Tuesday January 15, 2019
The Board of County Commissioners of Goshen County, Wyoming met in regular session on the above date at 9:00 am at the Goshen County Courthouse with the following members present, Vice Chairman Wally Wolski, Commissioner John Ellis, Commissioner Cody Cox, and Cindy Kenyon, County Clerk and Clerk of the Board.
Dana Lent, Deputy County Attorney, acting as Parliamentarian, entertained motions to appoint a Chairman and Vice Chairman for the Board. Commissioner Ellis moved to appoint Commissioner F.E. Wally Wolski as Chairman, seconded and passed. Commissioner Cox moved to appoint Commissioner John Ellis as Vice Chairman, seconded and passed.
Commissioner Cox moved to approve the agenda as amended to include the County Surveyor presenting the Mehling Subdivision and Public Health Director Kelly Beard presenting an amendment to the Public Health Officer contract with the State of Wyoming, seconded and passed.
Chairman Wolski commented he is honored to serve as Chairman and looks forward to the upcoming year. Vice-Chairman Ellis stated he is anticipating success in current projects and undertaking new challenges. Commissioner Cox is looking forward to “getting to work” for the citizens of Goshen County.
The Sheriff’s report was accepted from Sheriff Fleenor and Lt. Deen. Sheriff Fleenor stated he has appointed Sgt. Doug Patrick as Undersheriff.
County Attorney Eric Boyer reviewed the process and Wyoming Statutes governing the reorganization of the Commission that took place earlier this morning. Mr. Boyer will bring his new Deputy Attorney Ryan Wright to an upcoming meeting.
The Fair Report was accepted from Stephanie Lofink Fairgrounds Manager.
The County Clerk’s report was accepted from Cindy Kenyon who presented updated warrants and employee bonds for approval. Commissioner Ellis moved to approve the updated warrant report for payment, seconded and passed. Commissioner Ellis moved to approve the employee bonds as presented, seconded and passed.
PV Bar Estates resident and Board Member Bill Rush reported the Special District is having issues finding Board Members and wants to know what happens if they can’t find members. The District also needs help with funding. Chairman Wolski referred him to the County Attorney’s Office, County Planner and provided contact information for the State Loan and Investment Board.
The Commission recessed for a 10 minute break.
The Treasurer’s report was accepted from County Treasurer Leticia Dominguez and Maxine Mitchell Past County Treasurer. Treasurer Dominguez has appointed Bonni Christopher as Deputy Treasurer. The Treasurer was also given permission to fill a vacancy in her office.
Commissioner Cox moved to accept the departmental reports presented, seconded and passed.
Public Health Director Kelly Beard requested approval of an amended Public Health Officer contract with the State of Wyoming. Commissioner Ellis moved to approve the amended contract between the Public Health Officer State of Wyoming Grant Program and Goshen County, seconded and passed. Director Beard was also given permission to fill a vacancy in her staff.
County Surveyor Bob Taylor presented the BD Mehling Subdivision for approval and recommended a do pass. Commissioner Ellis moved to approve the BD Mehling Subdivision, seconded and passed.
The Board reorganized their Committee/Board Assignments as follows:
Wyoming County Commissioners Assoc.: Chairman Wolski
Goshen County Economic Development: Chairman Wolski
Southeast Wyoming Economic Development: Chairman Wolski
Care Center Joint Powers Board: Chairman Wolski
Platte Alliance Water Supply Committee: Commissioner Cox
Fair Board Liaison: Vice Chairman Ellis
Library Board Liaison: Commissioner Cox
WYDOT Urban Systems Committee: Vice Chairman Ellis
Intergovernmental Sewer Committee: Commissioner Cox
County IT Committee: Commissioner Cox
GIS/Rural Addressing Committee: Vice Chairman Ellis
County Courthouse Security Committee: Vice Chairman Ellis
Commissioner Ellis moved to approve the Committee Assignments as listed above, seconded and passed.
Commissioner Ellis reviewed the past discussions on Four Corners Road and the Road and Bridge Safety Committee.
The Commission recessed for lunch at 11:30 am.
The Commission reconvened at 1:15 pm.
The Commission interviewed the following applicants for the Fair Board: Jennifer Lanier, Blair Newman, Randy Steben, Katharine Legerski and Colin Yorges. Commissioner Cox moved to appoint Randy Steben to a five year term ending 12-31-2023 and Colin Yorges to an unexpired term ending 12-31-2021 on the Fair Board, seconded and passed.
Commissioner Cox moved to appoint Ashley Lay to the Goshen County Lodging Tax Board for a term ending 12-31-2021, seconded and passed.
The Commission interviewed the following applicants for the Care Center Joint Powers Board: Jackie Van Mark, Carl Rupp, Kathie France and Roger Huckfeldt. Commissioner Cox moved to appoint Jackie Van Mark to the Care Center Joint Powers Board for a term ending 6-30-2021, seconded and passed.
Commissioner Ellis moved to reappoint Rod Girmus to a 3 year term on the Goshen County Planning Commission ending 12-31-2021; seconded and passed.
Commissioner Cox moved to appoint John Maier to the Sportsman Position and Jason Norris to the At Large Sportsman Position on the Goshen County Predator Board for three year terms ending 12-31-2021, seconded and passed.
Commissioner Ellis moved to reappoint Jennifer Scheer to Area IV and Elden Baldwin Area V to four year terms ending 01-01-2022 on the Goshen County Weed and Pest Board, seconded and passed.
The Commissioners greatly appreciate the applicants desire to serve Goshen County residents.
The meeting adjourned at 3:53pm. Departmental reports and minutes are available online at The next meeting will be held Thursday 02-07-2019. (approved for publication)
Attest: __________________ _____________________
Cynthia Kenyon F.E. Wolski, Vice Chairman
Goshen County Clerk Goshen County Commission
Public Notice No. 6944 published in the Torrington Telegram January 23, 2019.