Prayer Walk


Ephesians 5:1 “Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children’ and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you, and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.” Eph.5:8-10 “for you were formerly darkness, but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of light.”  (For the fruit of the light consists in all goodness and righteousness and truth), trying to learn what is pleasing to the Lord.

Over the years I have been able to identify people from a distance by their walk.  Most of us have a certain posture and gait and we recognize people even when we can’t see their faces.  The Bible has a lot to say about our walk, and the more I would see the word, the more I would watch for it in our daily lives.

I have noticed that many children imitate their parent’s walk.  As a young boy imitates his father’s walk, physically, he will develop a “swagger”, a “bounce”, a “posture”, or a “stance” or “attitude”.  A young girl will often learn different “poses” or “postures” from watching her mother.  They practice using those when playing with other children or when dealing with differences with parents.  Watching them at play gives insight into what they are learning from us and how they deal with confrontations.

It’s good to look in the mirror once in a while and see what we are teaching our children, and it’s good to look in the Bible and see what it teaches us about our walk.  Psalm 15 is one of the shortest Psalms, only five verses, but it explains in detail how we are to walk as Christians.  

Psalm 15:1 “O Lord, who may abide in Thy tent?  Who may dwell on Thy holy hill?  He who walks with integrity and works righteousness, and speaks truth in his heart.”   

When we are following Jesus we can walk with confidence, standing tall in our belief that God is guiding our path and will guide us in each new adventure He has planned for us.  We are to walk in love, and walk by faith, not by sight, being watchful for opportunities to serve His purposes along our way.  There’s always someone who needs what you have to offer, that special touch each one of us has for those He puts in our way.  During this time it is more important than ever to use those qualities we are learning from God and put them to good use to help others.  

As we follow Jesus’ walk through the Bible we see how He fed the hungry, comforted those who mourned, and helped the sick and lonely. Every day I see dozens of people walk by our house on their daily walk. We may not be able to do just as Jesus did, but it’s a great opportunity for us to turn our regular daily walk into a “Prayer Walk” and pray for the people in the homes we are passing, and the children in the schools as we walk by, and the people we see driving by.  Who knows, you may be the only one who prayed for those people that day; and what a blessing that would be to lift them up to Jesus for His blessing.  And during these difficult times when we can’t be together with our friends and help one another, prayer is the best possible thing we can do for them.  Use your daily walk as a prayer time to remember them in prayer.  And always remember, Jesus is right there with you, directing your path, so pay attention.