Public Notice No. 7758



Notice is hereby given for the application of 4-P Properties as provided under Section, 18 Zoning Regulations for the City of Torrington.  Applicant is submitting an application for; Variance to allow for the construction of an accessory building in a front yard and a variance for a 0’ setback on the east and north side.    
Proposed Zone District currently is:  R-3 Residential
Proposed Zone District is: Same

Legal Description: Lot 1, Block 5-6 E1/2 of the Torrington 10th Addition
Property Address: 2510 West B Street   
The PLANNING COMMISSION will discuss this matter on 04/13/21, @ 6:00 P.M., local time. The Commission meeting will be held in the Council Chambers, Torrington City Hall, Torrington, Wyoming.
A hearing of the BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS will be held on 04/20/21 @ 7:00 P.M., local time. The hearing will be held in the Council Chambers, Torrington City Hall, Torrington, Wyoming.


Public Notice No. 7758 published in The Torrington Telegram on March 26 and April 2, 2021.