A compendium of Goshen County emergency response and service calls
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A compendium of Goshen County emergency response and service calls
Monday, January 8-9
07:13-Community contact-Officer initiated activity at E 3rd St., Lingle. Disposition completed.
07:34-Community contact-Officer initiated activity at E M St., Torrington. Disposition completed.
07:50-Municipal, district, circuit-Occurred on E 22nd Ave. Bailiff needed at 8 a.m. for court. Disposition completed.
08:36-Followup on incident or case-Occurred on E K St. Would like a phone call from a supervisor/wants to know what occurred at welfare check at address last night. Disposition completed.
08:41-Larceny-Occurred on E Valley Rd. Missing business sign. Disposition completed.
08:50-Medical aid-Occurred on W B St. Vomiting for several days. Conscious and breathing, not totally coherent. Disposition completed.
08:59-Log information-Occurred on E D St. E D St. closed form 27th to 28th for a water line repair. Unknown time frame.
09:14-Welfare check-Occurred on W 15th Ave. No-showed to school today. Friends came forward claiming that individual is suicidal. Disposition completed.
09:42-Assist other agency-Officer initiated activity at E 22nd Ave., Torrington. Criminal history for probation. Disposition completed.
11:25-Motor vehicle accident-Occurred at E 21st Ave/Main St. Officer reported crash in front of Vandal’s. Checking for injuries. Disposition report required.
11:39-Any civil problem-Occurred on E 22nd Ave. To speak to officer regarding child being taken out of state. Disposition completed.
11:41-Traffic stops-Officer initiated activity at US ighway 26, Ft. Laramie. Nvr white Chevy Tahoe. Disposition warning for any traffic or other.
11:58-Reddi-Occurred on Albany Ave. Disposition completed.
12:00-Traffic stops-Officer initiated activity at US Highway 26, Ft. Laramie. Gray semi pulling white semi/nvr. Disposition citation issued.
12:01-Any civil problem-Occurred on E B St. Landlord keeps threatening rp. Rp wanting to advise that if they landlord yells at rp one more time rp is going to “mess them up” and doesn’t care if rp goes to prison for it. Disposition completed.
12:23-Traffic stops-Officer initiated activity at US Highway 26, Ft. Laramie. Disposition citation issued.
12:54-Lost animal calls-Occurred on E 22nd Ave. Missing 20 lb. Boston terrier that is blind/black-white male wearing black collar. Went missing sometime last 12-13 hours. Disposition completed.
13:10-Traffic stops-Officer initiated activity at US Highway 26, Ft. Laramie. Disposition citation issued.
13:39-Traffic stops-Officer initiated activity at US Highway 26, Ft. Laramie. Red pickup nvr. Disposition citation issued.
13:49-Animal call-Occurred on E 11th Ave. Rp advised that rp found 2 dogs in their yard and wants to turn them into the shelter. Disposition completed.
14:23-Assist the public-Occurred on E 22nd Ave. Needs an officer to sign off on fix-it ticket. Disposition completed.
15:23-Trespass-Occurred on Road 61. Notify individual to not trespass at above address. Disposition completed.
15:34-Traffic stops-Officer initiated activity at US Highway 26, Ft. Laramie. Disposition citation issued.
16:09-Assault-Occurred on road 55 F. Inmate assault on staff member. Disposition report required.
16:45-Animal call-Occurred on E G St. Small black and white dog/older dog/no trail cropped ears/dog license. Disposition completed.
16:55-Traffic stops-Officer initiated activity at US Highway 26, Ft. Laramie. Disposition citation issued.
17:26-Traffic stops-Officer initiated activity at US Highway 26, Ft. Laramie. Flatbed trailer pulled by gray/silver full size pickup/nvr. Disposition citation issued.
17:48-Community contact-Occurred on Main St. Officers visit with cub scouts. No status required. Disposition completed.
17:57-Assist the public-Occurred on W 15th Ave. Asking to speak to officer/Advised not on duty, then asked to speak to the s.o. When asked if rp was looking or someone specific at the s.o. rp advised rp didn’t remember the name of the deputy rp spoke to the other night. Rp then advised that rp would call back Wednesday to speak with officer. I asked rp if rp still wished to be transferred to the s.o. and she advised no. Disposition completed.
