Siblings Aceson (left) Mia (center) and Amarie (right) Winter enjoy the Lingle-Fort Laramie High School FBLA fundraising petting zoo at Whipple Park Saturday afternoon.
Rhett Breedlove/Torrington Telegram
Lingle-Fort Laramie FBLA member Addison Scott helps set up Saturday’s fundraising event at Whipple Park in Lingle.
Rhett Breedlove/Torrington Telegram
Siblings Mia (left) Amarie (center) and Aceson Winter enjoy the Lingle-Fort Laramie High School FBLA fundraiser petting zoo at Whipple Park Saturday afternoon.
Rhett Breedlove/Torrington Telegram
Lingle-Fort Laramie FBLA student Brenly Shipp helps dish out fresh pulled pork sandwiches as part of the chapter’s annual fundraiser at Whipple Park Saturday afternoon.
Rhett Breedlove/Torrington Telegram
Lingle-Fort Laramie FBLA member Cooper Smith helps set up Saturday’s fundraising event at Lingle’s Whipple Park.
Rhett Breedlove/Torrington Telegram
Lingle-Fort Laramie FBLA member Cooper Smith helps set up Saturday’s fundraising event at Lingle’s Whipple Park.
Rhett Breedlove/Torrington Telegram
Lingle-Fort Laramie FBLA member Cooper Smith helps set up Saturday’s fundraising event at Lingle’s Whipple Park.
Rhett Breedlove/Torrington Telegram
Dozens of local residents and families turn up for a warm Saturday afternoon of food, cold drinks, face painting, and a petting zoo as part of Lingle-Fort Laramie High School’s annual FBLA fundraiser.
Rhett Breedlove/Torrington Telegram
Lingle-Fort Laramie High School FBLA students band together for a fun Saturday of face painting, a petting zoo, and freshly cooked food and beverages to help raise crucial funding for upcoming club events. Pictured from left to right are Addison Scott, Brenly Shipp, Madison Gibson, club leader Chris Gibson, Cooper Smith, Jersey Houk and Natalie Speckner.
Rhett Breedlove/Torrington Telegram
FBLA member and Lingle-Fort Laramie high schooler, Jersey Houk, helps serve out the food and drinks as part of the chapter’s annual fundraising event at Whipple Park Saturday.
Rhett Breedlove/Torrington Telegram
Best friends Misty Oats (left) and Amina Neijahiuk (right) having a blast at Whipple Park’s FBLA fundraiser Saturday afternoon.
Rhett Breedlove/Torrington Telegram
Dozens of local residents and families turn up for a warm Saturday afternoon of food, cold drinks, face painting, and a petting zoo as part of Lingle-Fort Laramie High School’s annual FBLA fundraiser.
Rhett Breedlove/Torrington Telegram