; 65425 WY CONFERENCE OF MUNICIPAL COURTS Muni court conference membership x2clerks 150.00; 65426 DOMINGUEZ, ADAM N. deposit return 7.59; 65427 SCOTT & SON credit return 78.95; 65428 SNYDER, KIMBERLY deposit return 129.19; 65429 MARTINEZ, ABRAHAM L. final bill deposit return 225.01; 65430 A & C SHEET METAL repaired 3 heaters-old ambulance building 1,094.73; 65431 ALLWATER SUPPLY, LLC gamma pump universal control cable, ship 1,802.51; 65432 ALTEC INDUSTRIES INC. annual inspection, dot inspection filter, test, supplies, 12,208.56; 65433 ATCO INTERNATIONAL dumpster odor eliminators & deodorizers 333.75; 65434 BARCO MUNICIPAL PRODUCTS INC street signs for new turn lane 309.70; 65435 BARDELL BRANDEN rebuild dumpster bins-welding 455.84; 65436 C H GUERNSEY & CO PCA Filing project wy40438003 thru 3/2019 6,008.75; 65437 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC copier contract - court 839.00; 65438 CARLTON INDUSTRIES L.P. 30 keep out stickers/danger high voltage 579.92; 65439 CASELLE INC 05/2019 Contract Support & Maintenance 1,990.00; 65440 CITY OF TORRINGTON Wyoming Community Gas - single residential golf licenses 1,350.00; 65441 ABSOLUTE SOLUTIONS 5-pager batteries & clip, shipping 156.09; 65442 COMMUNITY HOSPITAL ambulance supplies 112.69; 65443 CONNECTING POINT copier all-inclusive service contract monthly charge 385.54; 65444 CONTRACTORS MATERIALS, INC 24 cans marking paint, 2 boxes lens wipes 350.50; 65445 D A R E Alcohol/tobacco Compliance 400.00; 65446 DANA KEPNER CO INC repair items-well at ballfields/flange adapter gasket 541.52; 65447 DECKER, STEVE yellow traffic paint 7,634.00; 65448 DIVERSIFIED SERVICES INC 3/19-20 days cleaning crew at recycling center 3,914.00; 65449 DOOLEY OIL INC. 4qts aero oil 21.40; 65450 NORTHERN EXPOSURE COMPUTER CENTER vga to mac adapter 14.99; 65451 ENERGY LABORATORIES INC. lab test-cottonwood country club 179.00; 65452 FASTENAL CO 5# fire extinguisher 290.12; 65453 FRITZLER LARRY & DEBORAH pump septic tank x 2 @ golf course/mileage 306.00; 65454 PRO QUALITY PEST CONTROL rodent control @ recycle center 130.00; 65455 GALLS LLC 20-sgt chevrons, 30-crpl chevrons, shipping 99.20; 65456 GOSHEN CO ECONOMIC monthly contribution 2,500.00; 65457 GREATAMERICA FINANCIAL SERVICES CORP COPIER LEASE 448.00; 65458 GUARDIAN SAFTEY & SUPPLY LLC dozen work gloves 167.05; 65459 HAEFFELIN CONSTRUCTION Museum renovation material/mobilization 6,400.00; 65460 THE HARTFORD bond -- City Treasurer/ Hub Internat’l Mtn States 200.00; 65461 HAWKINS INC sodium hydrox 50% diaphr, freight 2,215.85; 65462 USABLUEBOOK 12-poly tubing 45.53; 65463 HERIAN, JAKOB J. rebuild dumpster bins-welding 455.83; 65464 HICKEY & EVANS LLP 801.51 pca 2019 filing 6,053.02; 65465 THE HON CO 30x72 table top black post leg for table top 320.79; 65466 HORIZON WEST INC mower parts- skidshoe capscrew nuts 55.34; 65467 IDEAL LINEN SUPPLY 3-rags-turkish terry-25#box, 1 case - disinfection wipes 1,514.42; 65468 INDUSTRIAL DISTRIBUTORS 12-brakleen 214.28; 65469 ITRON INC. mobile collector software 5,183.70; 65470 J – BUILT HOMES INC Goose park improvements 21,346.72; 65471 JAMES A. EDDINGTON PC CITY ATTORNEY 6,666.00; 65472 JERRY’S ELECTRIC 10 pole mount transformers-15kva, 50kva, 10kva 7,325.00; 65473 K & K COMMUNICATIONS alpha numeric paging service (electric meters) 12.00; 65474 FRANK PARTS CO 2-universal joints 1,054.73; 65475 TEAM LABORATORY 25 - bags road patch 425.00; 65476 LAW, WILLIAM mileage reimburse 78 @.58 – Scottsbluff -Heartland Express meeting 45.24; 65477 LONG, DEREK J. II tree spraying - cemetery 2,590.00; 65478 LUJAN CLEANING SERVICE LLC 3/19 cleaning window cleaning & upstairs 237.00; 65479 MCI A VERIZON CO 2/19-3/19 long distance/911 call backs 12.10; 65480 MECKLENBURG, MERVIN court appointed 