18:02-Community contact-Officer initiated activity at Cobblestone Hotel, Main St., Torrington. Disposition completed.
18:54-Assist the public-Occurred on E 22nd Ave. Notary services. Disposition completed.
19:17-Animal call-Occurred at Van Tassel Rd. Road 108. Rr, mm 194 ½ bull out on tracks no further info. Disposition completed.
19:22-Assist the public-Occurred on E Valley Rd. Individual just 86’ed from the building and individual left phone, rp would like an officer to respond. Disposition completed.
Tuesday, January 9-10
00:23-Traffic stops-Officer initiated activity at E 17th Ave., Torrington. Silver Prius nvr. Disposition warning for any traffic or other.
07:17-Community contact-Officer initiated activity at E 3rd St., Lingle. Will be there this morning for a while then will be at middle and high school the rest of the day. Disposition completed.
07:48-Assist the public-Occurred on E 22nd Ave. Wants to know if someone can check for a tracker on vehicle, would like a call back from officer.
07:56-Traffic stops-Officer initiated activity at W 25th Ave., Torrington. Disposition warning for any traffic or other.
08:05-Motor vehicle accident-Occurred on E B St. Two vehicles, injuries and road blockage. Disposition report required.
08:29-Municipal, district, circuit-Occurred on E B St. Bring inmate to court. Disposition completed.
08:35-Lost animal calls-Occurred on W A St. Missing small male yorkie, very old. No teeth is wearing collar, unknown color. Disposition completed.
08:57-Assist the public-Occurred on W C St. Asked for officer to call/questions ref drug testing at school. Disposition completed.
09:04-Abandoned vehicle, expired plates, inoperable, etc.-Occurred on state highway 156. Rp stated that on the east side of the highway in a hay field there is a white ford pickup truck parked. Rp would like the vehicle to be moved. Possible plate was given but does not return. Disposition completed.
09:15-Public records request-Occurred on E 22nd Ave. Requesting report. Disposition completed.
09:18-Followup on incident or case-Officer initiated activity at E 22nd Ave., Torrington. Disposition completed.
09:21-Suspicious circumstances-Occurred on state highway 92. Found marijuana vape cartridge in vehicle while cleaning it out. Disposition completed.
09:29-Records entry-Officer initiated activity at E 22nd Ave., Torrington. Enter officer subpoena x4. Disposition completed.
09:32-Followup on incident or case-Officer initiated activity at road 55 F, Torrington. Disposition completed.
09:48-Followup on incident or case-Officer initiated activity at E E St., Torrington. Disposition completed.
09:51-Motor vehicle accident-Occurred on E D St. Rp in alley trying to make way around road closure. Rp went south in alley and realized that it as a dead end. Went to back out of alley and hit a dumpster. Rp driving a white grand marquis. Disposition report required.
10:26-Medical aid-Occurred on W 26th Ave. Short of breath and having chest pains. Disposition completed.
10:54-Assist the public-Occurred on E 22nd Ave. Paying $100 on fine. Disposition completed.
11:00-Assist other agency-Occurred on E 22nd Ave. Local records check. Disposition completed.
11:20-Followup on incident or case-Officer initiated activity at E 22nd Ave., Torrington. Follow up. Disposition completed.
11:29-Public records request-Occurred on E 22nd Ave. Requesting mva report. Disposition unable to complete incident.
12:07-Animal call-Occurred on E 1st St. Old dog outside with no food, water or shelter. Rp is willing to help if needed, feels the old dog needs a new home. Disposition completed.
12:54-Found property report-Occurred on W 21st Ave. Someone dropped a bike off at southwest corner of rp’s building gold in color. Disposition completed.
13:23-Traffic stops-Officer initiated activity at overpass, US Highway 26-85, Torrington. White Lincoln truck, no plates. Disposition warning for any traffic or other.
14:34-Assist the public-Occurred on W 26th Ave. Would like officer to stop by if possible. Disposition report required.
