TORRINGTON – In Honor and Loving Memory of Larry Gene Hill.
As we reflect on your passing from this present life, may we also celebrate the precious time in life that you were able to share with your loved ones. Larry’s wife, Marina of 22 years, Joy, and his loving family were blessed to share a Christian celebration in a private setting, upon Larry’s wishes.
Larry and Marina were blessed to walk and work together in life for many years.
Larry so enjoyed his days on the home front with the animals. Be it cattle, sheep, goats, dogs, or farm animals of any sort, they, were his friends. Larry had such a compassionate heart and love for these sweet creatures with which he had a special bond.
Larry was showered with love and kindness from his stepson, stepdaughter, and grandchildren. They enjoyed Larry’s amazing sense of humor, and altogether laughed during the good days and shared each other’s burdens in the rough times.
His family will forever be grateful for the time that God gave to them to be together. As every hour passes, Larry, you are missed by your loved ones, but We know that You are now at peace in the presence of His loving and faithful God, through Jesus Christ.
May all honor and glory be to God forever and ever.