Find a diamond and give thanks

Peg DesEnfants
Posted 12/29/23

Thank you. Two simple words that hold so much meaning. From the time our kids are born we start teaching them these words.

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Find a diamond and give thanks


Thank you. Two simple words that hold so much meaning. From the time our kids are born we start teaching them these words. Before they can speak, many are taught the signs for thank you. I have seen many a little munchkin take their little hand, palm to their face, touch their lips, and lay their hand toward the person they are talking to, the sign for thank you.

When a gift is given or something special has happened, we immediately prompt our kids, “What do you say?” “What do you tell Grandma for the new socks?” I have more than once gone and found a child to bring them back in, face a gift giver, and remind them to say, “Thank you.”

We live in a world of not only plenty, but excess, and I have noticed of late that I don’t hear these words nearly as much as we used to. Rather it is entitlement or forgetfulness, we are neglecting to just stop and simply say, “Thank you”. 

It seems as a year comes to an end it tends to make us think back and remember, and I guarantee that I have not said thank you enough. Just like a kid running out the door to play, many of my days have started and ended with a want list. I want to do better. 

Thank you Lord for the air in my lungs and the beating of my heart. I take both of these things for granted and they are a gift from you.

Thank you that you were in the hard things. You didn’t drop me off in the hard to work my way out of it, you walked with me every step of the way, just as you promised.

Thank you that you care about the big things, and the seemingly insignificant things. 

Thank you that I don’t have to fear the new year as you are already there.

Thank you for not only forgiving me when I totally mess things up, but you also love me through it. Thank you for using these times to teach me the things you would have me to learn.

Lord, I step into the new year with my hand in yours. Thanks for holding on tight, I need you.

Isaiah 12:4-5) And on that day you will say, “Give thanks to the LORD, call on His name. Make known His deeds among the peoples; make them remember that His name is exalted.” Praise the LORD in song, for He has done glorious things; let this be known throughout the earth.

Find a diamond and give thanks for it. Happy New Year friends.