15:37-Juvenile problem-Occurred on W C St. Vandalism to school bathroom. Disposition completed.
16:12-Auto theft-Occurred on US Highway 26-85. White 1995 Subaru legacy/expired tags/missing approximately 3.5 days. Rp advised they would give any details to the S.O. When they got there rp wasn’t going to tell dispatcher all the details. Disposition completed.
16:40-Water department call out-Occurred on W C St. Need water shut off. Disposition completed.
17:11-Domestic-Occurred on E 17th Ave. Spouse is punching stuff, throwing things at rp and threatening to kill rp’s parent. Spouse is outside now having a cigarette. Negative alcohol or drugs at the moment. Disposition completed.
19:06-Traffic stops-Officer initiated activity at US Highway 85, Torrington. White mini cooper. Disposition warning for any traffic or other.
19:10-Assist the public-Occurred on E 22nd Ave. Wanting to speak with a sgt. Disposition completed.
19:26-Assist other agency-Occurred on road 43 D. Death notification, needs to call Jefferson co coroner, would like to call as well for a disposition. Disposition completed.
20:32-Traffic stops-Officer initiated activity at road 55 F, Torrington. White genesis. Disposition warning for any traffic or other.
20:45-Traffic stops-Officer initiated activity at Main St., Torrington. Disposition warning for any traffic or other.
21:00-Extra patrol-Occurred on E G St. Disposition completed.
23:06-Suspicious vehicle-Officer initiated activity at W Valley Rd., Torrington. Disposition completed.
01:19-Suspicious circumstances-Occurred on E 6th Ave. Rp advising that someone is throwing out big slabs of meat by the dogs kennel. Disposition completed.
01:47-Traffic stops-Officer initiated activity at E Valley Rd., Torrington. Disposition warning for any traffic or other.
Wednesday, January 10th
01:47-Traffic stops-Officer initiated activity at E Valley Rd., Torrington. Disposition warning for any traffic or other.
07:50-Traffic stops-Officer initiated activity at E M St., Torrington. Disposition warning for any traffic or other.
08:02-Assist the public-Occurred on E 22nd Ave. Called wanting us to contact to get them to answer phone per still going to recording, tried to call still recording rp was advised to keep trying. Disposition completed.
08:27-Abandoned vehicle, expired plates, inoperable, etc.-Officer initiated activity at E 15th Ave., Torrington. Disposition completed.
08:56-Animal call-Occurred on road 66 S. Rp missing two dogs yellow lab and one black lab, paisley and dover. Rp will call if located. Disposition completed.
09:07-Assist other agency-Officer initiated activity at E J St., Torrington. Disposition completed.
10:13-911 call (abandoned, open line, etc.)-Occurred on Main St. Accidental 911. Disposition completed.
10:17-Animal call-Occurred on W 15th Ave. Was life flighted to (). Rp is concerned about cats that are in the house and will not be able to get to until Saturday. Was wondering if someone could check on them. Disposition completed.
10:52-Welfare check-Occurred on E 22nd Ave. Rp wants to have welfare check on landlord, does not have a physical address, has not heard from over a month. Disposition completed.
11:45-Followup on incident or case-Officer initiated activity at E 29th Ave., Torrington. Disposition report required.
11:57-Suspicious circumstances-Occurred at pioneer performance auto & equipment on Main St. Rp said vehicle was there in August when went to jail, ex got cc and took vehicle, court has not ruled on it. Disposition completed.
12:49-Vandalism-Occurred on E 20th Ave. Was okay last night but unsure vehicle hit with several orange paint balls sometime last night. Disposition report required.
16:09-Traffic stops-Officer initiated activity at W C St., Torrington. Disposition warning for any traffic or other.
16:22-Found property report-Occurred on E 22nd Ave. Found keys in restroom/placed lost and found.
16:47-Generic fire call/not specified-Occurred on E I St. Smelling natural gas/back of garage and alley. Disposition completed.
17:05-Suspicious circumstances-Occurred on E M St. Called another number and it dialed. Disposition completed.
18:21-Motor vehicle accident-Occurred on E Valley Rd. Fender bender. Disposition report required.