290.00; 65481 THE METAL SHOP 6ft flat iron 223.48; 65482 MY-LOR, INC. 8-ID tag aluminum w/ trigger snap 69.70; 65483 MUNICIPAL ENERGY AGENCY OF NE 3/2019 wholesale power 473,366.78; 65484 NATHANIEL S. HIBBEN P.C. Municipal Court Judge 2,000.00; 65485 NORTHWEST PIPE FITTINGS INC 8”repair clamp, freight 256.51; 65486 OLSON TIRE CO tire replacement disp tire-freightliner 826.05; 65487 ONE CALL OF WY 3/19 tickets for CDC code TRG 71.25; 65488 OPEN DOOR COUNSELING LLC EAP counseling x3 sessions 270.00; 65489 PANHANDLE COOP 460 gallon propane 1,379.57; 65490 ENVIRO SERVICES INC lab analysis/prison effluent 150.00; 65491 PITTMAN ELECTRIC LLC repair lights at PD 819.91; 65492 PINNACLE BANK 307sports bar-staff meal-snow removal 3,947.27; 65493 SPECTRUM ENGINEERING RESOURCES Coldsprings 35kvmain distrib line management/inspection Feb1-Mar31 2019 2,573.25; 65494 TEAM CHEVROLET tensioner belt-#17Sanitation 134.17; 65495 SEDMAN, BRUCE 2 portable toilets/soccer fields thru 4/19 240.00; 65496 SHERWIN WILLIAMS paint machine hose, freight 49.50; 65497 DBC IRRIGATION SUPPLY Goose Park trees-drip pipe coupler clamps 599.73; 65498 SUEZ WTS USA INC monthly chemical management 7,748.79; 65499 SZYMANSKI , DANIEL JAMES reimburse fuel test costs 85.00; 65500 SZYMANSKI, DANIEL JAMES airport operator contract 1,562.50; 65501 T D S COLLECTIONS SERVICE INC city shop detention pond inlet repair 6,799.50; 65502 TORRINGTON FIRE DEPT reimburse meals Indy training 800.00; 65503 TORRINGTON OFFICE SUPPLY office supply/correction tape, staples, x stamp highlighter pens 48.57; 65504 TOUCHTONE COMMUNICATIONS INC. long distance/WY child 145.67; 65505 U S POSTMASTER Credit for postage 850.00; 65506 VALLEY COLLISION oxygen & acetylene-landfill 87.40; 65507 VERIZON WIRELESS cell phones - March 2019 fire department 96.23; 65508 AC ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE repair/rebuild spare motor/cooling tower 1,379.07; 65509 GRAINGER 2-50’hot water hose 427.43; 65510 W/F CTS DEBT SERVICE CWMEJPB-Interest payment on Electric Bonds 41,471.90; 65511 WEST WINDS TREE SERVICE tree trimming in South Torrington 10,625.00; 65512 WESTERN COOPERATIVE CO dyed #1 diesel 575 gal 21,808.83; 65513 WILKER, BLAINE rebuild dumpster bins-welding 455.83; 65514 WY ASSOC RURAL WATER 2019 membership registration 395.00; 65515 WY DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION prct#4954002/industrial park ave/phase II 1,055.20; 65516 RESPOND FIRST AID SYSTEMS OF WY 1st aid kit supplies / water department 231.64; 65517 WY HEALTH FAIRS chemistry panel/hemoglobin A1C 67.00; 65518 TORRINGTON TELEGRAM ads & legals 2,373.50; 65519 WYRULEC CO 3/19 LANDFILL ELECTRIC(2 meters) 437.53; 65520 MEDICARE PART B return ambulance overpayment 1,404.25; 65521 KENYON, CHUCK reimburse travel meal - training in Cheyenne 210.96; 65522 AFLAC payroll withholding 249.60; 65523 CIRCUIT COURT OF GOSHEN CO payroll withholding 387.60; 65524 CIRCUIT COURT OF GOSHEN CO payroll withholding 360.25; 65525 CIRCUIT COURT OF GOSHEN CO payroll withholding 336.16; 65526 CIRCUIT COURT OF GOSHEN CO payroll withholding 39.98; 65527 CITY OF TORRINGTON payroll withholding-c.powell m.john 354.29; 65528 DENT DAVID A golf pro payable 771.24; 65529 FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY PAYROLL WITHHOLDING 235.97; 65530 GREAT-WEST TRUST CO LLC payroll withholding 1,591.00; 65531 MERIDIAN TRUST FEDERAL CREDIT UNION PAYROLL WITHHOLDING 2,123.00; 65532 NEW YORK LIFE payroll withholding-N12796 arrangement# 369.37; 65533 WY CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT PAYROLL WITHHOLDING 202.45; 65534 WY CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT PAYROLL WITHHOLDING 262.61.
Public Notice No. 7047 published in the Torrington Telegram April 26, 2019.