19:01-Suspicious circumstances-Occurred on W C St. Safe to tell fax. Disposition completed.
19:38-Suspicious circumstances-Occurred on W C St. Wanting a person to leave but refusing to do so (), while on the phone person decided leave and rp sates no longer needs an officer and does not want person trespassed at this time. Disposition completed.
20:24-Animal call-Occurred on E P St. Refused caller states there are horses left in a trailer for over seven hours and still in the trailer now. Disposition completed.
21:00-Extra patrol-Occurred on E G St.
Thursday, January 11
03:56-Animal call-Occurred on E f St. Dogs barking. Barking all night and has been doing on for months. Disposition completed.
07:39-Motor vehicle accident-Occurred on US Highway 85. Rp advised that () was rear-ended, unknown injuries. Disposition completed.
08:02-Motorist assist-Officer initiated activity at E E St., Torrington. Disposition completed.
10:07-Assist the public-Occurred on E 22nd Ave. Report crim during session. Disposition report required.
10:42-Juvenile problem-Occurred on W C St. Keeps leaving, about 42 mins. ago was at home per phone, rp is at work. Disposition completed.
10:45-Animal call-Officer initiated activity at W 14th Ave., Torrington. Rottweiler outside, rp is concerned due to the weather. Disposition completed.
11:51-Suspicious circumstances-Occurred on E Valley Rd. Blue pc car parked right behind a white semi, eastern part of the lot. Rp thinks it’s suspicious as () believes there are narcotics being sold/delivered. Rp gave the name. Disposition completed.
12:29-Suspicious circumstances-Occurred on Main St. $100 counterfeit. Disposition completed.
12:43-Animal call-Occurred on Main St. Two dogs chained in trailer open horse trailer, north side of, rp said they are freezing. Disposition completed.
13:01-Community contact-Officer initiated activity at E M St., Torrington. Disposition completed.
13:32-Assist the public-Occurred on E F St. Would like to know what can be done about a person that continues to drive through the parking lot even after being asked not to do that. Disposition completed.
14:13-Followup on incident or case-Officer initiated activity at E F St., Torrington. Disposition completed.
14:27-Community contact-Officer initiated activity at Main St., Torrington. Disposition completed.
14:56-Assist the public-Occurred on E 22nd Ave. Rp trying to get copy of autopsy report info given to. Disposition completed.
15:05-Assist the public-Occurred on E Valley Rd. Rp would like officer in the area about 7:30-8:15 p.m. when employee shift over and rp concerned what may happen. Also would like some patrol in the area of the business this weekend. Disposition completed.
15:41-Assist the public-Occurred on E 22nd Ave. Rp has called several times today once info added. Disposition completed.
15:43-Followup on incident or case-Officer initiated activity at E 22nd Ave., Torrington. Case. Disposition completed.
15:55-Motor vehicle accident-Occurred on state highway 151. Caller advised slide off and hit a phone “thing,” () ended up on the nw side of road and hwy, vehicle moved to (). Disposition completed.
16:13-Motor vehicle accident-Occurred on Main St. By drive thru, no injuries does not see damage but want report just in case. Disposition report required.
16:41-Suspicious circumstances-Occurred on W E St. Rp said came up to three days in a row asking if () is still ok subject knew works at, rp is concerned. Disposition completed.
17:05-Assist the public-Occurred on Main St. Vehicle slid and jumped curb, does not see any damage and did not hit anything. Disposition completed.
17:22-Animal call-Occurred on E B St. Puppy chained up outside all the time. Disposition completed.
18:21-Assist the public-Occurred on W 15th Ave. Wants to know if we have on record of when person called a couple days ago because no one ever called person back. And how we have failed the rp so much and rp is done. When asked if () wanted to speak with a sgt. who could possibly look up that info for rp. Rp went on a rant and then hung up. Disposition completed.
20:29-Animal call-Occurred on E A St. Refused caller dogs left outside all the time and barking never have food or water current temp 1/real feel -1. Disposition completed.
21:45-Harassment-Occurred on Buena Vista Rd. Kids calling every 30 mins and laughing. Disposition completed.